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".NET IoT from scratch" series
2022-08-05 01:52:00 【dotNET cross-platform】
When I was working on a hardware gateway recently, the remaining memories of digital power, analog power and communication principles often lingered in my mind;
I remember reading Zhang Xing's blog many years ago and learned .netcore+Raspberry Pi to conduct Internet of ThingsDevelopment.
Using dragonboard to carry windows 10 iot system, with photoelectric sensor and rfid to realize a project prototype.
I happened to visit github and found Microsoft's iot beginner course, which is done by c++ and python, and there is no Chinese translation.
I looked at the Raspberry Pi used to compile the image and found that there were some electronic components bought N years ago in the cabinet.(added)
Yes I'm doing a new series: ".NET IoT from scratch".
No routines provide wiring diagrams, documentation, procedures.
If you're interested, you can watch me do it or follow me (prepare the hardware yourself).
The new series is expected to contain 16 sections in 5 chapters.
Involves Raspberry Pi, sensors, actuators, displays, cameras, microphones, speakers, etc.hardware.
Select the appropriate scenario design experiment in Agriculture, Manufacturing, Retail, and Consumer.
Where image recognition uses ML.NET, and voice uses services from Azure.
Syllabus is as follows:
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
1.1 Introduction to the Internet of Things
1.2 Sensors and Actuators
Chapter 2 - Agriculture
2.1 Temperature and Humidity Detection
2.2 Automatic Watering
2.3 Controlling LED brightness by light intensity
Chapter 3 - Manufacturing
3.1 Training Banana Quality Detector
3.2 Taking photos with Raspberry Pi
3.3 Using Raspberry Pi to Test Banana Quality
3.4 Trigger detection using distance sensor
Chapter Four - Retail
4.1 Object Detection in Photos
4.2 Inventory Identification
Chapter 5 - Consumption Area
5.1 Get Voice
5.2 Recognizing speech
5.3 Understanding Languages
5.4 Provide Voice Feedback
5.5 Multilingual
Related Links
[1] IoT4Beginners: https://github.com/microsoft/IoT-For-Beginners
[2] .NetIoT: https://github.com/dotnet/iot
[3] ML.NET: https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/apps/machinelearning-ai/ml-dotnetem>
[4] Zhang Xing: https://blog.csdn.net/z5859095?type=blog
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