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source program in assembly language
2022-08-05 01:28:00 【one question per day】
The process from writing to execution of the source program
Brief process: write --> compile --> link --> execute.
Assembly and pseudo-instructions
1.Assembly instruction
YesThe corresponding machine code instructions can be compiled into machine instructions and finally executed by the CPU.
2. Pseudo-instructions
There is no corresponding machine code instruction and will not be executed by the CPU.
Note: A pseudo-instruction is an instruction executed by the compiler, and the compiler performs related compilation work according to the pseudo-instruction.
Define a section
1. segment and ends are a pair of pseudo-instructions, which must be used when writing an assembler that can be compiled by a compilerA pair of pseudo-instructions.
2. The function of segment and ends is to define a segment, segment indicates a segment start, and ends indicate a segment end.
3. Use the format:
segment name segment
segment name ends
4. An assembler is composed of multiple segments, which are used to store code, datastrong>Or use it as stack space.Therefore, a meaningful assembly program must have at least one code segment.
Note: end is an assembler end tag, not to be confused with ends.
5. assume means assumption, he assumes that a segment register is related to a segment defined by segment…ends in the programlink.
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