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Yyds dry inventory automatic lighting system based on CC2530 (ZigBee)

2022-07-06 04:17:00 DS brother Bruce Lee

1. Function is introduced

The name of the design topic : be based on ZigBee Automatic lighting system design

Use it all together 3 individual CC2530 ZigBee Development board , The codes are ABC.

A The development board acts as a host : A light sensor is connected to it ,ESP8266WIFI modular . adopt ESP8266 And mobile phones APP Communication between ,ESP8266 Create hotspots , Configure to TCP Server mode ; mobile phone APP Connected to the ESP8266 After the hot spot , Connect again ESP8266 Created servers , Complete communication . mobile phone APP You can control... Through buttons on the B,C Development board LED The light switch .

mobile phone APP The automatic lighting mode can be set on the :

  1. Automatic lighting mode : according to A The light sensing module on the development board , Collect light intensity , control B、C On the development board LED Light switch .
  2. Manual mode : mobile phone APP You can choose to control it separately B、C On the development board LED Light switch .
  3. Support setting the light sensing threshold : On the cell phone APP Can be set on A Development board light sensor threshold ( That is, the threshold value for controlling the light on and off ).
  4. Support setting brightness , It can also automatically control the brightness according to the ambient light

B The development board acts as a slave node : B On board... Is used on the development board LED The lamp , Simulate the lighting of the bedroom at home , Achieve control effect demonstration .

C The development board acts as a slave node : C On board... Is used on the development board LED The lamp , Simulate the lighting of the living room at home , Achieve control effect demonstration .

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _ Development board

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _ Development board _02

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _ Development board _03

Complete project code download address : https://download.csdn.net/download/xiaolong1126626497/75317115

2. Hardware introduction

2.1 ESP8266 wifi

Adopted ESP8266 Series wireless modules are cost-effective WIFI SOC module , This series of modules support standard IEEE802.11b/g/n agreement , Built in complete TCP/IP Protocol stack . Users can use this series of modules to add networking functions to existing devices , You can also build an independent network controller .

CC2530 The development board itself has a ESP8266 Dedicated interface , Just plug it in .

ES8266 WIFI Module connected to A serial port 1 above (P0.4/P0.5 mouth ) , The baud rate is 115200 .

CC2530 Serial port 0 As a routine debugging serial port (P0_2 and P0_3 port ), You can take the collected AD Print data to serial port .
You can also print other debugging information by yourself .

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _ Development board _04

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _ Development board _05

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _CC2530_06

2.2 Photosensitive sensors

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _CC2530_07

#yyds Dry inventory # be based on CC2530(ZigBee) Designed automatic lighting system _ Development board _08

3. Project code

3.1 Serial port code

#include "uart.h"
/*  The functionality : A serial port 0 initialization  */
void Init_Uart0(void)
  PERCFG&=~(1<<0);  // A serial port 0 The pins of the are mapped to positions 1, namely P0_2 and P0_3
  P0SEL|=0x3<<2;   // take P0_2 and P0_3 Set the port as a peripheral function 
  U0BAUD = 216;     //32MHz System clock generation 115200BPS Baud rate 
  U0GCR&=~(0x1F<<0);// Clear baud rate index 
  U0GCR|=11<<0;      //32MHz System clock generation 115200BPS Baud rate 
  U0UCR |= 0x80;    // No flow control ,8 Bit data , Clear buffer 
  U0CSR |= 0x3<<6;  // choice UART Pattern , Enable the receiver 

/*  The functionality :UART0 Send string function  */
void UR0SendString(char *str)
    U0DBUF = *str;    // About to send 1 Byte data write U0DBUF
    while(UTX0IF == 0);// Wait for the data to be sent 
    UTX0IF = 0;       // Clear the send complete flag , Prepare for the next send 

/*  The functionality :  imitation printf Style formatting and printing function  */
char USART0_PRINT_BUFF[200]; // Format data cache data 
void USART0_Printf(const char *format,...)
  char *str=NULL;
  /*1.  Format conversion */
  va_list ap; // va_list---->char *
  va_start(ap,format); // Initialization parameter list 
        ap); // Format printing 
  va_end(ap); // End parameter acquisition 
  /*2.  Serial printing */
  str=USART0_PRINT_BUFF;// Pointer assignment 
    U0DBUF=*str; // Send a byte of data 
    str++; // The pointer increases by itself , Point to the next data 
    while(UTX0IF == 0);// Wait for the data to be sent 
    UTX0IF = 0;       // Clear the send complete flag , Prepare for the next send 

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3.2 Key code

#include "key.h"

/*  The functionality : Key IO Mouth initialization   Hardware connection :KEY1-->P0_1 KEY2-->P2_0 */
void KEY_Init(void)
    P0SEL&=~(0x1<<1); // To configure P0_1 In general GPIO Mouth mode 
    P0DIR&=~(0x1<<1); // To configure P0_1 Is the input mode 
    P0INP|= 0x1<<1;   // Pull up  
    P2SEL&=~(0x1<<0); // To configure P2_0 In general GPIO Mouth mode 
    P2DIR&=~(0x1<<0); // To configure P2_0 Is the input mode 
    P2INP|= 0x1<<0;   // Pull up  

/*  The functionality : Key scan   return   return   value : The value of the key pressed  */
unsigned char Key_Scan(void)
    static unsigned char stat=1;
       if(KEY1==0)return 1;
       if(KEY2==0)return 2;
    return 0;

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3.3 The time delay function

#include "delay.h"

/* Time delay 200 millisecond */
void delay200ms(void)   // error  -0.125us
    unsigned char a,b,c;

void delay10ms(void)   // error  0us
    unsigned char a,b,c;

/****************************************** *  Function description :32M Millisecond delay function under system clock  ******************************************/  
void DelayMs(unsigned int ms)  
  unsigned int i,j;  
  for(i = 0; i < ms; i++)  
    for(j = 0;j < 1774; j++);  

void Onboard_wait( int timeout )
  while (timeout--)

// The time delay function 
void DelayUs(int us) //1 us Time delay 

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3.4 A Development board ( The coordinator ) Main function code

/* The main function */
void main(void)
    u8 time_cnt=0;
    unsigned char key;
    u8 switch_val=150;  // Switch threshold 
    u8 mode=1; //0  Represents manual mode  1 Indicates automatic mode 
    // Delay waiting for the system to stabilize 
    init_clk();   // Configure clock 
    LED_Init();   // initialization LED Light control IO mouth 
    KEY_Init();   // Key initialization 
    Init_Uart0(); // Initialize serial port 0
    RF_Init();    //RF initialization 
    Init_Uart1(); // Initialize serial port 1-- Connect WIFI
    SetWifi();  // Reset WIFI
    SetESP8266_AP_TCP_Server(); // initialization WIFI
    clearBuffU1(); // Empty BUFF
    // Prompt for normal operation 
    USART0_Printf(" What is currently running is A Development board program , Everything is all right .\r\n");
       // Key detection 
          LED2 = !LED2;
/*  Data sent by the server  value:100 // threshold  led1_on // Bedroom LED open  led1_off // Bedroom LED Turn off  led2_on // A living room LED open  led2_off // A living room LED Turn off  yes_auto_mode // Automatic mode  no_auto_mode // Manual mode  */ 
       // Determine whether you have received WIFI The data of 
           // Serial port print data 
           USART0_Printf("WIFI Data received :%s\n",(u8*)RecdataU1); 
           // Bedroom LED open 
                USART0_Printf(" Bedroom LED open .\n"); 
                u8 buff[100]="B:1---";
                // send data 
                // Operation status light 
                LED1 = !LED1; 
           // Bedroom LED Turn off 
           else  if(strstr((char*)RecdataU1,"led1_off"))
                USART0_Printf(" Bedroom LED Turn off .\n"); 
                 u8 buff[100]="B:0---"; 
                // send data 
                // Operation status light 
                LED1 = !LED1; 
            // A living room LED open 
           else  if(strstr((char*)RecdataU1,"led2_on"))
                 USART0_Printf(" A living room LED open .\n"); 
                 u8 buff[100]="C:1---"; 
                // send data 
                // Operation status light 
                LED1 = !LED1; 
            // Automatic mode 
           else  if(strstr((char*)RecdataU1,"yes_auto_mode"))
                 USART0_Printf(" Set to automatic mode .\n"); 
            // Manual mode 
           else  if(strstr((char*)RecdataU1,"no_auto_mode"))
                  USART0_Printf(" Set to manual mode .\n"); 
           // threshold 
           else  if(strstr((char*)RecdataU1,"value:"))
                // Operation status light 
                LED1 = !LED1; 
                char *p=strstr((char*)RecdataU1,"value:");
                    int a=atoi(p+6);
                      switch_val=a;  // Get a new threshold 
                USART0_Printf(" Set a new threshold :%d.\n",switch_val); 
           clearBuffU1(); // Clean cache 
       //1 Seconds to arrive 
          // Read ADC value -- That is, the value of the light sensor 
          GasData = ReadGasData();
          // Send the value of the light sensor to the upper computer 
          USART0_Printf(" Illuminance :%d, Pattern :%d\n",GasData,mode);
          // If it's automatic mode 
               // Judge whether to open or close the bedroom according to the threshold value , In the living room LED The lamp 
               if(GasData  >  switch_val )
                    // turn on the light  
                    u8 buff1[10]="B:1---"; 
                    // send data 
                      // turn on the light  
                    u8 buff2[10]="C:1---"; 
                    // send data 
                      // Turn off the lights  
                    u8 buff1[10]="B:0---"; 
                    // send data 
                      // Turn off the lights  
                    u8 buff2[10]="C:0---"; 
                    // send data 

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