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Understanding of processes, threads, coroutines, synchronization, asynchrony, blocking, non blocking, concurrency, parallelism, and serialization

2022-07-06 04:09:00 YZL40514131

One 、 process

1、 Open a browser , Is to start a browser process .
2、 A running program ( Code ) It's a process , No running code is called a program .
3、 Process is the smallest unit of system resource allocation , Processes have their own independent memory space , All inter process data is not shared , Spending big .
4、 A process is the basic unit of executing a task , It is also the basic unit for the operating system to perform tasks . The process contains a collection of program instructions and related resources .
5、 Create a process : Import first multiprocessing Medium Process
6、 Do not share global variables between processes

p = Process(target=XXX,args=(tuple,),kwargs={key:value})
target = XXX Specified task function , Don't have to add (),
kwargs={key:value} Parameters passed to the task function

import os
from multiprocessing import Process
import time

def pro_func(name):
    for i in range(5):
        print(f' Subprocesses {
      name+str(i)} Start execution ')
        print(f' Subprocesses {
      name+str(i)} End to perform ')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(' The execution of the main process is over ')

Two 、 Threads

1、 In a process , At least one thread , This thread is the main thread of the current process ,
2、 Thread is the basic unit of executing tasks in a process
3、 Thread cannot exist independently , Dependent processes exist
4、 Multiple threads share memory ( Data sharing , Share global variables ), Thus greatly improving the efficiency of the program .
5、 Multithreading may cause data chaos or even deadlock
6、 Create thread : Import first threading Medium Thread

import threading
import time

def thread():
    for i in range(5):
        print(f' Sub thread {
      i} Start execution ')
        print(f' Sub thread {
      i} End to perform ')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(' Main thread execution completed ')

3、 ... and 、 coroutines

1、 Coroutine is a lightweight thread in user mode , The scheduling of the process is completely controlled by the user ; The benefit of this is that the performance has been greatly improved , It doesn't consume resources like thread switching .
2、 Synergetics generally use gevent library
3、 A thread can also have multiple coroutines

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Four 、 Sync

Multiple tasks are executed in sequence , Only after one execution can the next be executed .

5、 ... and 、 asynchronous

Relative to synchronization , Synchronization is performed sequentially , Asynchrony is independent of each other , Continue to do your own thing while waiting for an event , Don't wait for this event to complete before you work . Threads are a way to achieve asynchrony , Asynchrony means that the main thread calling a method does not need to wait for another thread to complete synchronously , So that the main thread can do other things .

6、 ... and 、 Blocking

If the caller gets stuck , The caller cannot continue to execute , That is, the caller is blocking .
For example, the blocking function when multithreading executes tasks t.join(), The main route is blocked first , Wait for the sub thread to finish executing , End of main thread execution .

import threading
import time

def thread():
    for i in range(5):
        print(f' Sub thread {
      i} Start execution ')
        print(f' Sub thread {
      i} End to perform ')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print(' Main thread execution completed ')

7、 ... and 、 Non blocking

If it doesn't get stuck , Can continue to execute , That means non blocking .

8、 ... and 、 Concurrent

1、 Only one instruction can be executed at the same time , But multiple process instructions are executed in rapid rotation , It has the effect of multiple processes executing at the same time , But at the micro level, it is not carried out at the same time , Just divide the time into periods , Make multiple processes execute alternately quickly .
2、 The key to concurrency is your ability to handle multiple tasks , Not necessarily at the same time .

Nine 、 parallel

1、 At the same time , There are multiple instructions executing on multiple processors at the same time . So whether from the micro or from the macro point of view , Both are carried out together .
2、 The key to parallelism is your ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time .

Ten 、 Serial

Simply put, you can only do one thing at a time , And it has to be executed in sequence , The later code segment can only be executed after the task of the previous code segment is executed .

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