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MySQL learning record (7)
2022-07-02 21:30:00 【White_ Silence (Learning version)】
1. function
1.1 classification
- Arithmetic functions ( A function used for numerical calculation )
- String function ( A function used to perform string operations )
- Date function ( Functions for date operations )
- Conversion function ( Functions used to convert data types and values )
- Aggregate functions ( Functions for data aggregation )
1.1.1 Arithmetic functions
-- First create a table to demonstrate
-- DDL : Create table
USE shop;
CREATE TABLE samplemath
(m float(10,3),
n INT,
p INT);
-- DML : insert data
START TRANSACTION; -- Start business
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (500, 0, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (-180, 0, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (NULL, NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (NULL, 7, 3);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (NULL, 5, 2);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (NULL, 4, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (8, NULL, 3);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (2.27, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (5.555,2, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (NULL, 1, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplemath(m, n, p) VALUES (8.76, NULL, NULL);
COMMIT; -- Commit transaction
-- Query table content
SELECT * FROM samplemath;
| m | n | p |
| 500.000 | 0 | NULL |
| -180.000 | 0 | NULL |
| NULL | 7 | 3 |
| NULL | 5 | 2 |
| NULL | 4 | NULL |
| 8.000 | NULL | 3 |
| 2.270 | 1 | NULL |
| 5.555 | 2 | NULL |
| NULL | 1 | NULL |
| 8.760 | NULL | NULL |
11 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- ABS – The absolute value (absolute value)
grammar :ABS( The number )
ABS The function is used to calculate the absolute value of a number , Represents the distance from a number to the origin .
When ABS The argument to the function is NULL
when , The return value is also NULL
- MOD – Mod
grammar :MOD( Divisor , Divisor )
MOD Is to calculate the remainder of division ( Seeking remainder ) Function of , yes modulo Abbreviation . The concept that decimals have no remainder , You can only remainder integer Columns .
Be careful : Mainstream DBMS All support MOD function , Only SQL Server The function is not supported , Its use %
Sign to calculate the remainder .
- ROUND – rounding
grammar :ROUND( Object value , Keep the number of decimal places )
ROUND The function is used for rounding .
Be careful : When parameters Keep the number of decimal places When is a variable , There may be mistakes , Use variables with caution
select * from samplemath;
SELECT m, ABS(m) AS abs_col,
n,p, MOD(n,p) AS mod_col,
ROUND(m,1) AS round_col
FROM samplemath;
1.1.2 String function
- CONCAT – Splicing
grammar :CONCAT(str1, str2, str3)
MySQL Use in CONCAT Function .
- LENGTH – String length
grammar :LENGTH( character string )
- LOWER – Lowercase conversion
LOWER Function can only be used for English letters , It converts all strings in the parameter to lowercase . This function is not applicable to situations other than English letters , Does not affect the original lowercase characters .
Allied , UPPER The function is used to convert to uppercase .
- REPLACE – String replacement
grammar :REPLACE( Object string , String before replacement , Replaced string )
- SUBSTRING – String truncation
grammar :SUBSTRING ( Object string FROM Intercept start position FOR Number of characters intercepted )
Use SUBSTRING function You can truncate part of the string . The starting position of the interception is calculated from the leftmost side of the string , The index value starts with 1.
- SUBSTRING_INDEX – The string is truncated by index
grammar :SUBSTRING_INDEX ( Original string , Separator ,n)
This function is used to obtain the original string, which is divided according to the separator , The first n Before a separator ( Or after ) Substring of , Supports forward and reverse indexing , The initial values caused by the cable are 1 and -1.
-- DDL : Create table
USE shop;
CREATE TABLE samplestr
(str1 VARCHAR (40),
str2 VARCHAR (40),
str3 VARCHAR (40)
-- DML: insert data
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('opx', 'rt', NULL);
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('abc', 'def', NULL);
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES (' The sun ', ' The moon ', ' Mars ');
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('aaa', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES (NULL, 'xyz', NULL);
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('@!#$%', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('ABC', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('aBC', NULL, NULL);
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('abc ha-ha ', 'abc', 'ABC');
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('abcdefabc', 'abc', 'ABC');
INSERT INTO samplestr (str1, str2, str3) VALUES ('micmic', 'i', 'I');
-- Confirm the contents in the table
SELECT * FROM samplestr;
select *,CONCAT(str1,str2,str3) AS str_concat, length(str1) as str_len,lower(str1)as str_low,
replace(str1,str2,str3)as rep_str,substring(str1 from 3 for 2)as sub_str
from samplestr;
ps:replace In is the object string ( Parameters 1) And the string before replacement ( Parameters 2) Replace the same part with the replaced string ( Parameters 3) The corresponding content in .
1.1.3 Date function
- CURRENT_DATE – Get current date
- CURRENT_TIME – current time
- CURRENT_TIMESTAMP – Current date and time
- EXTRACT – Intercept date element
grammar :EXTRACT( Date element FROM date )
Use EXTRACT The function can truncate part of the date data , for example “ year ”
“ month ”, perhaps “ Hours ”“ second ” etc. . The return value of this function is not a date type, but a numeric type
-- There should be no space between the function and the following parentheses , Otherwise, it will report a mistake
--EXTRACT There should be no space between the function and the following parentheses , Otherwise, it will report a mistake .
1.1.4 Conversion function
- CAST – Type conversion
grammar :CAST( The value before conversion AS The data type you want to convert )
-- Convert string type to numeric type
-- Convert string type to date type
SELECT CAST('2009-12-14' AS DATE) AS date_col;
- COALESCE – take NULL Convert to other values
grammar :COALESCE( data 1, data 2, data 3……)
COALESCE yes SQL Special functions . This function will return variable parameters A Starting from the middle left 1 Not one NULL Value . The number of parameters is variable , Therefore, it can be increased infinitely as needed .
stay SQL In the sentence NULL The conversion function is used when converting to other values .
COALESCE(NULL, 'hello world', NULL) AS col_2,
COALESCE(NULL, NULL, '2020-11-01') AS col_3;
2. The predicate
The predicate : A function that returns a true value . Include TRUE / FALSE / UNKNOWN
Predicates mainly include the following :
- IN
2.1 LIKE The predicate – Partial consistent query for Strings
Partial consistency can be roughly divided into front consistency 、 There are three types of middle consistency and rear consistency .
% The function of is similar to wildcard
Underscores match any 1 Characters
Use _( Underline ) Instead of %, And % The difference is , It represents the “ arbitrarily 1 Characters ”.
-- DDL : Create table
CREATE TABLE samplelike
( strcol VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (strcol)
-- DML : insert data
START TRANSACTION; -- Start business
INSERT INTO samplelike (strcol) VALUES ('abcddd');
INSERT INTO samplelike (strcol) VALUES ('dddabc');
INSERT INTO samplelike (strcol) VALUES ('abdddc');
INSERT INTO samplelike (strcol) VALUES ('abcdd');
INSERT INTO samplelike (strcol) VALUES ('ddabc');
INSERT INTO samplelike (strcol) VALUES ('abddc');
COMMIT; -- Commit transaction
SELECT * FROM samplelike;
-- The front is consistent
FROM samplelike
WHERE strcol like 'ddd%';
-- The middle is consistent
FROM samplelike
WHERE strcol like '%ddd%';
-- The rear is consistent
FROM samplelike
WHERE strcol like "%ddd";
FROM samplelike
WHERE strcol like 'abc_';
2.2 BETWEEN The predicate – For range queries
Use BETWEEN You can query the range ,BETWEEN Used 3 Parameters .
-- Select the sales unit price as 100~ 1000 Yuan goods
SELECT product_name, sale_price
FROM product
WHERE sale_price BETWEEN 100 AND 1000;
BETWEEN The characteristic of is that the results will include 100 and 1000 These two critical values , That is to say Closed interval . If you don't want the results to include critical values , Then you have to use < and >.
2.3 IS NULL、 IS NOT NULL – Used to determine whether it is NULL
In order to select some values as NULL Data of columns , Out of commission =, You can only use specific predicates IS NULL.
On the contrary , Want to choose NULL Data other than , Need to use IS NOT NULL.
SELECT product_name, purchase_price
FROM product
WHERE purchase_price IS NULL;
SELECT product_name, purchase_price
FROM product
WHERE purchase_price IS NOT NULL;
2.4 IN The predicate – OR Easy to use
The union of multiple query conditions You can choose to use or
sentence .
-- adopt OR Specify multiple purchase unit prices to query
SELECT product_name, purchase_price
FROM product
WHERE purchase_price = 320
OR purchase_price = 500
OR purchase_price = 5000;
-- Instead of using IN
SELECT product_name, purchase_price
FROM product
WHERE purchase_price IN (320, 500, 5000);
It should be noted that , In the use of IN and NOT IN You can't pick out NULL Data .
2.5 Use subqueries as IN Arguments to predicates
- IN /NOT IN And subquery
IN The predicate (NOT IN The predicate ) Has a usage that other predicates do not have , You can use a subquery as its parameter , Views can also be used as IN Parameters of .
-- DDL : Create table
CREATE TABLE shopproduct
( shop_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
shop_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
product_id CHAR(4) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (shop_id, product_id) -- Specify primary key
-- DML : insert data
START TRANSACTION; -- Start business
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000A', ' Tokyo ', '0001', 30);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000A', ' Tokyo ', '0002', 50);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000A', ' Tokyo ', '0003', 15);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0002', 30);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0003', 120);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0004', 20);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0006', 10);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000B', ' Nagoya ', '0007', 40);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0003', 20);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0004', 50);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0006', 90);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000C', ' Osaka ', '0007', 70);
INSERT INTO shopproduct (shop_id, shop_name, product_id, quantity) VALUES ('000D', ' Fukuoka, ', '0001', 100);
COMMIT; -- Commit transaction
SELECT product_name, sale_price
FROM product
WHERE product_id IN (SELECT product_id
FROM shopproduct
WHERE shop_id = '000C');
-- The expanded result of subquery
SELECT product_name, sale_price
FROM product
WHERE product_id IN ('0003', '0004', '0006', '0007');
-- NOT IN Use subqueries as parameters , Take out the sales unit price of goods not sold in Osaka stores
SELECT product_name, sale_price
FROM product
WHERE product_id NOT IN (SELECT product_id
FROM shopproduct
WHERE shop_id = '000A');
2.6 EXISTS/ NOT EXISTS The predicate
- EXISTS How to use predicates
The function of predicate is “ Determine whether there are records that meet certain conditions ”.
If such a record exists, it returns true (TRUE), If it does not exist, return false (FALSE).
EXISTS( There is ) The subject of the predicate is “ Record ”.
EXISTS There is only one , Write casually .
SELECT product_name, sale_price
FROM product AS p
FROM shopproduct AS sp
WHERE sp.shop_id = '000C'
AND sp.product_id = p.product_id);
3. CASE expression
CASE Expressions are used to distinguish situations , This distinction is commonly referred to in programming as ( Conditions ) Branch .
CASE WHEN < Evaluation expression > THEN < expression >
WHEN < Evaluation expression > THEN < expression >
WHEN < Evaluation expression > THEN < expression >
ELSE < expression >
When the above statement is executed , Judge in turn when Whether the expression is true , Yes, it is THEN The following sentence , If all when All expressions are false , execute ELSE The following sentence .
No matter how huge CASE expression , Finally, only one value will be returned .
-- Application scenarios 1: Get different column values according to different branches
SELECT product_name,
CASE WHEN product_type = ' clothes ' THEN CONCAT('A : ',product_type)
WHEN product_type = ' Office Supplies ' THEN CONCAT('B : ',product_type)
WHEN product_type = ' Kitchenware ' THEN CONCAT('C : ',product_type)
END AS abc_product_type
FROM product;
-- Application scenarios 2: Achieve aggregation in the column direction
-- Perform line to line conversion on the total sales unit price calculated by commodity type
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN product_type = ' clothes ' THEN sale_price ELSE 0 END) AS sum_price_clothes,
SUM(CASE WHEN product_type = ' Kitchenware ' THEN sale_price ELSE 0 END) AS sum_price_kitchen,
SUM(CASE WHEN product_type = ' Office Supplies ' THEN sale_price ELSE 0 END) AS sum_price_office
FROM product;
-- Application scenarios 3: Realize row to column conversion
-- CASE WHEN Implement a digital column score Transfer line column
SELECT name,
SUM(CASE WHEN subject = ' Chinese language and literature ' THEN score ELSE null END) as chinese,
SUM(CASE WHEN subject = ' mathematics ' THEN score ELSE null END) as math,
SUM(CASE WHEN subject = ' Foreign Languages ' THEN score ELSE null END) as english
FROM score
GROUP BY name;
-- CASE WHEN Implement text column subject Transfer line column
SELECT name,
MAX(CASE WHEN subject = ' Chinese language and literature ' THEN subject ELSE null END) as chinese,
MAX(CASE WHEN subject = ' mathematics ' THEN subject ELSE null END) as math,
MIN(CASE WHEN subject = ' Foreign Languages ' THEN subject ELSE null END) as english
FROM score
GROUP BY name;
- When the column to be converted is a number , have access to
Wait for the aggregate function ; - When the column to be converted is text , have access to
Wait for the aggregate function
Exercises :
According to the sales unit price ( sale_price) Yes, practice 6.1 Medium product( goods ) The goods in the table are classified as follows .
- Low end goods : The sales unit price is in 1000 Below yen (T shirt 、 Office Supplies 、 Fork 、 Clean the board 、 Ball pen )
- Mid range goods : The sales unit price is in 1001 Above JPY 3000 Below yen ( kitchen knife )
- High end goods : The sales unit price is in 3001 Above JPY ( motion T T-shirt 、 pressure cooker )
Please write down the statistics of the number of goods included in the above categories SELECT sentence , The results are shown below .
SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN sale_price <=1000 THEN product_name ELSE null END) AS low_price,
COUNT(CASE WHEN sale_price >1000 AND sale_price <=3000 THEN product_name ELSE null END) AS mid_price,
COUNT(CASE WHEN sale_price >3000 THEN product_name ELSE null END) AS high_price
from product;
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