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Vant source code parsing event Detailed explanation of TS event processing global function addeventlistener
2022-07-05 20:58:00 【The legend of Feng】
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/* eslint-disable no-empty */
/* eslint-disable getter-return */
/* eslint-disable import/no-mutable-exports */
import { isServer } from '.';// Judge whether it is Server side
type EventHanlder = (event?: Event) => void;
* type It's a joint type
* The type name is EventHanlder
* Participation is event The type is Event Event type
* Return value There is no return value, so the type of return value is void
* */
export let supportsPassive = false;
if (!isServer) {
try {
const opts = {};
Object.defineProperty(opts, 'passive', {
get() {
/* istanbul ignore next */
supportsPassive = true;
window.addEventListener('test-passive', null as any, opts);
// as To assert Assertion refers to the determination that the data is of a certain type
} catch (e) {}
* try catch Capture exception
* window.addEventListener There are three parameters
* Event type
* Event bound functions
* opts perhaps true,false
* opt
* capture:boolean If it is `true`, Express `listener` It will be propagated to the `EventTarget` Trigger when
* once:boolean Do you want to set single monitor
* passive:boolean Blocking default behavior On or off
export function on(
target: HTMLElement,// The goal is dom Elements
event: string,// Event type
handler: EventHanlder,// Event handler type
passive = false//
) {
if (!isServer) {
supportsPassive ? { capture: false, passive } : false
* Not on the server
* target It's incoming dom node
* event Event type
* handler Is the execution method
* supportsPassive Do you support passive
* Yes, it is {capture,false,passive}
No is false
export function off(target: HTMLElement, event: string, handler: EventHanlder) {
* target To whom , Target element
* event Event type Event
* handler addEventListener Bound events
if (!isServer) {
target.removeEventListener(event, handler);
// off Express Cancellation addEventListener Registered global events removeAddEventListener
export function stopPropagation(event: Event) {
// stopProgapation() Stop the event from bubbling
export function preventDefault(event: Event, isStopPropagation?: boolean) {
/* istanbul ignore else */
* event Event parameters Event
* isStopPropagation? ? Indicates that the parameter is optional and not mandatory Event Bubbling
if (typeof event.cancelable !== 'boolean' || event.cancelable) {
// Blocking default behavior
if (isStopPropagation) {
// Stop the event from bubbling
addEventListener Details of event monitoring
addEventListener What is the role of
In the front-end world , Binding events generally use onClick perhaps @click Directly in dom Structurally bound Events ,
however One situation is if html Is dynamic , This is the time Directly in dom Structurally binding events becomes difficult to implement , So I need a dynamic to html Bound to events apI, namely addEventListener
addEventListener Parameters of
type Event type
Event handler
boolean perhaps Object
boolean true yes Event Bubbling , false It's event capture
object There are three parameters
- capture Whether to start the capture phase Triggered when propagated to this element
- once Do you want to set single monitor Trigger only once
- passive Whether to block the default behavior
Remove event monitoring removeEventListener
There are two parameters Event type Event function
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