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Analyze the knowledge transfer and sharing spirit of maker Education

2022-07-05 20:42:00 Gerwustan robot

At present , All over the country, maker education is surging , It seems to have become an important form of Education , Become the next fulcrum of learning change . However , Facing the torrent of scientific and Technological Development and the trend of Educational Reform , How to understand the concept of maker Education ? How to correctly grasp the connotation and extension of maker education ? How will maker education affect the mainstream mode of learning in the future , And how to change the existing educational form ? As an education management department and educator , How to comprehensively understand maker education , What can we do to make “ maker ” and “ education ” The two are organically combined 、 Live together ? This is the fundamental problem that must be paid attention to in the early stage of the development of maker education , It is also a key problem that must be solved under the current situation of accelerating the promotion of maker education .

Through the induction and analysis of makers and educational experts , We have a relatively clear concept of makers and maker education . However , Education is a very complicated thing , When education encounters cultural integration such as makers, it becomes particularly complex . We have to say , Maker education is a derivative of the combination of maker and education in the information age , This proposition determines that education and makers must be organically integrated , There is integration, there is mutual change and tolerance .

Comprehensive school education factors , We believe that maker education is mainly to carry out chivalrous maker activities , At the same time, we should cultivate students' innovative literacy through broad maker education , Guide the behavior of innovation subjects , So as to serve entrepreneurship and create a better life in the future . thus , We tried to come up with a definition : Maker education is based on curriculum , Take promoting the spirit of makers as the core task , With maker space ( base ) It is the main place , Take modern information technology as the main source of creation , Fusion mathematics 、 Physics 、 chemical 、 Art and other disciplines , Through the creativity of the maker project 、 The whole process of design and implementation , Cultivate students' imagination 、 Teaching activities of creativity and hands-on problem-solving ability .
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First , Maker education is not a slogan but a teaching activity , You can't just stay at the conceptual level , The key point of maker education is how to integrate maker culture into existing education . at present , The world still follows school education , The class teaching system will not die out in a short time . If maker education can be called a new educational model or educational phenomenon , It must be integrated into school education and become a content or a form of Education , Then we must rely on the carrier of curriculum , At the same time, it is supplemented by the discipline infiltration of maker spirit .“ Take the course as the carrier ”, On the one hand, it internalizes maker culture into school culture , Cultivate students' innovative quality through maker activities ; On the other hand, it also inherits and carries forward the maker spirit through teaching activities , Form a unique spiritual outlook of the school , Reshape modern educational thinking . There is no contradiction between setting up school maker education courses and maker culture , On the contrary, the core idea of makers ——“ Do it ” and “ My own thoughts ” Be firmly grasped and realized in teaching .

secondly , Maker education is different from educating makers , We must respect the law and reality of education . A maker can be a maverick 、 entertaining 、 A group that realizes spiritual pursuit , But educating makers is just a part of maker education “ Elitism ” The accessory products of . We certainly hope that maker education can make every student become an educational maker , And achieve autonomy “ Start a business ” The dream of , However, the public welfare popularization of education requires that maker education must be oriented to all students 、 Pay attention to the development of each student , Moreover, education itself also respects students' choices , just as “ You can live without creating , But we must learn to live ” equally , We cannot ask all students to be creative , But what we can do is to cultivate students' innovative spirit . So we think , Maker education should “ Take promoting the spirit of makers as the core task ”, Pay more attention to cultivating students' innovative ability and entrepreneurial ability .
Again , The implementation of maker education should also respect the basic elements of makers , The most fundamental thing is to have the basic places that makers need 、 Software, hardware, technology and other conditions . At present, most primary and secondary school campuses , Whether it's “ Digital tools ” still “ Digital design ” Are difficult to have , and “ Traditional craft ” Sites and equipment also need to reflect “ Digital processing tools ” The characteristics of makers , Although these tools and equipment have “ From the price reduction of expensive professional equipment to ordinary families and individuals can own ”, But it is unrealistic to require every family to be equipped . therefore , The development of maker education requires schools to have maker space ( base ) As a place for student activities , And will “ Digital tools ” Generalize to “ Take modern information technology as the main source of creation ”, Thus expanding the concept of physical environment of maker education , Enhance the realization and feasibility of carrying out maker education in schools . We think , The key of maker education is to let students learn “ Knowledge transfer ”, Be able to put Mathematics 、 Physics 、 chemical 、 The knowledge of art and other disciplines is integrated to solve practical problems , Through the creativity of the maker project 、 The whole process of design and implementation , So as to cultivate students' imagination 、 Creativity and hands-on problem-solving ability .

For other forms and carriers of Education , Maker education is based on the concept 、 characteristic 、 It has more advantages and significance in function and influence . Maker education implements the student-centered educational idea . Compared with the traditional teacher centered teaching method , Maker education pays more attention to the guiding role of teachers and students' autonomous learning . Compared with the traditional teaching mode , Maker education respects students' individual differences more , More embody the student-centered education concept . In maker activities , Students become creatives 、 Designers and implementers , Truly become the subject of learning participation , This new model encourages students to give full play to their strengths , And find a suitable way of learning .

Maker education provides students with a space for interaction and cooperation . At present , Large class teaching is widely practiced in primary and secondary schools in China , Teachers have limited energy , Students can't get in time 、 Effective feedback . In maker education , Set up a maker team around the maker project , There are professional tutors to guide , Participants work together , The achievement of non hierarchical , And the evaluation strategy based on the project itself , It realizes the joint learning of teachers and students , And get mutual encouragement and timely feedback in the process of cooperation , And cultivate students' team spirit through mutual learning .

in summary , Maker education helps to develop students' practical ability and sharing spirit . Examination oriented education, which has existed for a long time, has brought about the emphasis on brain rather than hands 、 The adverse phenomenon of valuing the brain and neglecting the machine , Many students have high hopes but low hands 、 Hands on ability is seriously insufficient . Maker education advocates doing it yourself 、 Encourage innovative and pioneering ideas , It can make up for this defect more likely . Makers' works are the crystallization of collective wisdom , In the process of completing maker works , Students share resources materially , Share knowledge and the joy of success in spirit . This spirit of sharing helps to cultivate students' sense of cooperation , Contribute to better integration into society in the future .


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