当前位置:网站首页>Using pip to install third-party libraries in Pycharm fails to install: "Non-zero exit code (2)" solution
Using pip to install third-party libraries in Pycharm fails to install: "Non-zero exit code (2)" solution
2022-08-05 05:23:00 【When you are full, you will be strong】
[About pip install third-party library tips] Try to run this command from the system terminal. Make sure that you use the correct version of 'pip' installed for your Python interpreter located at 'D:\python3.7\venv\Scripts\python.exe'.
I haven't used pycharm for a long time. I recently did something related to image processing. I installed a third-party library and found that none of the libraries could be installed, and it kept prompting this thing.
I suspected that there was a problem with the python interpreter, but I decided to try installing it directly with cmd, so I found that the installation could be successful.
By the way, record the installation instructions, I always forget.
pip install package-i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple
It is troublesome to install with cmd every time, but I still want to find a final solution.So according to the error prompt, guess it may be that the pip version and the interpreter are incompatible?
My computer is installed with python3.7
There is a python3.7 in the D and E disks in the computer, and I usually use the D disk interpreter.The pip version of the E disk is 19.0.3, and the pip version of the D disk is 22.1.2
Try to uninstall version 22.1.2,Install version 19.0.3
python -m pip uninstall pip
easy_install pip==19.0.3
Then switch back to pycharm and useTry to install scipy, test whether the problem is solved, successfully solve the problem, feel comfortable!
I searched the Internet to find a solution. After suffering for two hours, I finally solved it. I am happy.
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