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The third lesson of EasyX learning

2022-07-05 17:05:00 Blue whale not blue 369

Mouse messages need to use MOUSEMSG type , such as MOUSEMSG msg;
And then use MouthHit() Function to determine whether there is a mouse message ( left-click , Right click , middle , Move )
If there is a mouse message, you can receive the mouse message

Main members of mouse message :

  • uMsg // Current mouse message
  • x // The current mouse x coordinate
  • y // The current mouse y coordinate

uMsg It can be used to judge what the current mouse message is :

  • WM_LBUTTONDOWN Left mouse button message
  • WM_RBUTTONDOWN Right mouse button message

For the new version of Easyx New content added
You need to use library functions **<easyx.h>**
Use ExMessage type , such as ExMessage msg;
And then use **peekmessage()** The function selects the identified content
For example, set a button

void test1(int x, int y, int w, int h) {
	fillroundrect(x, y, x + w, y + h, 10, 10);
	char arr[] = "button";
	settextstyle(30, 0, " In black ");
	int width = x + (w - textwidth(arr)) / 2;
	int height = y + (h-textheight(arr)) / 2;
	outtextxy(width,height , "button");
	ExMessage msg;
	while (1) {
		if (peekmessage(&msg, EM_MOUSE)) {
			switch (msg.message) {
				if (msg.x >= 50 && msg.x <= 50 + 150 && msg.y >= 50 && msg.y <= 50 + 150) {
					cout << " I'm the button , I got clicked " << endl; break;

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