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6. Unified logging
2022-08-02 15:33:00 【Caviar :P】
能否使用控制器Notification for unified logging of logs,答案是不行的.Because the controller notification is handled uniformly when the controller has an exception,And the unified logging here is not only implemented when exceptions occur,Logs are also recorded when no exception occurs,So this time the controller notification is not very useful.
那能否使用拦截器呢,Interceptors are also a process for controllers,Then our logging is not necessarily logging the controller,It may also be logging for business components as well as the data access layer.
There is currently a post module,评论模块,More and more in the futureservice,Want to log all methods for all posts,The traditional method is to encapsulate the logging code into a component,然后在不同的servicemethod to call it,This will definitely solve the problem,
But it has drawbacks:The methods in this business component are mainly used to process business,while dealing with business,Also need to add logging requirements,And logging is not a business requirement,它属于系统需求(A requirement that many functions have),So we couple the system requirements in the business method,This is a big disadvantage:For example, one day the system requirements change,I don't want to log in front I want to log in the back,Or log when an exception is thrown,Once there is a change, a big change is required.(So we need to split out system requirements like logging,Implement it separately instead of hardcoding it,而AOPThis technology can be implemented).
A very abstract concept,AOP是一种编程思想,是对OOP的补充,它和OOPis a state of complementarity and not a state of competition,可以进一步提高编程的效率.
There are many business modules in the project,And each business module has the same system requirements,For example, make a unified log for them、Permission checking and transaction management.而使用AOPWhen we only need to define a separate component,This component will not have any direct relationship with the business component,We don't have to go to the business component to call it,So we additionally define system components,It's as if this component spans multiple business components,The need to scale out business components,So program for aspect or aspect,The angle that becomes is facing this crosscutting component.
- Aspect(切面): Aspect 声明类似于 Java 中的类声明,在 Aspect 中会包含着一些 Pointcut 以及相应的 Advice.
- Joint point(连接点):表示在程序中明确定义的点,典型的包括方法调用,对类成员的访问以及异常处理程序块的执行等等,它自身还可以嵌套其它 joint point.
- Pointcut(切点):表示一组 joint point,这些 joint point 或是通过逻辑关系组合起来,或是通过通配、正则表达式等方式集中起来,它定义了相应的 Advice 将要发生的地方.
- Advice(增强):Advice 定义了在 Pointcut 里面定义的程序点具体要做的操作,它通过 before、after 和 around 来区别是在每个 joint point 之前、之后还是代替执行的代码.
- Target(目标对象):织入 Advice 的目标对象..
- Weaving(织入):将 Aspect 和其他对象连接起来, 并创建 Adviced object 的过程
看完了上面的理论部分知识, 我相信还是会有不少朋友感觉到 AOP 的概念还是很模糊, 对 AOP 中的各种概念理解的还不是很透彻. 其实这很正常, 因为 AOP 中的概念是在是太多了, 我当时也是花了老大劲才梳理清楚的.
下面我以一个简单的例子来比喻一下 AOP 中 Aspect, Joint point, Pointcut 与 Advice之间的关系:
让我们来假设一下, Once upon a time there was a callSmall county town in Java, 在一个月黑风高的晚上, 这个县城中发生了命案. 作案的凶手十分狡猾, 现场没有留下什么有价值的线索. 不过万幸的是, 刚从隔壁回来的老王恰好在这时候无意中发现了凶手行凶的过程, 但是由于天色已晚, 加上凶手蒙着面, 老王并没有看清凶手的面目, 只知道凶手是个男性, 身高约七尺五寸. 爪哇县的县令根据老王的描述, 对守门的士兵下命令说: 凡是发现有身高七尺五寸的男性, 都要抓过来审问. 士兵当然不敢违背县令的命令, 只好把进出城的所有符合条件的人都抓了起来.
来让我们看一下上面的一个小故事和 AOP 到底有什么对应关系.
首先我们知道, 在 Spring AOP 中 Joint point 指代的是所有方法的执行点, 而 point cut 是一个描述信息, 它修饰的是 Joint point, 通过 point cut, 我们就可以确定哪些 Joint point 可以被织入 Advice. 对应到我们在上面举的例子, 我们可以做一个简单的类比, Joint point 就相当于 Small county town in Java里的百姓,pointcut 就相当于 老王所做的指控, 即凶手是个男性, 身高约七尺五寸, 而 Advice 则是施加在符合老王所描述的嫌疑人的动作: 抓过来审问.
- Joint point : Small county town in Java里的百姓: 因为根据定义, Joint point 是所有可能被织入 Advice 的候选的点, 在 Spring AOP中, 则可以认为所有方法执行点都是 Joint point. 而在我们上面的例子中, 命案发生在小县城中, 按理说在此县城中的所有人都有可能是嫌疑人.
- Pointcut :男性, 身高约七尺五寸: 我们知道, 所有的方法(joint point) 都可以织入 Advice, 但是我们并不希望在所有方法上都织入 Advice, 而 Pointcut 的作用就是提供一组规则来匹配joinpoint, 给满足规则的 joinpoint 添加 Advice. 同理, 对于县令来说, 他再昏庸, 也知道不能把县城中的所有百姓都抓起来审问, 而是根据凶手是个男性, 身高约七尺五寸, 把符合条件的人抓起来. 在这里 凶手是个男性, 身高约七尺五寸 就是一个修饰谓语, 它限定了凶手的范围, 满足此修饰规则的百姓都是嫌疑人, 都需要抓起来审问.
- Advice :抓过来审问, Advice 是一个动作, 即一段 Java 代码, 这段 Java 代码是作用于 point cut 所限定的那些 Joint point 上的. 同理, 对比到我们的例子中, 抓过来审问 这个动作就是对作用于那些满足 男性, 身高约七尺五寸 的Small county town in Java里的百姓.
- Aspect::Aspect 是 point cut 与 Advice 的组合, 因此在这里我们就可以类比: “根据老王的线索, 凡是发现有身高七尺五寸的男性, 都要抓过来审问” 这一整个动作可以被认为是一个 Aspect.
- AspectJ是语言级的实现,它扩展了Java语言,定义了AOP语法.
- AspectJ在编译期织入代码,它有一个专门的编译器,用来生成遵守Java字节码规范的class文件.
Spring AOP(Not a comprehensive solution but a cost-effective solution):
- Spring AOP使用纯Java实现,它不需要专门的编译过程,也不需要特殊的类装载器.
- Spring AOP在运行时通过代理的方式织入代码,只支持方法类型的连接点.
- Spring支持对AspectJ的集成.
Spring AOP运行时zhiThe incoming program uses a proxy object
- JDK动态代理:
Spring AOP默认采用此种方式,在接口的代理实例中织入代码.
当目标对象不存在接口时,Spring AOP会采用此种方式,在子类实例中织入代码.
@Component;交给Spring容器管理,@AspectIndicates that this is an aspect component,rather than a simple component.
定义切点@Pointcut, Quickly filter out all desired connection points.
定义通知:5类通知:@Before @After @AfterReturning @AfterThrowing @around
public class AlphaAspect {
//All business components, all methods, all parameters and all return values
@Pointcut("execution(* com.newcoder.community.service.*.*(..))")
public void pointcut(){
//定义通知:Weave the code at the beginning of the join point
public void before(){
public void after(){
//Weave in the code after you have the return value,处理一些逻辑
public void afterReturning(){
//Weaves in code when exceptions are thrown
public void afterThrowing(){
// Also weave logic both before and after the method
public Object around(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint) throws Throwable{
//joinPointIndicates the part where the program is woven
//The processing logic before the target method invocation
System.out.println("around before");
//Invoke the method of the target component(可能有返回值)
Object obj = joinPoint.proceed();
//The processing logic after the target method is called
System.out.println("around after");
return obj;
for each business component,The corresponding method will be triggered,And the code in the business component has not been modified,降低耦合度.
利用AOPComplete the function of project logging
I want to log at the beginning of the program,格式:“用户XXX(ip地址,Because there may be users who are not logged in)A function was accessed at a certain time”
Before every business component method call(前置通知),
public class ServiceLogAspect {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ServiceLogAspect.class);
// 第一个*:方法的返回值
// com.nowcoder.community.service:包名
@Pointcut("execution(* com.nowcoder.community.service.*.*(..))")
public void pointcut(){
// 前置通知
public void before(JoinPoint joinPoint) {
// 格式:用户[],在[xxx],访问了[com.nowcoder.community.service.xxx()].
// 用户的IP可以通过request获取,可以利用RequestContextHolder这个工具类
ServletRequestAttributes attributes = (ServletRequestAttributes) RequestContextHolder.getRequestAttributes();
if(attributes == null) {
HttpServletRequest request = attributes.getRequest();
// IPAccess to address and time
String ip = request.getRemoteHost();
String now = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date());
// 获取类名和方法名
String target = joinPoint.getSignature().getDeclaringTypeName() + "." + joinPoint.getSignature().getName();
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