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Troubleshooting of high memory usage of redis in a production environment

2022-07-05 11:44:00 We've been on the road

The server goes online after a regular release , It is found that the cache expiration speed is much lower than the configured 10min Be overdue .

The phenomenon : Just logged into the system background , After that 1 The cache expires in minutes , Unable to log in to the background , Enter Alibaba cloud redis The server , Found logged in key period , During this period, I also encountered various strange problems , Inexplicably log in to the system, but later drop the line , Later, I went to Alibaba cloud and found redis Memory Take up as much as 100%. I guessed that there might be threads in a large number of write caches , And then put redis The space is full , because redis The server configuration is volatile-lru Strategy : When the memory is full , There are a lot of cache writes , Just delete Set expiration time Of key Medium It hasn't been used for the longest time recently Of key.

Then I ran to redis The server puts the current rdb( memory dump )  Download a copy locally to analyze what it is key Writing data crazily , Found this key, I can find and use this in the program key Code for , And then do the corresponding processing .

Log in to Alibaba cloud , Go to the latest backup

1、 Download to a full volume key Of rdb file

Then execute the following command to install python2.7 And load rdb plug-in unit , Generate csv file .

 2、 Put this rdb Files use rdbTools Turn it into csv file .

  1. pip install rdb # install rdb
  2. rdb -c memory hins8714399_data_20191015223705.rdb > memory.csv # take redis Memory snapshot file , Store in csv In the document

3、 Will change csv Documents can be imported directly into mysql In the database , And then use mysql Query for , You can find out the one with the largest memory consumption key 


Be careful A little bit is adopt csv Import mysql The default generated field types are varchar, We need to change the type here to int type , Used for sorting queries .

 4、mysql There's a memory library , And then execute

SELECT * from memory ORDER BY size_in_bytes desc LIMIT 0, 10

According to the use of memory from large to small , Before the memory is occupied 10 Of key 

Found these expired on null Of key, Find out   The code does not address these key Set expiration time , It's permanent key, Some more redis Set the queue for consumption , Write a lot of data to the queue that never expires , Then the consumption thread only 2 individual , It's faster to add to the queue , Queue consumption is slow , Backstage I put consumption redis The thread of the queue is set to 20、10、5 Find an optimal number of threads ,CPU The occupation is not too high , The queue is not stacked 、 Make full use of the performance of the machine , Solve the actual needs .

summary : Through a toss , Learned how to parse redis Of rdb Snapshot file , analysis redis Distribution of memory , Memory footprint , that key Take up a lot of , that key Account for less , There is also a memory elimination strategy , Why this key Expire first , The other one will expire later .


Expand 1: Interested students can check more redis Memory retirement strategy

  • volatile-lru: Pick the least recently used data from the memory data set with expiration time Eliminate ;
  • volatile-ttl: Select the data about to expire from the memory data set with the expiration time Eliminate ;
  • volatile-random: Pick any data from the memory data set with the expiration time set Eliminate ;
  • allkeys-lru: Pick the least recently used data from the memory data set Eliminate ;
  • allkeys-random: Pick any data from the data set Eliminate ;
  • no-enviction( deportation ): Exclusion data .( Default elimination strategy . When redis Memory data reaches maxmemory, Under this strategy , Go straight back to OOM error );
    About maxmemory Set up , By means of redis.conf in maxmemory Parameter setting , Or by order CONFIG SET Dynamic modification
    About the setting of data elimination strategy , By means of redis.conf Medium maxmemory-policy Parameter setting , Or by order CONFIG SET Dynamic modification

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