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New to redis
2022-07-06 15:58:00 【Star age Cao Botao】
New to Redis
Redis(Remote Dictionary Server ), Remote dictionary service , Is an open source use ANSI C Language writing 、 Support network 、 Log type that can be memory based or persistent 、Key-Value database , And provide multilingual API
Basic data type
- String
- Hash
- List
- Set
- Zset
Basic commands
select 1 # Select database 16 A database
DBSIZE # View the database size
keys * # Look at all the keys
flushdb # Clear current database
flushall # Clear all databases
Key Basic command :
set key val
get key
del key
rename key newkey
expire key 10 #10 Seconds expired
exists key # Whether there is key
type key # View type
ttl key # View expiration time
append key xxx # Additional content
strlen key # Look at string length
incr key # Self increasing 1
incrby key n # Self increasing n
decr key # Self reduction n
decrby key n # Self reduction n
getrange key start end # Gets the specified string
setrange key offset xx # Replace
setex key 10 val # Set expiration time
setnx key val # If it doesn't exist, set
mset mget # The batch Atomicity
getset key val # Get first and then set
hset user name zhangsan # Set up
hget user name # obtain
hmset user name zhangsan age 15 # The batch
hmget user name age # The batch
hgetall user # Get all the fields
hdel user name # Delete a field
hexists user age # Check whether a field exists
hkeys user # Get all the fields key
hvals user # Get all the fields value
hlen user # Get the number of fields
lpush # Insert one or more values into the list header
lpop user # Eject and remove
rpush # Add one or more values... To the list
rpop # Remove the last element of the list , The return value is the removed element .
lrange 0 -1 # Get all the elements
lrem user 1 zhangsan # Delete
lset user 0 "bar"
sadd # Add one or more members to the collection
scard key # Get the number of members of the collection
sismember ket member # Judge member Is the element a collection key Members of
smembers key # Returns all members of the collection
srem # Remove one or more members of the collection
spop # Remove and return a random element from the collection
srandmember key [count] # Returns one or more random numbers in a set
Redis Business
Redis Transactions can execute more than one command at a time , And there are three important guarantees :
- Bulk operation is sending EXEC The command is put into the queue cache .
- received EXEC Enter transaction execution after command , The execution of any command in the transaction failed , The rest of the orders are still being carried out .
- In the transaction execution process , Command requests submitted by other clients will not be inserted into the transaction execution command sequence .
A transaction goes through the following three stages from the beginning to the execution :
- Start business .
- Order to join the team .
- Perform transactions .
It starts with MULTI Start a transaction , Then queue multiple commands into the transaction , Finally by EXEC Command triggers transaction , Execute all the commands in the transaction
Single Redis The execution of orders is atomic , but Redis There is no mechanism to maintain atomicity in transactions , therefore Redis The execution of a transaction is not atomic .
Transactions can be understood as a packaged batch execution script , But batch instructions are not atomic operations , The failure of an instruction in the middle will not result in the rollback of the previous instruction , It will not cause subsequent instructions not to do .
Persistence strategy
- RDB( Default )
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