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SQL time injection

2022-07-06 11:32:00 Her&mes

SQL Injection Based Time

Based on time SQL Inject , Apply to the situation that the page has no echo , Judge the data content through the delay of the page , Methods include the following

Method of generating delay / function
The cartesian product
Regular bug

Let's discuss one by one , One study .
Also note , This article does not discuss filtering , Nor discuss grammatical deformation ( Don't be limited by the examples given ); Also remember to read more from other Masters , Read more official documents ; If the content is wrong , Also please indicate , thank you .

sleep() function

sleep() Is the most common delay method , Widely applied , So that it is always filtered

Let's take a look at a simple SQL Query example

select * from user where id = '$_POST[a]'

When a=1' and sleep(3) --+ when ,SQL The sentence becomes :select * from user where id = '1' and sleep(3) --+

utilize and Connect ,and The previous query is correct , perform sleep(3), Time delay 3 second ; error ,sleep(3) Don't execute

If the and Replace with or,SQL Statement for :select * from user where id = '1' or sleep(3) --+

that sleep(3) The implementation of will not be affected by the image of the previous results , This can be used to determine whether there is an injection point

There are other characters that can play and And or The role of , Such as || ,^ ,= etc.

In this way , We can get information , Review the common functions used with blind notes again

function effect
substr(a,b,c) from b Position start , Intercepting string a Of c length
count() Calculate the total
ascii() Return character's ascii code
length() Returns the length of the string
left(a,b) Cut the string from left to right a Before b Characters
right(a, b) Cut the string from right to left a After b Characters

Still above SQL Take a query statement as an example , Demonstrate simple ways to use ( The first method )

Get the target payload
Get the length of the current database name 1’ and length(database())=1 and sleep(3) #
Verify the first character of the database name 1’ and substr(database(),1,1)=‘a’ and sleep(3) #
Verify the first character of the database name 1’ and ascii(substr(database(),1,1))=1 and sleep(3) #

The second method , Use :if( expr1 , expr2 , expr3 ), however if The experience in blind injection is not good

expr1 It's true , perform exper2;expr1 For false , perform exper3.

select * from user where id = '1' and if(length(database())=1,sleep(3),1) --+

The third method , Use :case … when … then … else … end

case There are two types of simple case and searched case, Say two , It should actually be case Two parameters of

simple case :

CASE [col_name] WHEN [value1] THEN [result1]…ELSE [default] END

take case Value after col_name And each when The value after the clause value Make an equality comparison :

If once with someone when If the values after the clause are equal, the corresponding then The value after the clause result;

If and all when The values after the clause are not equal , Then return to else The value after the clause ;

without else Part returns null.

Be careful :value It can be literal 、 Expression or column name ,CASE The data type of the expression depends on the following then or else The type of the following expression

In short , such case The process of judgment is ,case Specify the name of a judgment parameter ( Name ),when Specify the parameter value later , When parameters = Parameter values , return ( perform ) Corresponding then Value after .

payload Examples :

1' union select 1,case 1 when (substr(database(),1,1)='e') then sleep(2) else 1 end --+

union It can be replaced by and And give it to the back select Statement with parentheses ( Remind yourself all the time , Injection statements are flexible , Look at grammar more , Try grammar more , Don't let your mind be limited )

searched case :

CASE [col_name] WHEN [condition] THEN [result1]…ELSE [default] END

If a when Condition after clause condition by true, Then return the corresponding when The value after the clause result;

If all when Condition after clause condition Not for true, Then return to else The value after the clause ;

without else Part returns null.

The second category case With the first kind of usage in SQL Same in injection , For the time being, I don't think of the difference between the two here

About sleep() The content of comes to an end , With sleep The bedding of , see ( Write ) After that, the content will be much easier ,

GO, Start a new pose !!

benchmark() function

Function interpretation


arg1 For the number of operations ,arg2 Function for operation

repeat arg1 Time arg2 expression , Increase processing time , The core idea of using it is through a great amount of computation ( Complex process ), Increase the imperceptible delay to be easily scripted ( Written by someone , You must know the minimum time difference ) Degree of recognition , Later methods also follow this idea

To achieve results , The number of times should be very large , Sample construction :

benchmark(5000000, md5( 'test' ))

Run time query method to see another master link : see mysql Statement run time

benchmark() And sleep() Both are functions , structure payload It's the same way , its “ Use ” The same is very extensive

The cartesian product

Hearing this name reminds me of the fear of being dominated by Discrete Mathematics , Fortunately, it's very simple here ,MySQL Support Cartesian product calculation , The set participating in the operation is the table ( Enough data is used , Watch with obvious delay ), You can use your own watch information_schema, A lot of data , It doesn't matter if you're banned , There are other self-contained watches that can be used ( Be careful MySQL Version of )

Sample construction :

1'and (SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.columns A, information_schema.columns B, information_schema.tables C);

According to this rule , from C Followed by a comma , Write D,E And so on. , In addition, use “ aggregate ” It can be the same ,


The premise of using this method is that the database connection is a long connection , That is, the backend needs to use mysql_pconnect() Function to connect to the database .

Function interpretation :

get_lock(key, timeout)

Try using a string key(key It could be a number ----> Bypass the single quotation mark limit ) Get the lock with the specified name ,timeout Specify the lock time , The unit is in seconds , Negative values indicate infinite locking .

And the lock is dedicated , When by a session When held , other session Cannot get a lock with the same name

Attack example :


1' and get_lock(1,2) #

stay session_A Lock variables in the session 1


1' and if(payload_key,get_lock(1,2),1) #

stay session_B Session execution blind note ,payload_key It's true , Two seconds later , If false, immediately ” The echo “

Regular bug/ Regular DOS RLIKE

Use a large number of regular calculations to extend the time , Implementation delay ,

rpad or repeat Construct a long string ( It's OK to fight by hand ),

Sample construction :

select rpad('a',4999999,'a') RLIKE concat(repeat('(a.*)+',30),'b')

stay MySQL in ,RLIKE Operator is used to determine whether the string matches the regular expression . It is REGEXP_LIKE() A synonym for .

grammar :

expr RLIKE pat

among expr Is the input string ,pat Is the test string Regular expressions ( Remember to brush a wave MySQL Regular content of )

If the string matches the provided regular expression , The result is 1, Otherwise 0.

