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use Xunit.DependencyInjection Transformation test project
2020-11-07 21:03:00 【Irving the procedural ape】
Use Xunit.DependencyInjection
Transformation test project
This article has been delayed for a long time , It has been introduced before Xunit.DependencyInjection
This project , This project was written by a master Xunit
Based on Microsoft GenericHost and An extension library for dependency injection implementation , It can make it easier for you to implement dependency injection in test projects , And I think another good point is that it can better control the operation process , For example, many initialization operations are done before starting the test , Better process control .
Recently, most of our company's testing projects are based on Xunit.DependencyInjection
Transformed , The effect is very good .
Recently, I started my test project manually from the original one Web Host It's based on Xunit.DepdencyInjection
To use , At the same time, it is also preparing for the update of integration test of a project of our company , It's delicious to use ~
I think Xunit.DependencyInjection
Solved my two big pain points , One is that dependency injection code doesn't write well , One is a simpler process control process , Here is a general introduction to
The main process is DependencyInjectionTestFramework in , See https://github.com/pengweiqhca/Xunit.DependencyInjection/blob/7.0/Xunit.DependencyInjection/DependencyInjectionTestFramework.cs
First of all, I will try to find the... In the project Startup
, This Startup
Very similar to asp.net core Medium Startup
, Almost exactly , It's just a little different , Startup
Dependency injection is not supported , Can not be like asp.net core Put in a like that IConfiguration
Object to get the configuration , besides , and asp.net core Of Startup
Have the same experience , If you can't find this Startup
There are no services or special configurations that need dependency injection , Use it directly Xunit
The original XunitTestFrameworkExecutor
, If you find it Startup
From Startup
Configure in the agreed method Host
, Registration service and initialization configuration process , Finally using DependencyInjectionTestFrameworkExecutor
Carry out our test case.
The source code parsing
The source code uses C#8 Some of the new grammar of , The code is very simple , The following code uses nullable reference types :
Source code
public sealed class DependencyInjectionTestFramework : XunitTestFramework{ public DependencyInjectionTestFramework(IMessageSink messageSink) : base(messageSink) { } protected override ITestFrameworkExecutor CreateExecutor(AssemblyName assemblyName) { IHost? host = null; try { // obtain Startup example var startup = StartupLoader.CreateStartup(StartupLoader.GetStartupType(assemblyName)); if (startup == null) return new XunitTestFrameworkExecutor(assemblyName, SourceInformationProvider, DiagnosticMessageSink); // establish HostBuilder var hostBuilder = StartupLoader.CreateHostBuilder(startup, assemblyName) ?? new HostBuilder().ConfigureHostConfiguration(builder => builder.AddInMemoryCollection(new Dictionary<string, string> { { HostDefaults.ApplicationKey, assemblyName.Name } })); // call Startup Medium ConfigureHost Method configuration Host StartupLoader.ConfigureHost(hostBuilder, startup); // call Startup Medium ConfigureServices Method register service StartupLoader.ConfigureServices(hostBuilder, startup); // Register default service , structure Host host = hostBuilder.ConfigureServices(services => services .AddSingleton(DiagnosticMessageSink) .TryAddSingleton<ITestOutputHelperAccessor, TestOutputHelperAccessor>()) .Build(); // call Startup Medium Configure Method to initialize StartupLoader.Configure(host.Services, startup); // return testcase executor, Ready to start running test cases return new DependencyInjectionTestFrameworkExecutor(host, null, assemblyName, SourceInformationProvider, DiagnosticMessageSink); } catch (Exception e) { return new DependencyInjectionTestFrameworkExecutor(host, e, assemblyName, SourceInformationProvider, DiagnosticMessageSink); } }}
Source code
public static Type? GetStartupType(AssemblyName assemblyName){ var assembly = Assembly.Load(assemblyName); var attr = assembly.GetCustomAttribute<StartupTypeAttribute>(); if (attr == null) return assembly.GetType($"{assemblyName.Name}.Startup"); if (attr.AssemblyName != null) assembly = Assembly.Load(attr.AssemblyName); return assembly.GetType(attr.TypeName) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"Can't load type {attr.TypeName} in '{assembly.FullName}'");}public static object? CreateStartup(Type? startupType){ if (startupType == null) return null; var ctors = startupType.GetConstructors(); if (ctors.Length != 1 || ctors[0].GetParameters().Length != 0) throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{startupType.FullName}' must have a single public constructor and the constructor without parameters."); return Activator.CreateInstance(startupType);}public static IHostBuilder? CreateHostBuilder(object startup, AssemblyName assemblyName){ var method = FindMethod(startup.GetType(), nameof(CreateHostBuilder), typeof(IHostBuilder)); if (method == null) return null; var parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) return (IHostBuilder)method.Invoke(startup, Array.Empty<object>()); if (parameters.Length > 1 || parameters[0].ParameterType != typeof(AssemblyName)) throw new InvalidOperationException($"The '{method.Name}' method of startup type '{startup.GetType().FullName}' must without parameters or have the single 'AssemblyName' parameter."); return (IHostBuilder)method.Invoke(startup, new object[] { assemblyName });}public static void ConfigureHost(IHostBuilder builder, object startup){ var method = FindMethod(startup.GetType(), nameof(ConfigureHost)); if (method == null) return; var parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length != 1 || parameters[0].ParameterType != typeof(IHostBuilder)) throw new InvalidOperationException($"The '{method.Name}' method of startup type '{startup.GetType().FullName}' must have the single 'IHostBuilder' parameter."); method.Invoke(startup, new object[] { builder });}public static void ConfigureServices(IHostBuilder builder, object startup){ var method = FindMethod(startup.GetType(), nameof(ConfigureServices)); if (method == null) return; var parameters = method.GetParameters(); builder.ConfigureServices(parameters.Length switch { 1 when parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(IServiceCollection) => (.........
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