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New features of Fedora 33 workstation

2020-11-09 11:32:00 osc_elbmybcg

Fedora 33 Workstation It's our free 、 Leading operating system The latest version . You can start from now on Official website Download it .Fedora 33 Workstation There are some new and noteworthy changes in . Please read more details below .

GNOME 3.38

Fedora 33 Workstation The latest version of GNOME Desktop Environment . stay Fedora 33 Workstation Medium GNOME 3.38 Contains many updates and improvements , Include :

A new GNOME Tour application

Now? , New users will see a “ new Tour application , It focuses on the main functions of the desktop , And for the first time GNOME A good welcome page is provided by our users ”.

The new GNOME Tour application in Fedora 33

Drag the reorder application

GNOME 3.38 With a single customizable 、 A consistent view replaces the previously separated “ Commonly used ” and “ all ” Application view , This allows you to rearrange apps and organize them into custom folders . Just click and drag to move the app .

GNOME 3.38 Drag to Reorder

Improved screen recording

GNOME Shell The screen recording infrastructure in has been improved , To take advantage of PipeWire And the kernel API. This will help reduce resource consumption and improve response time .

GNOME 3.38 There are also many additional features and improvements . see  GNOME 3.38 Release notes For more information .

B-tree file system

just as Previously announced , Newly installed Fedora 33 Use by default  Btrfs. Every new kernel version will be Btrfs Add some features and enhancements . Change log There is a complete summary , It introduces each new kernel version to Btrfs What it brings is .

Swap on ZRAM

Anaconda and Fedora IoT It has been used by default for many years swap-on-zram. stay Fedora 33 in , Will be enabled by default swap-on-zram, Instead of swapping partitions . see  Fedora wiki page Learn more about swap-on-zram The details of the .

By default Nano

new Fedora 33 Will put  EDITOR  The environment variable is set to by default  nano. This change has affected some command-line tools , When they need user input , Will open a text editor . In earlier versions , The default value of this environment variable is not specified , It's up to each application to choose a default editor . Usually , The application will use  vi  As their default editor , Because it's a small app , Usually in most Unix/Linux It can be used in the basic installation of the operating system . because Fedora 33 The basic installation of includes nano, and nano More intuitive for beginners , therefore Fedora 33 Use by default nano. Of course , Want to use vi Users can override in their own environment  EDITOR  The value of the variable . See Fedora Modification request For more information .

via: https://fedoramagazine.org/whats-new-fedora-33-workstation/

author :Gregory Bartholomew  Topic selection :lujun9972  translator :geekpi  proofreading :wxy

This paper is written by  LCTT  Original compilation ,Linux China   Honor roll out
