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Complete set of linked list operations of data structure and algorithm series (3) (go)

2020-11-09 10:50:00 Book tour

The complete code below , And test code can be obtained from here github

Delete the one-way list from the bottom n Nodes

Method 1 : Fast and slow pointer method

Delete the last N Nodes , Suppose you look at it in reverse , To delete the N Nodes . that , A pointing head node ( The head node is also a data node ) The pointer moves forward N-1 After nodes , That's the point N Nodes

Now let's take a look at deleting the last one N Nodes , Suppose there are two pointers ( Quick pointer fastPtr、 Slow pointer lowPtr) All points to the head node , Quick pointer fastPtr Traverse backward N-1 After nodes , Slow pointer and fast pointer start traversing backward together , When the fast pointer reaches the last node , Where the slow pointer points , It's the last N The location of the nodes

Code implementation
func (list *List) DelLastNNode1(lastN int) {
    if lastN > list.Length() || lastN <= 0 {
        fmt.Println(" The position of the node to be deleted is illegal ")

    // Delete tail node 
    if lastN == 1 {

    // Delete header node 
    if lastN == list.Length() {
        // Delete chain header node 
        list.headNode = list.headNode.Next

    lowNode := list.headNode
    fastNode := list.headNode
    prevNode := list.headNode
    fastStep := lastN-1
    for fastNode.Next != nil {
        if fastStep > 0 {
            fastNode = fastNode.Next
        fastNode = fastNode.Next
        prevNode = lowNode
        lowNode = lowNode.Next
    prevNode.Next = lowNode.Next
Method 2 : The relationship between node position and node number

I don't know how to delete the last one N Nodes , Just try to find out which one it is . therefore , The key is through the length of the list and N To find the bottom of N Which node is a positive number , It can be seen from observation that , Last but not least N A node is a positive number length-N+1 Nodes ,length Is the length of the list

Code implementation
func (list *List) DelLastNNode2(lastN int) {
    if lastN > list.Length() || lastN <= 0{
        fmt.Println(" The position of the node to be deleted is illegal ")

    length := list.Length()
    position := length-lastN+1

    if position == 1 {
        // Delete chain header node 
        list.headNode = list.headNode.Next
    } else if position == length {
        // Delete the end node of the linked list 
    } else {
        // Delete the node at the specified position in the linked list 

explain : Delete single chain header node 、 Caudal node 、 Node implementation at the specified location , You can refer to my This article , Or here


Merge two ordered single linked lists

So is the question LeetCode Upper part 21 topic

Method 1 : Conventional methods

The conventional idea is , Create a new list , Then traverse the two linked lists to be merged , Compare the size of the two node values traversed , Suppose you want to merge the linked list in descending order , The node with smaller value is inserted into the new linked list , And the value of the small node backward traversal a bit , The node with higher value remains unchanged , Then continue to compare , Repeat the above steps , Pictured ( Be careful : To show the process , The following figure does not consider whether the linked list is empty )

Code implementation
func (list *List) MergeLinkedList(list1 List, list2 List) {
    if list1.HeadNode == nil && list2.HeadNode == nil {
        fmt.Println(" Both linked lists are empty ")
    } else if list1.HeadNode == nil {
        list.HeadNode = list2.HeadNode
    } else if list2.HeadNode == nil {
        list.HeadNode = list1.HeadNode

    curr1 := list1.HeadNode
    curr2 := list2.HeadNode
    if curr1.Data.(int) < curr2.Data.(int) {
        list.HeadNode = curr1
        curr1 = curr1.Next
    } else {
        list.HeadNode = curr2
        curr2 = curr2.Next
    newHead := list.HeadNode
    currNew := newHead

    for curr1 != nil && curr2 != nil {
        if curr1.Data.(int) < curr2.Data.(int) {
            currNew.Next = curr1
            curr1 = curr1.Next
        } else {
            currNew.Next = curr2
            curr2 = curr2.Next
        currNew = currNew.Next

    if curr1 == nil {
        currNew.Next = curr2
    if curr2 == nil {
        currNew.Next = curr1
Method 2 : recursive

The above conventional solution is realized by recursion , It's mainly the termination condition of recursion

Code implementation
func RecursionMergeList(head1 *Node, head2 *Node) *Node {
    newNode := &Node{}
    if head1 == nil {
        return head2
    } else if head2 == nil {
        return head1
    } else {
        if head1.Data.(int) < head2.Data.(int) {
            newNode = head1
            newNode.Next = RecursionMergeList(head1.Next, head2)
        } else {
            newNode = head2
            newNode.Next = RecursionMergeList(head1, head2.Next)
        return newNode

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