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Octave basic syntax

2020-11-08 21:03:00 Come on, get up

Octave Basic functions

Generating matrix functions

  • eye(n): Generate n That's ok n The unit matrix of the column
  • rand(n,m): Random generation n That's ok m The column size range is 0~1 Random number between
  • randn(n,m): Generate according to Gaussian distribution n That's ok m Random number of columns
  • ones(n,m): Generate n That's ok m The column elements are 1 Matrix
  • zeros(n,m): Generate n That's ok m The column elements are 0 Matrix

Matrix operation function

  • B = A(n:m): The matrix A Of the n Go to the first place m The value of the row is assigned to the matrix B
  • A(n,m): take n That's ok m Column elements
  • A([1 3],: ): The matrix A All the elements in the first and third lines are shown
  • A(2,: ): The matrix A All the elements in the second line show up
  • A = [A,B]: Base B Extended to matrix A To the right of , And assign the new matrix to A
  • A = [A;B]: Base B Extended to matrix A Below , And assign the new matrix to A
  • A(: ): take A All the elements in the column form a new column vector according to the direction of the column
  • reshape(A(i:j), n, m):A It's a column vector ,i and j Denotes the th of the column vector i Items to j The term is taken out and reorganized into another matrix ,n and m They are the corresponding rows and columns after reorganization

Matrix operations

  • a*b : matrix multiplication
  • a.*b: Multiply each element
  • a.^2: Square the elements
  • 1./a: Yes a The reciprocal of the elements of
  • log(a): Find logarithm
  • exp(a): With e Bottom , With a Is a power
  • abs(a): Find the absolute value
  • v+ones(length(v),1): Yes v The element of plus 1
  • A’:A The transpose
  • prin(A): Inverse or pseudo inverse
  • sum(a): Sum the data in the matrix
  • prod(a): The product of
  • floor(a): Rounding up
  • ceil(a): Rounding down
  • max(A,[],1): Take the maximum value of each column
  • max(A,[],2): Take the maximum of each row
  • max(max(A)): The maximum in the matrix

Make a simple picture

  • plot(x,y): With x Abscissa ,y The vertical coordinates are plotted , The third parameter is optional , Represents the image type ('r’ The color is red )
  • hold on: Put multiple pictures in the same image . usage : Draw... First plot(t,y1); And then in and out of hold on; And then input plot(t,y2), That is, two images can be displayed at the same time
  • xlabel(xString):xString Express x The name of the axis
  • ylabel(yString):yString Express y The name of the axis
  • legend(string1, string2…): Name each curve in the drawing order
  • title(tString):tString Indicates the name of the chart
  • print -dpng ‘file.png’: Save the chart as png picture
  • close: Turn off the currently open chart
  • figure(n): Use plot Use this function before the function , Guarantee n Different , Multiple chart windows can be opened without being covered
  • subplot(1,2,1): Divide the drawing into 1*2 The grid of , Use the first grid when drawing
  • axis([x1,x2,y1,y2]): Set scale value ,[x1,x2] Is the scale range of the horizontal axis ,[y1,y2] Is the scale range of the vertical axis
  • imagesc(A): For matrix A Draw a color matrix , Different values correspond to different color depths

Common operations

  • PS1(">> “): Change the command line preamble to ”>> "
  • size(A,[N]):A For a matrix , When the first parameter is omitted, the function returns an array [n,m], among n by A Row number ,m by A Columns of ; The second parameter is optional , Represents the dimension of a matrix , Back to page N Dimension of dimension . for example
A = 1
size(A) = 9 1
size(A,1) = 9
size(A,2) = 1
  • disp(): Print variables or strings
  • pwd: Show current path
  • load: Load data file
  • who: Query the variable name in the workspace
  • whos: Query the details in the workspace
  • clear: Clear a variable (clear x), if clear There is no variable after , All variables are cleared
  • clc: Clear the screen
  • save file A: take A The matrix is stored in a file file in

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