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Information collection of penetration test

2022-07-05 15:37:00 GALi_ two hundred and thirty-three

information gathering

Domain information collection

whois Inquire about

whois Is a standard Internet Protocol , It can be used to collect network registration information , Registered domain name ,IP Address, etc .

kali Under the whois Inquire about

 Insert picture description here

online whois Inquire about

Record information inquiry

Website filing is the filing that the owner of the website needs to apply to the relevant national departments according to national laws and regulations ,

Subdomain information collection

subdomain , That is, the secondary domain name , It is the domain name under the top-level domain name . The website is large , You can start with the sub station .

layer Subdomain excavator violence enumeration

 Insert picture description here

Online tools

Certificate transparency public log enumeration

Certificate transparency (Certificate Transparnecy , CT) It's a certificate authority (CA) A project for , The certificate authority will SSL/TLS Publish the certificate to the public log . One SSL/TLS Certificates usually contain domain names 、 Subdomain name and email address .

Search engine enumeration

utilize google Search search sites under specific domain names

“site: baidu.com”

Sensitive information collection

Google Haking

Common grammar

keyword explain
Site Specify domain name
InurlURL Keywords existing in
Intext Keywords in the body of a web page
Filetype Specify file type
Intitle Keywords in the page title
Linklink:baidu.com That is, return and baidu.com Made a link URL
Info Find some basic information about the designated site
cache Search for Google About caching some content in

Such as searching the background management page

 Insert picture description here

Port information collection

Port information collection is a very important process , The corresponding service can be identified by scanning the open port of the server , Then look for attack methods for services .

Commonly used tools Nmap, Massan, Royal sword high speed TCP Port scanning tools, etc .

Common ports and descriptions

File sharing service port

Port number Port specification Direction of attack
21/22/69FTP/TFTP File transfer protocol Allow anonymous Uploads 、 download 、 Blasting and sniffing operations
2049Nfs service Improper configuration
139Samba service Blast 、 Unauthorized access 、 Remote code execution
389Ldap Directory Access Protocol Inject 、 Allow anonymous access 、 Weak password

Remote connection service port

Port number Port specification Direction of attack
22SSH Remote connection Blast 、SSH Tunnel and Intranet agent forwarding 、 File transfer
23Telnet Remote connection Blast 、 Sniffing 、 Weak password
3389Rdp Remote Desktop Connection Shift back door ( need Window Server 2003 The following systems )、 Blast
5900VNC Weak password burst
5632PyAnywhere service Grab the code 、 Code execution

Web Application service port

Port number Port specification Direction of attack
80/443/8080 common Web Service port Web attack 、 Blast 、 Corresponding server version vulnerability
7001/7002WebLogic Console Java Deserialization 、 Weak password
8080/8089Jboss/Resin/Jetty/Jenkins Deserialization 、 Console weak password
9090WebSphere Console Java Deserialization 、 Weak password
4848GlassFish Console Weak password
1352Lotus domino The mail service Weak password 、 Information leakage 、 Blast
10000Webmin-Web Control panel Weak password

Database service port

Port number Port specification Direction of attack
3306MySQL Inject 、 Raise the right 、 Blast
1433MSSQL database Inject 、 Raise the right 、SA Weak password 、 Blast
1521Oracle database TNS Blast 、 Inject 、 rebound shell
5432PostgreSQL database Blast 、 Inject 、 Weak password
27017/27018MongoDB Blast 、 Unauthorized access
6379Redis database Unauthorized access can be attempted 、 Weak password burst
5000SysBase/DB2 database Blast 、 Inject

Mail service port

Port number Port specification Direction of attack
25SMTP The mail service Mail forgery
110POP3 agreement Blast 、 Sniffing
143IMAP agreement Blast

Network common protocol port

Port number Port specification Direction of attack
53DNS The domain name system Allow zone transfer 、DNS hijacked 、 Cache poisoning 、 cheating
67/68DHCP service hijacked 、 cheating
161SNMP agreement Blast 、 Collect target intranet information

Special service port

Port number Port specification Direction of attack
2181Zookeeper service Unauthorized access
8069Zabbix service Remote execution 、SQL Inject
9200/9300Elasticsearch service Remote execution
11211Memcache service Remote execution
512/513/514Linux Rexec service Blast 、Rlogin Sign in
873Rsync service Anonymous access 、 Upload files
3690Svn service Svn leak 、 Unauthorized access
50000SAP Management Console Remote execution

fingerprint identification

Don't use fingerprints here to refer to websites CMS The fingerprint , Computer operating system or web The fingerprint of the container , These fingerprints are actually some feature codes or keywords , Such as WordPress in robots.txt Will contain wp-admin, index.php Will contain generator-wordpress 3.xx etc. . Identify the system used by the target , In order to find the vulnerability of the corresponding version to attack .

CMS(Content Managerment System), Content management system , It's a kind of being in WEB front end (Web The server ) And back office systems or processes ( Content creation 、 edit ) Between the software systems . The creator of the content 、 Editors 、 Publishers use the content management system to submit 、 modify 、 The examination and approval 、 Publish content . I mean “ Content ” May include documents 、 form 、 picture 、 Data in the database or even videos and everything you want to publish to Internet、Intranet as well as Extranet Website information .

common CMS:

  1. Enterprise station building system :MetInfo( Mito )、 Cicada knowledge 、SiteServer CMS(.net platform ) etc. ;
    2.B2C Mall system : Business school shopex、ecshop、hishop、xpshop etc. ;
    3. Portal station building system :DedeCMS( DedeCms ,PHP+MYSQL)、 The empire CMS(PHP+mysql)、PHPCMS、 Move easily 、cmstop,dianCMS( Change point CMS,.net platform ) etc. ;
    4. The blog system :wordpress、Z-Blog etc. ;
    5. Forum Community :discuz、phpwind、wecenter etc. ;
    6. Question answering system :Tipask、whatsns etc. ;
    7. Encyclopedia system :HDwiki;
    8.B2B Portal system :destoon、B2Bbuilder、 A friendly neighbor B2B etc. ;
    9. Talent recruitment website system : The knight CMS、PHP Cloud talent management system ;
    10. Real estate website system :FangCms etc. ;
    11. Online Education station building system :kesion( Kexun ,ASP)、EduSoho Online school ;
    12. Movie website system : Apple cms、ctcms、movcms etc. ;
    13. The system of building novel literature station :JIEQI CMS;

Tool recommendation : Mitsurugi Web fingerprint identification , Whatweb

Online fingerprint identification website :

  • BugScaner:http://whatweb.bugscaner.com/look/
  • The cloud knows the fingerprint :http://www.yunsee.cn/finger.html
  • WhatWeb:https://whatweb.net/

real IP

Through domain name resolution , You can get the website IP, But sometimes it can be parsed IP Not the real server address IP. If the goal is done CDN, that The parsing result may be CDN Node IP Address .

CDN The full name is Content Delivery Network, The content distribution network .CDN It is an intelligent virtual network based on the existing network , Rely on edge servers deployed everywhere , Load balancing through the central platform 、 content distribution 、 Scheduling and other functional modules , Let users get the content they need nearby , Reduce network congestion , Improve user access response speed and hit rate .CDN The key technologies are content storage and distribution technology .

For websites , adopt CDN Acceleration can improve the speed of website access , Because this is a technology that distributes website content to different nodes through caching . When the website has CDN After acceleration , It can often be based on the user's request region , Choose a cache server on the network closest to the user , This can provide users with content services faster , It is no different from directly accessing the source site , This way to shorten the distance from the content network , Technology to achieve accelerated effect . Only when the user has actual data interaction, it will be from the remote Web Server response .

Check whether the target uses CDN

 Insert picture description here

Obtained from different regions IP The address is different , Then it is possible to do CDN, It can be detected through online websites


Bypass CDN

  • Internal mailbox source . Register through website users or RSS Subscription function , Generally, it is not done here cdn
  • Scan website test files . Such as phpinfo、test etc.
  • Sub station domain name .
  • Foreign agent visits .(http://asm.ca.com/en/ping.php)
  • Query domain name resolution record .(https://www.netcraft.com)
  • APP Grab the bag
  • Bypass CloudFlare CDN Find the real IP.(http://www.crimeflare.us/cfs.html#box)

Sensitive directory information collection

Detecting the directory structure and hidden sensitive files of the target site is an essential content . It is possible to get the background page of the website , File upload page , Even the source code of the website .

Most tools are combined with dictionaries to detect

Commonly used tools :DirBuster、 Background scan of Royal sword

Online tools :https://www.webscan.cc/

Reference resources :《Web Safe attack and defense Penetration test practice guide 》


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