当前位置:网站首页>Is there any way to change the height of the uinavigationbar in the storyboard without using the UINavigationController?

Is there any way to change the height of the uinavigationbar in the storyboard without using the UINavigationController?

2022-07-05 03:03:00 fyin1314

problem :

I want to use a custom UINavigationBar in one of my views, which is not a part of any UINavigationController -hierarchy. I want to use customization in one of my views UINavigationBar , It's not any UINavigationController Part of the hierarchy .When I drag a UINavigationBar into Storyboard, it shows like this: When I will UINavigationBar Drag in Storyboard when , It shows as follows :

UINavigationBar Of

This bar is 44px, which would be enough if the status bar wouldn't share this space. This one is 44 Pixels , If the status bar doesn't share this space, it's enough .Because iOS7 lets us use the entire screen, including the space for the status bar, the UINavigationBar should be 64px tall, not 44px. because iOS7 Allow us to use the entire screen , Space including status bar , UINavigationBar Should be 64px high , instead of 44px.

If I connect the view to a UINavigationController 's hierarchy, then it shows correct: If I connect the view to UINavigationController Hierarchical structure , Then it displays correctly :

UINavigationController Of

I read somewhere that if the UINavigationBar has the property barPosition: set to UIBarPositionTopAttached , then the bar would be 64px. I read somewhere , If UINavigationBar Properties of barPosition: Set to UIBarPositionTopAttached , Then the bar will be 64px.This is, however, a readonly -property. However , This is a readonly attribute .

My search results have only shown something I consider a "work-around". My search results only show what I think is “ resolvent ” The problem of .By adding a useless UINavigationController before this UIViewController , I can pretend to have a hierarchy, and it will add the UINavigationBar with 64px automatically. Through this UIViewController Before adding a useless UINavigationController , I can pretend to have a hierarchy , It will automatically add with 64px Of UINavigationBar .

Is there really no way to have a 'rogue'(without the help of a navigation controller) UINavigationBar that covers 64px? Really? There is no way to make ' rogue '( Without the help of the navigation controller ) UINavigationBar Cover 64px Do you ?If that is the case, is there any valid reasons as to why? If so , Is there any justification for ?

(I'm not saying the UINavigationBar should be 64px by default, but there should be an option for it in the inspector)( I'm not saying by default UINavigationBar Should be 64px, But there should be an option in the inspector )

(I also see people answering with programmatic ways to solve this. Even though these answers works, I'd still have to design the storyboard with that in mind (a gap). What I want to know is if it's possible to set this in storyboard, or rather, why isn't it allowed?)( I also see people solve this problem in a procedural way . Although these answers are valid , But I still need Design The storyboard , Consider this ( disparity ). What I want to know is , Whether it can be set as a storyboard , Or say , Why not allow ?)

Solution :

Reference resources : https://stackoom.com/en/question/1Nl9z
