2022-07-05 22:50:00 【明朗晨光】
- 如果某个节点有右孩子,没有左孩子,则它一定不是完全二叉树;
- 当第一次遇到左右孩子不双全的时候,剩下遍历的节点必须是叶节点,否则不是完全二叉树。
目标:X 为头的二叉树是否为完全二叉树;
① 最后一层节点是满的:如果左树是满的,右树也是满的,且左右树高度一致,则以 X 为头的这棵二叉树一定是完全二叉树。(左树满,右树满,左高 = 右高)
1) 最后一个节点在左树,但是左树没满:如果左树是完全二叉树,且右树是满的,且左树比右树高度大1,那么 X 为头的这棵二叉树一定是完全二叉树。(左完全,右满,左高 = 右高 + 1)
2)最后一个节点刚好使得左树满:左树是满的,右树是满的,左树高度比右树高度大1,那么 X 为头的这棵二叉树一定是完全二叉树。(左满,右满,左高 = 右高+ 1)
3)最后一个节点在右树上,但是右树没满:左树是满的,右树是完全二叉树,且左右树高度一致,那么 X 为头的这棵二叉树一定是完全二叉树。(左满,右完全,左高 = 右高)为了支持这 4 种可能性,需要向左右树收集的信息:(1)是否是满二叉树;(2)是否是完全二叉树;(3)高度。
C++ 版
/************************************************************************* > File Name: 041.判断二叉树是否为完全二叉树.cpp > Author: Maureen > Mail: [email protected] > Created Time: 一 7/ 4 19:39:10 2022 ************************************************************************/
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class TreeNode {
int value;
TreeNode *left;
TreeNode *right;
TreeNode(int data) : value(data) {
bool isCBT1(TreeNode *root) {
if (root == nullptr) return true;
queue<TreeNode*> _que;
bool leaf = true;
TreeNode *l = nullptr;
TreeNode *r = nullptr;
while (!_que.empty()) {
root = que.front();
l = root->left;
r = root->right;
//遇到了不双全的节点且发现当前节点不是叶节点 或 有右孩子无左孩子
if (leaf && (l != nullptr || r != nullptr)) || (l == nullptr && r != nullptr) ) {
return false;
if (l != nullptr) {
if (r != nullptr) {
if (l == nullptr || r == nullptr) {
leaf = true;
return true;
class Info {
bool isFull;
bool isCBT;
int height;
Info(bool full, bool cbt, int h) :
isFull(full), isCBT(cbt), height(h) {
Info *process(TreeNode *x) {
if (x == nullptr) {
retur new Info(true, true, 0);
Info *leftInfo = process(x->left);
Info *rightInfo = process(x->right);
int height = max(leftInfo->height, rightInfo->height) + 1;
bool isFull = leftInfo->isFull && rightInfo->isFull && leftInfo->height == rightInfo->height;
bool isCBT = false;
//可能性1:左满,右满,左高 = 右高
if (leftInfo->isFull && rightInfo->isFull && leftInfo->height == rightInfo->height) {
isCBT = true;
} else if (leftInfo->isCBT && rightInfo->isFull && leftInfo->height == rightInfo->height + 1) {
//可能性2:左完全,右满,左高 = 右高 + 1
isCBT = true;
} else if (leftInfo->isFull && rightInfo->isFull && leftInfo->height == rightInfo->height + 1) {
//可能性3:左满,右满,左高 = 右高 + 1
isCBT = true;
} else if (leftInfo->isFull && right->isCBT && leftInfo->height == rightInfo->height) {
//可能性4:左满,右完全,左高 = 右高
isCBT = true;
return new Info(isFull, isCBT, height);
bool isCBT2(TreeNode *root) {
return process(root)->isCBT;
//for test
TreeNode *generate(int level, int maxl, int maxv) {
if (level > maxl || (rand() % 100 / (double)101) < 0.5)
return nullptr;
TreeNode *root = new TreeNode(rand() % maxv);
root->left = generate(level + 1, maxl, maxv);
root->right = generate(level + 1, maxl, maxv);
return root;
TreeNode *generateRandomBST(int level, int value) {
return generate(1, level, value);
int main() {
int maxLevel = 4;
int maxValue = 100;
int testTimes = 1000001;
cout << "Test begin:" << endl;
for (int i = 0; i < testTimes; i++) {
TreeNode *root = generateRandomBST(maxLevel, maxValue);
if (isCBT1(root) != isCBT2(root)) {
cout << "Failed!" << endl;
return 0;
if (i && i % 1000 == 0) cout << i << " cases passed!" << endl;
cout << "Success!!" << endl;
return 0;
Java 版
import java.util.LinkedList;
public class IsCBT {
public static class Node {
public int value;
public Node left;
public Node right;
public Node(int data) {
this.value = data;
public static boolean isCBT1(Node head) {
if (head == null) {
return true;
LinkedList<Node> queue = new LinkedList<>();
// 是否遇到过左右两个孩子不双全的节点
boolean leaf = false;
Node l = null;
Node r = null;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
head = queue.poll();
l = head.left;
r = head.right;
if (
// 如果遇到了不双全的节点之后,又发现当前节点不是叶节点
(leaf && (l != null || r != null))
(l == null && r != null) //有右无左的情况
) {
return false;
if (l != null) {
if (r != null) {
if (l == null || r == null) {
leaf = true;
return true;
public static boolean isCBT2(Node head) {
return process(head).isCBT;
public static class Info {
public boolean isFull; //是否满的
public boolean isCBT;// 是否完全二叉树
public int height; //高度
public Info(boolean full, boolean cbt, int h) {
isFull = full;
isCBT = cbt;
height = h;
public static Info process(Node x) {
if (x == null) {
return new Info(true, true, 0);
Info leftInfo = process(x.left);
Info rightInfo = process(x.right);
int height = Math.max(leftInfo.height, rightInfo.height) + 1;
boolean isFull = leftInfo.isFull && rightInfo.isFull && leftInfo.height == rightInfo.height;
boolean isCBT = false;
if (leftInfo.isFull && rightInfo.isFull && leftInfo.height == rightInfo.height) {
isCBT = true;
else if (leftInfo.isCBT && rightInfo.isFull && leftInfo.height == rightInfo.height + 1) {
isCBT = true;
else if (leftInfo.isFull && rightInfo.isFull && leftInfo.height == rightInfo.height + 1) {
isCBT = true;
else if (leftInfo.isFull && rightInfo.isCBT && leftInfo.height == rightInfo.height) {
isCBT = true;
return new Info(isFull, isCBT, height);
// for test
public static Node generateRandomBST(int maxLevel, int maxValue) {
return generate(1, maxLevel, maxValue);
// for test
public static Node generate(int level, int maxLevel, int maxValue) {
if (level > maxLevel || Math.random() < 0.5) {
return null;
Node head = new Node((int) (Math.random() * maxValue));
head.left = generate(level + 1, maxLevel, maxValue);
head.right = generate(level + 1, maxLevel, maxValue);
return head;
public static void main(String[] args) {
int maxLevel = 5;
int maxValue = 100;
int testTimes = 1000000;
for (int i = 0; i < testTimes; i++) {
Node head = generateRandomBST(maxLevel, maxValue);
if (isCBT1(head) != isCBT2(head)) {
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