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Data of all class a scenic spots in China in 2022 (13604)

2022-07-07 06:48:00 samFuB

The tourist attractions of the people's Republic of China are classified according to the quality grade , There are five levels . among 5A Level is the highest level of Chinese tourist attractions , It represents a world-class tourist scenic spot in China .

And with the National Tourism Administration for A Level scenic spot implementation “ In and out ” Since the dynamic management of ,A The adjustment of first-class scenic spots is becoming more and more normalized , There is no lack of among them 4A、5A Adjustment of first-class scenic spots , This is also for A The statistics of first-class scenic spots have brought difficulties .

The national A Level scenic spot data has been updated . This sorting totals The national A Scenic areas 13604 individual , comparison 2020 Years increased 1000 Multiple . Ministry of culture and tourism of China 2020 The national total of A Class ii tourist attractions 13332 individual , This time A The number of first-class scenic spots is similar .

Because each province 、 Autonomous region 、 On the official website of the municipality directly under the central government , The data is updated from time to time , There is no unified time , therefore The data collected this time adopts the recently released data , The time and source are indicated below , You can check it by yourself .

Longitude and latitude information from geocoding and shp Point file , The accuracy of the position is not ensured , Please check and use .

Download link The national A Class a attractions 2022 year .zip- Dataset document class resources -CSDN download

Data field

The summary table includes : Name of the scenic spot 、 Address 、 Grade 、WGS84 Longitude and latitude

The sub table includes : Name of the scenic spot 、 Address 、 Grade

data format

One copy Excel、 One copy shp Format file


Data preview


shp Format file


Excel Format file

Download link : The national A Class a attractions 2022 year .zip- Dataset document class resources -CSDN download


Data source and statistical deadline

01 The Beijing municipal

Data sources : Beijing government data resource network

By the time : By 2021 year 02 month 28 Japan

02 tianjin

Data sources : Tianjin Municipal Bureau of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 10 month 29 Japan

03 Hebei Province

Data sources : Department of culture and tourism of Hebei Province

By the time : By 2021 year 08 month 02 Japan

04 Shanxi Province

Data sources : Shanxi Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 04 month 14 Japan

05 Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

Data sources : Inner Mongolia culture and tourism department

By the time : By 2021 year 12 month

06 Jilin Province

Data sources : Department of culture and tourism of Jilin Province

By the time : By 2020 year 04 month 30 Japan

07 Heilongjiang Province

Data sources : Heilongjiang Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 01 month 26 Japan

08 Shanghai

Data sources : Shanghai Municipal Bureau of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 08 month 31 Japan

09 Jiangsu Province

Data sources : Jiangsu Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2019 end of the year

10 Zhejiang Province

Data sources : Zhejiang data opening

By the time : By 2021 year 02 month 02 Japan

11 Anhui Province

Data sources : Anhui Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2020 year 06 month 12 Japan

12 Fujian Province

Data sources : Fujian Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 12 month 31 Japan

13 Jiangxi Province

Data sources : Jiangxi Provincial Department of culture and Tourism

By the time : By 2020 year 3 month 27 Japan

14 Shandong Province

Data sources : Shandong Provincial Department of culture and Tourism

By the time : By 2022 year 02 month 15 Japan

15 Henan province

Data sources : Henan Provincial Department of culture and Tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 04 month 13 Japan

16 Hubei province

Data sources : Hubei Provincial Department of culture and Tourism

By the time : By 2022 year

17 Guangdong province,

Data sources : Guangdong Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 12 month 31 Japan

18 Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Data sources : Department of culture and tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

By the time : By 2021 year 12 month 02 Japan

19 Hainan

Data sources : Hainan Provincial Department of tourism, culture, radio, television and sports

By the time : By 2022 year 01 month 19 Japan

20 Chongqing City

Data sources : Chongqing Municipal Commission of culture and tourism development

By the time : By 2021 year 12 month

21 Sichuan Province

Data sources : Sichuan Provincial Department of culture and Tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 05 month 13 Japan

22 Guizhou Province

Data sources : Guizhou Provincial Department of culture and Tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 08 month 10 Japan

23 Yunnan Province

Data sources : Yunnan Provincial Department of tourism and culture

By the time : By 2022 year 02 month 01 Japan

24 Tibet Autonomous Region

Data sources : Tourism Development Department of Tibet Autonomous Region

By the time : By 2021 year 11 month 11 Japan

25 Shaanxi Province

Data sources : Shaanxi Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 02 month 24 Japan

26 Gansu Province

Data sources : Department of culture and tourism of Gansu Province

By the time : By 2021 year 12 month 31 Japan

27 Qinghai Province

Data sources : Qinghai Provincial Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 04 month 23 Japan

28 Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

Data sources : Department of culture and tourism of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region

By the time : By 2020 end of the year

29 Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region

Data sources : Xinjiang Department of culture and tourism

By the time : By 2021 year 04 month 01 Japan

Download link The national A Class a attractions 2022 year .zip- Dataset document class resources -CSDN download

