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Go straight to the 2022ecdc fluorite cloud Developer Conference: work with thousands of industries to accelerate intelligent upgrading

2022-07-07 06:26:00 Zhinar

7 month 6 Japan , With “ Touch everything , Clouds see the future ” As the theme of “2022ECDC Fluorite cloud Developer Conference ” Online meeting . At the meeting, fluorite product manager shared EZIoT Open platform 、 Open video platform 、 IOT proprietary cloud Technology innovation and application scenarios of the three fluorite cloud businesses , And released a new ERTC Fluorite real-time audio and video services .


2021 year , Fluorite will accumulate the ability for many years to open , It forms an open platform service of the whole stack , Featuring audio and video perception , Provide more developers with mature IoT Components . This year, , Fluorite full stack open cloud service system is upgraded , It will help partners create richer intelligent products and industrial application solutions .

EZIoT Open platform :
Device access components continue to upgrade , Large scale access discount plus

Over the past year ,EZIoT Open platform in networking intelligence 、 Visual intelligence has explored many new directions , adopt IoT The ability to connect 、 Visual ability 、 Control Complete component scheme output , Help more third-party brand developers quickly implement new solutions with more market competitiveness , And realize less cost investment .


In the process of exploring intelligent IOT with partners , Fluorite also found some new problems , for example Devices under different network segments and protocols cannot be interconnected 、 The data is not synchronized after the Bluetooth device is connected 、 Video patrol customers AI The labor cost caused by demand fragmentation is rising etc. .2022 year ,EZIoT Open platform is expected to adopt the concept of open source , Provide more flexibility for developers 、 More cost-effective IOT access capability , Released for developers 2 Upgrade the capacity of the three sectors , Namely SDK Access and APP to open up .


First, in the SDK On the access capability , Fluorite added 1 System adaptation , It's done EZIoTSDK Yes RT-Thread Integration of operating systems . It also brings three component technology upgrades to developers , Include : Solve the problem that intelligent products cannot be interconnected “EZVIZConnect Components ”、 Solve problems that cannot be controlled under gateway exceptions “ Dynamic gateway election component ” And solve the problems that cannot be flexibly deployed under the condition of limited equipment resources “AI Load components dynamically ” etc. .


Secondly, in APP Openness , For developers , Fluorite provides APPSDK Componentization capability , By integrating core framework capabilities , Highly encapsulated business interface , With 1 Core access packages , Plus Distribution network 、 news 、 family 、 intelligence 、 push 、 debugging etc. 6 Large optional component package for developers to choose, develop and debug by themselves , Also open source the public version UI Components and category panels , Meet the customized needs and scenarios of developers . at present ,EZIoT There are successful cases of application in many industries , For example, through “ Video module access +AI Load components dynamically ” Help freezer brands to carry out accurate management and operation of freezers , Realize quantity statistics 、 Category identification 、 Display identification 、 Data management and other functions .


Fluorite video open platform :
Release of four performance tools , Accelerate the journey of industry innovation

With the diversified development of audio and video capabilities , Fluorite video open platform provides rich component capabilities for a large number of developers , It has brought management changes and efficiency improvements to thousands of industries .


2020 year , Fluorite video open platform released light application development components 3.0, Support on the web side 3 Line code , Realize video streaming of various scenes ;2021 year , Fluorite releases directional flow scheme , Can effectively reduce 4G Use cost of equipment , Release open source devices SDK, It can access more kinds of devices …… Based on the open ability of fluorite video open platform , Supported by the scale advantage of fluorite cloud , Fluorite has really helped developers reduce costs in the past two years , Improved availability .2022 year , Fluorite video open platform is for industry developers who are new to audio and video , Launched “ Solutions for rapid equipment integration ”, brought 3 Cloud services and 1 Update of algorithm training tools .


First , Released IoT Device manager , Bind batch 、 Preview playback and other commonly used device management functions , It is directly implemented in the developer service module of the official website , At the same time, provide a full version of open source code , Developers can reuse code into their own systems , Open the box , Save labor cost . Add cascading Services , It realizes the mainstream national standard cascade Protocol ,0 Code 、0 Fluorite cascade service deployed by the server ,3 In one step, you can push the video to the superior platform . Upgrade light application development components to new 4.0 edition , It can support multiple devices to use one SDK、 It can easily expand the ability of multi-party interaction , It also supports custom configuration of functions and styles .


In the past, developers actually used fluorite video open platform , Will produce about video 、 Secondary processing requirements of pictures , More features need to be identified to help filter video content . So , Fluorite update algorithm training tool , Continue to improve the industry's basic algorithm library , Including practical material processing group parts and work clothes identification 、 Stacking violation detection 、 Identification of exposed loess , And animal counting 10 More than basic industry algorithms , Help developers lower the training threshold . So far , Fluorite open platform provides a total of 60 Multiple abilities and algorithms , Accelerate the innovation efficiency of developers .


ERTC Fluorite real-time audio and video :
High reliability and easy integration , Help remote interaction more efficient

Developers and partners of fluorite open platform hope that fluorite's audio and video interaction ability can be compatible with more platforms and terminals , And pass a set of standard SDK Open up , Provide them with highly reliable and easy to integrate RTC service . So ,2022 Fluorite brings a new open service ——ERTC(EzvizReal-Time Communication).


ERTC That is, fluorite real-time audio and video , It supports 1 Yes 1 Or many to many real-time audio and video interaction , The end-to-end delay is generally lower than 400ms, It can help developers greatly improve the interactive ability of audio and video in the system , For video conferencing 、 Interactive class 、 Telemedicine and other scenarios .


ERTC It contains four main service modules :SFU Streaming services 、MCU Audio and video synthesis service 、 Three party protocol access gateway and interactive extension service .SFU Responsible for real-time processing and forwarding of multi-party audio and video in an interactive room ;MCU Support the synthesis of multiple audio and video signals into one , It also provides transcoding capability , Provide services for other modules that need synthetic signals ; The three party protocol access gateway is responsible for connecting the end or audio and video signals using the three party standard protocol to the interaction ; The interactive extension service provides developers with electronic whiteboards that may be used in the process of audio and video interaction 、 message sending 、 Cloud recording system 、 Cloud on demand and bypass live broadcast services .


ERTC Service has Compatibility is good. 、 Good stability 、 Strong network jitter resistance and fast integration speed Wait for four core advantages , The deployment scheme is flexible , Support for public clouds 、 Proprietary cloud and hybrid cloud deployment , It effectively ensures the high reliability and easy integration of services . at present ERTC Is for IoT、 education 、 Finance 、 Enterprises 、 Medical care 、 Public service 、 Justice, etc 10 A breakdown of industries 40 Provide services for multiple real-time audio and video interactive scenes , For example, enterprise cloud video conferencing 、 Online training 、 E-commerce live broadcast 、 Video customer service ; Remote medical consultation 、 Surgical teaching 、 Remote consultation has gradually become ERTC The normalized interaction scene .

In the future, fluorite will also provide high-quality products for developers and customers in more market segments ERTC Service for , Continuously improve the effect of real-time audio and video interaction 、 Efficiency and effectiveness .


Fluorite IOT proprietary cloud :
The deployment architecture is comprehensively upgraded , Optimize the IOT proprietary cloud service experience

With the growing demand for IOT cloud platform in all walks of life , Spawned the need for privatization deployment in some scenarios .2021 year , Fluorite publishes the Internet of things proprietary cloud 1.0 edition , have Easy integration 、 High availability 、 Easy to deploy 、 Strong security Equal advantage , For some developers who are able to provide privatization solutions for enterprises that attach importance to controllability , Provide video and AI Ability characteristic IOT PAAS Privately deployed Services . At present, the business mainly covers multiple operations and centralized management 、 Online operation service and intelligent product transformation , Scattered in animal husbandry 、 Logistics warehousing 、 Domestic and foreign operators 7 Industries .


Fluorite IOT proprietary cloud is in the process of serving developers , Faced with heavy architecture 、 Disaster tolerance across machine rooms 、 Delivery pressure 、 Lack of operational tools , Firmware iteration and other challenges from the technical and business levels . After a year of polishing , Fluorite publishes the Internet of things proprietary cloud 2.0 To meet these new challenges , This architecture is lighter than the previous version 、 Delivery is fast , High availability , Easy to deploy , It can be fully privatized , It can also be deployed in a mixed way .


Fluorite IOT proprietary cloud 2.0 Four new business components have been released under the framework . The monitoring component can monitor the hardware and system resources , Service log , Interface requests and other data are monitored , And alarm notification , Ensure the normal operation of developers' system services after landing ; The upgrade component mainly provides developers with the ability to upgrade intelligent hardware online , Reduce the cost of hardware maintenance services after project delivery ; The operation component provides developers with a system operation tool , It presents the development process of intelligent products in a visual way , Shorten the market cycle , Improve productivity ; Proprietary cloud directed traffic component , Solve the problem of developers using mobile network transmission in the scenario of IOT proprietary cloud in a low-cost way , worry 、 To save money .


Fluorite is committed to becoming a reliable smart home service provider and cloud platform provider of the Internet of things , Since its establishment, it has established the core position of cloud platform in its business model , And based on cloud platform , Developed “ Smart home + Cloud platform services ” The pattern of "two main businesses" . By 2021 year 12 end of the month , Fluorite IOT cloud platform access IoT The number of devices exceeds 1.59 One hundred million units , More than 20 10, . Fluorite cloud and partners 、 Developers work together to accelerate growth , Since last year, fluorite cloud service, which is open all over the stack, was released , By this year, the capacity of various sectors will be upgraded , Continuous improvement of fluorite cloud , Cannot do without 20 Support from more than 10000 domestic and foreign industry customers . Fluorite hopes to open 、 Zhaopin LTD 、 Sharing attitude , We will continue to work with our partners and developers to create multi industry oriented application solutions , Accelerate the intelligent upgrading of thousands of industries .

