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Crudini profile editing tool

2022-07-07 06:19:00 Hua Weiyun

Crudini yes Pádraig Brady use Python Developed 、 Used to correct ini Tools for editing configuration files .

crud yes 4 Acronyms of words , namely create、read、update and delete, Chinese translated into “ Additions and deletions ”. This is the most common form of data 4 Class operation method .


# centosyum install -y crudini

Grammar format

 crudini --set [OPTION]...   config_file section   [param] [value] crudini --get [OPTION]...   config_file [section] [param] crudini --del [OPTION]...   config_file section   [param] [list value] crudini --merge [OPTION]... config_file [section]

Common parameters :

--get Get the section or key value in the configuration file
--set set key value
--merge Merge profile
--format=FMT by --get Use , Select the output format . The format is sh,ini,lines
--inplace Lock and write file , There are fewer restrictions than the default replacement
--list by --set and --del, Update a list ( aggregate ) Value
--list-sep=STR Use custom characters instead of the default comma
--output=FILE Write output to file .’-“ Indicates standard output ”
--verbose Indicate on the error output whether changes have been made


Get a key value

#  obtain  nova.conf The configuration file  TEST section  abc Value of key crudini --get  nova.conf TEST abc

Get a value that is not in the section

crudini --get  nova.conf '' abc

Get the key of a section

crudini --get  nova.conf DEFAULT

Add or update a value that is not in the section

crudini --get  nova.conf '' abc 456

Add or update a key value

#  Set up  cinder.conf file  DEFAULT section  auth_strategy Key value is keystonecrudini --set /etc/cinder/cinder.conf DEFAULT  auth_strategy keystone

Update an existing key value ( If the variable does not exist, it will return “Parameter not found:”):

crudini --set --existing /etc/cinder/cinder.conf DEFAULT  auth_strategy keystone

Delete a key

#  Delete  nova.conf The configuration file  DEFAULT section  abc key crudini --del  nova.conf DEFAULT abc

Delete a section

#  Delete nova.conf The configuration file  TEST section crudini --del  nova.conf TEST

Merge profile

#  take test1.ini Merge into test.inicrudini --merge test.ini < test1.ini

#  The output can be determined by shell Parsed section   eval $(crudini --get --format=sh config_file section)#  from shell Variable update ini file   echo name="$name" | crudini --merge config_file section#  Use standards UNIX Text processing compares two ini file   diff <(crudini --get --format=lines file1.ini|sort) \       <(crudini --get --format=lines file2.ini|sort)

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