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Delay initialization and sealing classes

2022-07-06 08:35:00 So, dream

Delay initialization


Kotlin The variable non nullability feature is provided to suppress the null pointer problem .

This feature ensures program security while , It also brings us some coding problems .

Case study : Just imagine , There is a global variable in your program a , Variable a It was not initialized at the beginning of creation , So you make it equal to null.

hypothesis a The type of String, Because to guarantee a Non empty , So its type is declared as String?

private var a: String? = null

Next , Every time you need to call a The method in , All of them should be judged as empty ( Even if it has already been initialized ), Otherwise, you cannot compile !

When there are more and more instances of global variables in the code , This problem will become more obvious .

Delay initialization

To solve this problem ,Kotlin Use lateinit Keyword initializes variables .

private lateinit var a: String

lateinit Keyword telling Kotlin compiler , I will be in Then initialize the variable , So you don't have to assign a variable to null.

such , When calling global variables a Method in , There is no need to judge the empty space .

When using this object , It needs to be initialized , Otherwise, there will be a runtime error !

Avoid repeated initialization

To avoid repeated initialization of variables , You can use the following code

if (!::a.isInitialized) {
     //  Judge  a  Whether to initialize , If the execution code block is not initialized 
            a = "ming ming" //  Yes  a  Perform initialization operation 

::object.isInitialized It is a fixed writing method for judging initialization .

Sealing class


Create a new one Result.kt file , Write the following code in the file :

interface Result
class Success(val message:String):Result
class Failure(val error: Exception):Result

A is defined in the code Result Interface , Used to represent the execution result of an operation .

Define two classes to implement Result Interface ,Success Class is used to represent the result of success ,Failture Class is used to represent the result of failure .

Let me define one more getResultMessage(), Information used to execute the final execution result , The code is as follows

fun getResultMessage(result: Result) = when(result){
    is Success -> result.message
    is Failure -> result.error.message
    else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()

getResultMessage() Method to receive a Result Parameters .

We use it when Sentence to judge Result The type of , If Success, Print success message , If Failture Return error message .

Be reasonable , This should end the code . Because the execution result of the code is either successful , Or failure , There is nothing else .

But for Satisfy Kotlin The grammar check of , At the end, I wrote a else To throw an exception ( Actually this else Can never reach ).

Besides , If we add another class inheritance Result Interface , And forgot to getResultMessage() Add the corresponding execution code ,

When the code is executed, it will be thrown directly else The abnormal .

Sealing class

Sealed classes can easily solve the above problems , To declare a sealed class, you only need to add keywords in front of the class sealed.

take Result The interface is transformed into a sealed class

sealed class Result 
class Success(val message:String):Result()
class Failure(val error: Exception):Result()

The next in when Pass in the sealed class as a condition ,Kotlin It will check the subclasses of the seal class , And force you to deal with the conditions corresponding to each subclass , This ensures that even if you don't write else Conditions , There will be no missing branches .

fun getResultMessage(result: Result) = when(result){
    is Success -> result.message
    is Failure -> result.error.message

When we build a new one Others Class inheritance Result Sealing class ,getResultMessage() Will report a mistake .

We can go through Add remaining branches To add the processing of the corresponding conditions of all subclasses .


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