当前位置:网站首页>[today in history] February 13: the father of transistors was born The 20th anniversary of net; Agile software development manifesto was born

[today in history] February 13: the father of transistors was born The 20th anniversary of net; Agile software development manifesto was born

2022-07-06 08:49:00 today in history

Arrangement | Wang Qilong

through 「 Today in history 」, Look at the future from the past , You can change the future from now on .

It's today 2022 year 2 month 13 Japan , stay 2001 Years of today , Multinational technology company Google (Google) Made its first acquisition in its history , The target of acquisition is Deja The company's network services Usenet.Usenet It is a distributed Internet communication system , Derived from general purpose UUCP The Internet ; Google acquisition Usenet after , It was transformed into Google Online forums , It is associated with BBS/Web The main difference of the forum is that it lacks a central server and Administrator . Review the history of computers 2 month 13 Japan , What other key events have happened on this day that are gradually declining and unknown ?

1910 year 2 month 13 Japan : Father of transistor William Shockley born

1910 year 2 month 13 Japan , William, American physicist and inventor · Shockley (William Bradford Shockley) born ; He is the manager of a research team at Bell Labs , He and John in the group · Buddy 、 Walter · Brighton co invented the transistor , And therefore get 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics .20 century 50 to 60 years , He is promoting the commercialization of transistors at the same time , Created the Silicon Valley area with dense electronic industry in California .

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Shockley was born in London, England , Parents are American . He grew up in California ,1932 Graduated from California Institute of Technology ,1936 Received a doctorate from MIT in , The title of his doctoral thesis is “ Calculate the electron density function in sodium chloride crystal ”.1936 To 1955 During the year , Shockley works at Bell Labs , Former director of transistor Physics Department .1938 The first patent was obtained in “ Electron multiplier arrester ”,1948 He invented the transistor in collaboration with others ,1951 He became a member of the National Academy of Sciences .

1945 year , Soon after the war , Bell Labs set up a solid-state physics group , By Shockley and chemist Stanley · morgan (Stanley Morgan) Leader , The task of these experts is to find a solid-state device to replace the fragile glass vacuum tube amplifier . The experimental team's first attempt was based on Shockley's idea of using an external electric field on a semiconductor to affect its conductivity , However , These experiments always hit a wall in various configurations and materials , So that the team has been at a standstill ; Until John · Badin proposed a theory that quotes surface states , Prevents the electric field from penetrating the semiconductor . To 1946 In the winter , The experimental team has obtained enough results , In the end in 1948 The transistor has been successfully developed .

1955 year , Shockley founded... In mountain view, California “ Shockley laboratories Co., Ltd ”, Many young and excellent talents have been employed . But Shockley, who is good at invention, is too strict in Management , Led to internal discord , Eight key employees ( 8. Treason ) Run away ; These eight young people are talented in 1957 Fairchild Semiconductor was founded in , Later, the world's first integrated circuit was developed . And Shockley lab is getting worse , After being resold twice, on 1968 Permanently closed in . Shockley Cong 1963 He began to be a professor at Stanford University in , In the end to 1989 Died of prostate cancer .

source : Wikipedia 、 Baidu Encyclopedia

2001 year 2 month 13 Japan :《 Agile software development Manifesto 》 Be born

Agile software development (Agile software development), Also known as agile development , It is a kind of from 1990 A number of new software development methods that have attracted widespread attention since the 1970s , A software development capability that responds to rapidly changing requirements . Their specific names 、 idea 、 The process 、 The terminology varies , be relative to “ The agile ”, More emphasis on close collaboration between programmer teams and business experts 、 Face-to-face communication ( More effective than written documentation )、 Deliver new software versions frequently 、 A compact, self-organizing team 、 A code writing and team organization approach that ADAPTS well to changing requirements , There is also a greater emphasis on the role of people in the software development process .

Agile software development ( Or rapid program development RAD) Describes a set of values and principles of software development , In these developments , Requirements and solutions are achieved through self-organizing cross functional teams . Agile software development advocates moderate projects 、 Evolutionary development 、 Early delivery and continuous improvement , And encourage rapid and flexible development and change ; These principles support the definition and continuous evolution of many software development methods . and “ agile ”(Agile) The word is made up of 2001 year 2 month 13 Born on “ Agile software development Manifesto ”(Manifesto for agile software development) Start to promote ,“ Agile software development Manifesto ” It also defines relevant values and principles .

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Iterative and incremental software development methods can be traced back to 1957 year ; Evolutionary project management and adaptive software development appear in 1970 In the early s . stay 1990 years , Due to criticism of heavyweight software development methods , Many lightweight software development methods have been developed 、 Project and subtle development management . Although all kinds of development methods originated before the agile development manifesto , But they are ultimately collectively referred to as agile software development methods .2001 year 2 month 13 Japan ,17 A lightweight software developer gathered at the Snowbird ski resort in Utah , A consensus was reached on a new software development trend ——《 Agile software development Manifesto 》. The core of agile development method is people-oriented , Focus on specific and feasible goals , Emphasize teamwork and rapid response to change .

In this ski resort meeting ,17 Developers jointly drafted the agile software development manifesto . The most important part is the expression of software development values agreed by some participants : Individual and interaction Above processes and tools ; Working software Higher than detailed documentation ; Customer cooperation Higher than contract negotiation ; Response variation Better than following the plan . Although they also attach great importance to the content that is not bold on the right of these four values , But pay more attention to the key content on the left . Some software developers later organized agile alliances , Non profit organization , Promote software development according to the values and principles of the declaration . What insights do you have about efficient working methods ? Welcome to this poll , Discuss together in the comments area .

source : Wikipedia 、 Baidu Encyclopedia

2002 year 2 month 13 Japan : Microsoft released .NET Framework

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stay 20 Years ago, 2002 year , Microsoft announced the next generation of software 、 Vision and route of service :.NET Framework. This is a company dedicated to agile software development (agile software development)、 Rapid application development (rapid application development)、 Platform independent and network transparent software framework , It's Microsoft for 2000 The first step towards server and desktop software engineering in the s , Contains many technologies that help the rapid development of Internet and Intranet applications .2014 year 11 month 12 Japan , Microsoft announced that it would be fully open .NET Framework source code , And provide Linux and macOS Use .

Oracle's Java Programming languages and Java Platform enterprise technology is .NET One of the competitors of the platform . stay 12 month 24 Daily column Microsoft and Sun Between Java After the competition war , Microsoft just lost Java, Just developed .Net and C# Carry out strategic layout ;.NET The framework is the successor of Microsoft Windows DNA After the new development platform , Run the library in a common language (Common Language Runtime) Based on , Support for multiple languages (C#、F#、VB.NET、C++、Python etc. ) Development of .

Just tomorrow morning 9 spot ,2022 year 2 month 14 Japan , Microsoft brings together developers from around the world to celebrate .NET Be born 20 Anniversary of the , And in Official website 、LearnTV、YouTube、Twitch and Twitter on 30 Minutes of live activity ; The live content includes Microsoft celebrity interviews , Share stories from customers and developers , And open source contributors 、MVP and .NET More stories from team members ..NET From one only in Windows Closed source technology running on , Now it has been transformed into a cross platform open source technology ; From the beginning, it is attached to the desktop and website framework , Up to now, it can act as a mobile application 、 game 、 Cloud computing 、 How big the AI application scenario is , so to speak .NET Constantly following the pace of the times , And gradually began to define the era . I wish .NET Happy 20th birthday , May developers join hands to usher in .NET The next 20 years !

【 Welcome to contribute 】 Take history as a mirror , We can know the rise and fall . Computer science has developed so far , There are many crucial events 、 figure , Welcome all friends to build 「 Today in history 」, Send email :[email protected] .


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