Before watching this article, I assume that you have with the principle of the analysis before I knowledge,Because to tell the contents of this chapter is based on a series of knowledge before,In order to ensure that you read smoothly it is recommended that you read myLINQSeries of articles before or you have more in-depth articlesLINQPrinciple of knowledge,To prevent delay your precious time.
到目前为止我们对LINQThe implementation of the principle of already very clear,From its preliminary idea to it really have enough evidence to which we have,But it seems like a problem is not so easy as we would like to,Problem is always appeared frequently we used especially in using new technology,Of course there is a problem to make progress.
在研究LINQ的过程中,Refer to a lot of technical articles and technical books,毫无疑问的是Linq to ProviderThe invocation of the entrance are toLambda表达式解析成Expression<T>表达式对象,跟Linq to Object不同,Linq to Object是将LambdaDirect parsed into genericFunc类型的委托,But we have a lot of people including myself, have ignored the details of a large,就是ProviderInternally forExpression<T>进行执行,We are not understood the expressionExpression<T>Object completely parsed into equivalentSQL,也就是说Expression<T>It's not that we say see pure,It has a dual context logic inside.
我们都是直接使用LINQ作为查询接口,VSIn the last compile time is responsible forLINQSyntax parsing and translated into the corresponding extension method call.We ignore a important link,就是VS对LINQParsing is executed when translationLINQ表达式的,这点非常重要.之前我一直以为VS只负责将LINQThe expansion of the expression is translated into equivalent method call,后来发现VSIn order to meet our early unable to determine object conditions under the situation ofWhereThe joining together of words,Allow us to writeLINQStatements with logic expressions in it,This feature for many conditions combination query is quite convenient for us,不需要在进行IF、ELSEMultiple judgment,You just need to let nature take its course inLINQIn the first expression of judgment to go.The pursuit of elegant code comrade do not want in a bothLINQQuery with the chain of the query methods using two types of queries,如果LINQCan meet most of the queries that the perfect;
为了说明LINQ在编译时会被VS执行,我们用LINQPadTools to look at will know;
linq查询表达式:from truck in TB_CX_TRUCKs where 1==1 select truck linqEquivalent chain method:TB_CX_TRUCKS.Where(truck=>True) 图1:
If there is no execution is parsed directly on principle inlambda的格式 (truck)=>1==才对,然后让linq to providerThe provider shall be responsible for handling to,Maybe think there is no real meaning is the expression of identity anyway so the parsed into.We are writing for a change see. linq查询表达式:from truck in TB_CX_TRUCKS where string.IsNullOrEmpty(“1111”) select truck linqEquivalent chain method:TB_CX_TRUCKS.Where(truck=>string.IsNullOrEmpty(“1111”))
图2: 由此可以得到一个结论,linqStatement is executed and parsing of two actions,In has not entered the provider can already see thatlinqCan be attached some execution logic inside,而不是最终的sql执行逻辑.
The processing of expression can be divided into constant expressions and dynamic variable expression,常量表达式在VSCompile time can direct calculation expression istrue、false.Dynamic variables and expressions may need to be done in the later calculation expression parsing,换句话说Linq to Provider中的ProviderThe provider is expression actuator with high IQ,Is not only the expression of equivalent parsing and mingled with the custom of the expression parsing logic code.
打个比方,We all have experience of joining together the query conditions,界面上有NA query condition field,Need according to the user whether to fill in which field for dynamic splicing intoLINQ语句中去.Generally we areif的判断才行,因为我们都觉得WhereThe conditional expression is directly behind the parsed into corresponding logicSQL语句,So as long as the stitching in are parsed intoSQL的Where子句.由于LINQIs unable to assemble the decoupling,Must be a written to compile.So we are using the query expansion method in data query,Make it impossible for us to see such difficultiesLINQ的优雅,But has been in less than.
通过观察LINQPad工具解析的SQL语句,发现LINQThe query expression within the provider will be executed、Analytical process of two,跟VS的过程是一样的,Can perform first,然后解析,Parsing is established on the basis of previous after the execution of the.Let's look at a simpleLINQ解析后的SQLAnd the chain method;
LINQ查询表达式:from truck in TB_CX_TRUCKs where 1==1 ||truck.LICENSE_NUMBER.Length<10 select truck
Contrast the chain method,很明显VS先对1==1Expressions for the execution and returnstrueAs part of the whole expression spliced into behindWhere链式方法,So first implementation to resolve two process.Then we finallySQL进行分析,Didn't see anyWhere语句,为什么呢?Because the provider in internal expression for the execution and analyzes the output we want,Also don't know whether this effect in order to meet our conditions more stitching problem.
由于Where方法里面的LambdaIf expression is carried out,那么将不会执行(truck.LICENSE-NUMBER.Length<10),So that multiple conditions of joining together for us to provide the interface.
We look at the condition of combination query examples:
Will query entity passed on the interface to the data access layer after:
1 public List<Truck>GetList(Truck truckModel)2{
3using(KJtest0817Entities DbContext = new KJtest0817Entities())4{
5 var resultList = from truck in DbContext.TB_CX_TRUCK
6 where string.IsNullOrEmpty(truckModel.ENGINE_NUMBER)|| truck.ENGINE_NUMBER == truckModel.ENGINE_NUMBER
7 where string.IsNullOrEmpty(truckModel.LICENSE_NUMBER)|| truck.ENGINE_NUMBER == truckModel.LICENSE_NUMBER
8 select new Truck()9{
10 BRAND = truck.BRAND
11};12return resultList.ToList();13}14}
这样的查询LINQ确实很优美,比起之前的IFELSEJudgment also save a lot of.
If there are a lot of query conditions,So we are going to write many such judgment code,That is not convenient to also not beautiful.
Many conditions betweenOR查询
Although many cases we are usingLinq中的whereKeyword to splice the query conditions,But there is a demandLinqQuery does not satisfy the we,That is more conditions betweenOR的关系.Because as long as we useLinqWrite or chain way outSQL语句中的whereConditions will is behindand关系,This time we can only use chain approach to split.
Here is a key is a foreigner(Estimates are the predecessors of better,在此谢谢了!)写的一个*.cs文件,里面是Expression<T>Expression file extension methods,Is mainly used for many conditionsOr、AndBetween the query in the.
All said that if the combined conditions between query isandRelationships can be used directlyLinq,如果是or或者是or与and一起,You can use this chain query methods.
总结:Actually said so much purpose is only one,LINQThe parsing process is not only one“The provider to translateSQL”的过程,But includes two stages,The processing of four process,LINQWrite a lot of kinds of,原理应该是差不多的,As long as we writeLINQWhen considering these process,Should we deal with complex queries is helpful.