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MySQL combat optimization expert 07 production experience: how to conduct 360 degree dead angle pressure test on the database in the production environment?

2022-07-06 10:05:00 Office template library material frog

1、 Yesterday's thinking problem solution

First, let's analyze yesterday's first small thinking problem : I'll give you one 4 nucleus 8G Machine , Can it resist thousands or even tens of thousands of concurrent requests per second ?

In fact, this is not necessarily , Because how many concurrent requests can a machine resist per second , Follow CPU、 Memory 、 disk IO、 network bandwidth , It all matters .

for instance , Previously, in the production environment of one of our projects , According to our observation , a 4 nucleus 8G If your machine resists every second 500+ Request , So his CPU The load is already very high , Basically, the most possible is to resist every second 1000+ Request , And then CPU The load will be basically full , The machine is hanging up risk .

In addition, if the business logic of your system specially eats memory , Maybe you have one 4 nucleus 8G The machine runs hundreds of requests per second , Memory usage is very high , and JVMGC The frequency may be very high , Therefore, it is difficult to continue to promote concurrent requests at this time .

So in fact, it is impossible for a machine to increase the number of concurrent requests that it can resist without limitation .

Let's look at the next question : About QPS and TPS Of . I asked you last time , If a trading system is split into many services , So what each service receives per second Concurrent requests are QPS still TPS Well ?

This is obviously QPS, Because each service is responsible for doing its own things , Actually, for him , The number of concurrent requests per second is QPS.

So for a large trading system composed of multiple services , How many transactions can this trading system complete per second , This is a QPS still TPS Well ?

In fact, you can think of this as TPS The concept of , Because a transaction needs to call multiple services to complete , So the completion of a transaction is actually similar to a transaction in the database Business , It covers the request invocation of many services , So how many transactions are completed per second , You can use it. TPS To describe .

For example, you say trading system TPS yes 300, That is to say, it can be completed every second 300 transaction . For example, services in the trading system A Of QPS yes 500, Trading system One of the services A It can be processed per second 500 A request .

2、 A very easy-to-use database pressure testing tool

The last article explained what we should pay attention to in the process of pressure measurement , This article will take you step by step to use a tool for database Pressure measurement .

First of all, let me introduce a very useful database pressure measurement tool , Namely sysbench, This tool can automatically help you construct a large amount of data in the database , you How much data do you want , He will automatically construct how many pieces of data for you .

Then this tool can simulate thousands of threads accessing your database concurrently , Simulations use a variety of SQL Statement to access your database , Including simulation To submit various transactions to your database , You can simulate hundreds of thousands TPS Go and test your database .

So generally speaking , If you want to do a database pressure test , It's direct use of sysbench Just tools , Let me take you through this article Use of pressure measuring tools , After learning this lesson , You can install one locally MySQL database , Then try it by yourself .

3、 stay linux Installation on sysbench Tools

First of all, you need to have a linux machine , If you have only one windows laptop , You can put one in it linux Virtual machine , Then you can use the following Set the command yum repo Warehouse , Then based on the yum To install sysbench That's all right. , After the installation is completed, verify whether it is successful .

curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/akopytov/sysbench/script.rpm.sh | sudo bash

sudo yum -y install sysbench

sysbench --version


If you can see above sysbench Version number of , That means the installation is successful .

4、 Test case of database pressure test

Then we need to create a test library in our own database , We can call it test_db, At the same time, create the corresponding test account , It can be called test_user, The password is test_user, Give this user permission to access test_db.

Then we will be based on sysbench structure 20 A test table , Each watch has 100 Ten thousand data , Then use 10 A concurrent thread to initiate access to the database , Continuous access to 5 minute , That is to say 300 second , Then pressure test it .

5、 be based on sysbench Construct test tables and test data

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_read_write --db-ps-mode=disable prepare

Above we construct a sysbench command , A lot of parameters are added to him , Now let's Explain these parameters , I believe you can see many parameters by yourself Then you can roughly understand what it means :

--db-driver=mysql: This is very simple , That is to say, he is based on mysql Drive to connect mysql database , If you oracle, perhaps sqlserver, that Naturally, it's the driver of other databases

--time=300: This means continuous access 300 second

--threads=10: This means to use 10 Threads simulate concurrent access

--report-interval=1: This means every time 1 Second output pressure measurement situation

--mysql-host= --mysql-port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user: This big bunch , Just It means to connect to which port on which machine MySQL library , What's his user name and password

--mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 --table_size=1000000: This string means , That is to say test_db This library , structure 20 One test surface , In each test table, construct 100 10000 test data , The name of the test table would be something like sbtest1,sbtest2 Like this
oltp_read_write: That means , perform oltp Database read and write test

--db-ps-mode=disable: This is the prohibition of ps Pattern

Finally, there is one prepare, Refer to the settings of this command to construct the data in the database that we need , He will automatically create 20 A test table , Each table Created in 100 10000 test data , So this tool is very convenient .

6、 The database is 360 An all-round test of degrees

Test the comprehensive reading and writing of database TPS, It uses oltp_read_write Pattern ( Let's look at the end of the order prepare, yes run 了 , It is to run the pressure test ):

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_read_write --db-ps-mode=disable run 

Test the read-only performance of the database , It uses oltp_read_only Pattern ( Look at the order oltp_read_write Has changed to oltp_read_only 了 ):

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_read_only --db-ps-mode=disable run 

Test the deletion performance of the database , It uses oltp_delete Pattern :

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 --table_size=1000000 oltp_delete --db-ps-mode=disable run 

Test the performance of the updated index fields of the database , It uses oltp_update_index Pattern :

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_update_index --db-ps-mode=disable run 

Test the performance of updating non indexed fields in the database , It uses oltp_update_non_index Pattern :

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_update_non_index --db-ps-mode=disable run 

Test the performance of updating non indexed fields in the database , It uses oltp_update_non_index Pattern :

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_update_non_index --db-ps-mode=disable run 

Test the insertion performance of the database , It uses oltp_insert Pattern :

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_insert --db-ps-mode=disable run 

Test the write performance of the database , It uses oltp_write_only Pattern :

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_write_only --db-ps-mode=disable run

Use the command above ,sysbench The tool will construct all kinds of... According to your instructions SQL Statement to update or query your 20 The data in the test sheet , meanwhile Monitor the pressure test performance index of your database , After the final pressure measurement , You can perform the following cleanup command , Clean up the data .

sysbench --db-driver=mysql --time=300 --threads=10 --report-interval=1 --mysql-host= --mysql- port=3306 --mysql-user=test_user --mysql-password=test_user --mysql-db=test_db --tables=20 -- table_size=1000000 oltp_read_write --db-ps-mode=disable cleanup 

7、 Pressure test results analysis

Follow our orders above , We let him every 1 A pressure test report will be output every second , At this time, he will output something similar to the following every second :

[ 22s ] thds: 10 tps: 380.99 qps: 7312.66 (r/w/o: 5132.99/1155.86/1321.35) lat (ms, 95%): 21.33 err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00 

Let me explain to you what this means , First of all, he said this is the first 22s Output a section of pressure measurement statistical report , Then there are some other statistical fields :

thds: 10, This means that there is 10 A thread is piecing

tps: 380.99, This means that every second is executed 380.99 One transaction

qps: 7610.20, This means that it can be executed every second 7610.20 A request

(r/w/o: 5132.99/1155.86/1321.35), That means , Every second 7610.20 A request , Yes 5132.99 The first request is a read request ,1155.86 Please Ask for truth and write a request ,1321.35 Requests are other requests , That's right QPS It was disassembled

lat (ms, 95%): 21.33, That means ,95% The delay of requests for is all in 21.33 Under milliseconds

err/s: 0.00 reconn/s: 0.00, These two means , Every second 0 One request failed , It happened. 0 Secondary network reconnection

The pressure test results will vary greatly according to the performance of each person's machine , If you have a very high performance machine , Then you can open a lot of concurrent threads to stress test , Than Such as 100 Threads , At this point, you may find that the database's per second TPS There are thousands of them , If your machine's performance is low , Maybe it's a barometer TPS Only 20 or 30 ,QPS Only a few hundred , It's all possible .

In addition, after completing the pressure measurement , Finally, a general pressure test report will be displayed , I wrote the explanation below :

SQL statistics:

queries performed:

read: 1480084 // That is to say in 300s During the pressure test of the 148 Thousands of requests to read

write: 298457 // This means that during the pressure test 29 More than ten thousand write requests
other: 325436 // This means that during the pressure test 30 More than 10000 other requests
total: 2103977 // This means that a total of 210 Thousands of requests

// This means that a total of 10 More than ten thousand Affairs , To perform a second 350 Multiple transactions
transactions: 105180( 350.6 per sec. )

// This means that a total of 210 Thousands of requests , To perform a second 7000+ request
queries: 2103977 ( 7013.26 per sec. )

ignored errors: 0 (0.00 per sec.)

reconnects: 0 (0.00 per sec.)

// The following is to say , All executed 300s Piezometry of , Yes 10 ten thousand + The business of General staticstics:

total time: 300.0052s

total number of events: 105180

Latency (ms):

min: 4.32 // The least latency in requests is 4.32ms

avg: 13.42 // The average latency of all requests is 13.42ms

max: 45.56 // The most delayed request is 45.56ms

95th percentile: 21.33 // 95% The request delays for are all in 21.33ms within

8、 Homework today

I hope you can finish an assignment today , Prepare one by yourself linux Machines or virtual machines , And then install one mysql database , Then use sysbench Tool taste Try the pressure test of the database , Analyze the pressure test report and results by yourself , Feel how high concurrency your database can resist .

At the same time, we will also explain to you the process of pressure measurement , How to observe other important performance indicators of the machine , for instance CPU、 The Internet 、 Memory 、 disk IO, wait .


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