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The sixth training assignment

2022-07-07 10:57:00 m0_ sixty-three million five hundred and fifty-two thousand nin

1. Operator

Operators are used to perform program code operations . Will operate on one or more operands

2. Control statement

We wrote javascript The code is carried out from top to bottom , Many times we want the code to execute as we want , For example, selectively execute some code , This requires the use of process control statements .

There are three kinds of process statements :

1. Process execution : From top to bottom , From left to right

2. Choose to perform : Branch selection

3. Loop execution : repeat

3. choice

3.1 Single choice

if( Conditions ){

Statement of body :


First, execute the condition

If the result is true, Then execute the statement body 1

If the result is false, Then execute the statement body 2

3.2 Multiple choice

if( Comparison expression 1){

Statement of body 1

}else if( Comparison expression 2){

Statement of body 2;

}else if( Comparison expression 3){

Statement of body 3;



Multiple if.....else And the value is constant , It can be used switch Replace :

switch( expression ){

case value 1;

Statement of body 1;


case value 2;

Statement of body 2;



Statement of body n+1;



break Prevent penetration , without break, Then continue to execute the following code , Until I met break Or complete the execution , But sometimes penetration is used

3.4 loop

The loop structure is used to repeat an operation , Simple to understand is to repeatedly execute the same type of code , He has many forms :

1.while: Execute before judge

2.do.....while: Judge before you execute , At least once

3.for:for( Initialization statement ; Judgment statement ; Control condition statement ){

Loop body statement ;


4. Dead cycle : Conditions are always there , For ever true, There will be a life and death cycle

5.break And continue

break: Stop this cycle

continue: Pause this cycle , Continue next time

4 Array

An array of data arranged in order , The position of each value has a number , The whole array is represented by brackets

4.1 To define an array

js There are three ways to define arrays in :

var arr=[1,2,3];

var arr=new Array(1,2,3);

var arr=new Array(size);

4.2 Basic operation

The length of the array can be determined by length Property to get , And you can change

4.3 Array traversal

Array traversal is to access each element in the array in turn ,js Provides three ways to traverse arrays :

1.for Loop traversal



4. understand

4.4 The operation method provided by array

Array Object provides us with some methods , You can easily manipulate arrays

5. function

Functions as methods are pre-set blocks of code , It can be called repeatedly , According to the input parameters , Returns different values . Functions are also objects .

5.1 Function definition

There are three ways to define functions : Function declaration statement , Function definition expression ,function Constructors

5.2 Function declaration statement

function Function name ([ parameter list ]){


5.3 Function definition expression

Functions defined as expressions , The name of the function is unnecessary

var Variable name =function([ parameter list ])

5.4function Constructors

function Constructor accepts any number of arguments , But the last parameter is always regarded as a function body, also known as an expression , The previous parameters list the parameters of the new function

5.5 The parameters of the function

Sometimes, external data is required when a function is running , Different external data leads to different results , This kind of external data is called parameter , The parameters when defining are called formal parameters , The parameters when calling are called arguments

6. Function call

6.1 Commonly used call method

There is a return value that can be accepted by variables , If a function with no return value is accepted, it is unfined

2. Function call mode

3. Function call method


Function execution may have a return value , Need to use return Statement to return the result to .return Statements are not necessary , If not, the function will not return any value

6.3 The scope of the function

Function scope : Global and local

1. The homonymy problem of global variables and local variables

2 When you define variables in a function , If not var keyword , After use, it will automatically become a global variable


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