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[ruoyi] ztree custom icon (iconskin attribute)
2022-07-06 02:46:00 【sayyy】
- ruoyi 4.6.0
- JQuery zTree core 3.5.12
establish iconSkin
.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_open{
margin-right:2px; background-position: -147px -21px; vertical-align:top; *vertical-align:middle}
.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_close{
margin-right:2px; margin-right:2px; background-position: -147px 0; vertical-align:top; *vertical-align:middle}
.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_docu{
margin-right:2px; background-position: -147px 0; vertical-align:top; *vertical-align:middle}
.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_open
: Style of branch node expansion status.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_close
: The style of the folded state of the branch node.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_docu
: The style of leaf nodes.ztree li span.button.<iconSkin name >_ico_open
:<iconSkin name >
CustomizableiconSkin ico2
:.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_docu
The icon of is set to be the same as.ztree li span.button.ico2_ico_close
The icons of are consistent
Use iconSkin The way 1:
var setting = ...;
//js Middle node data :
var zTreeNodes = [
// The parent node expands Use the same icon when folding
name:" Parent node 1", iconSkin:"diy01"},
// The parent node expands Use different icons when folding
name:" Parent node 2", iconSkin:"diy02"},
// Personalized icon of leaf node
name:" Leaf node ", iconSkin:"diy03"}
//zTree initialization
$.fn.zTree.init($("#tree"), setting, zTreeNodes);
Use iconSkin The way 2:
var treeObj = $.fn.zTree.getZTreeObj("tree");
var treeNodes = treeObj.transformToArray(treeObj.getNodes());
treeNodes.forEach(treeNode => {
if (!treeNode.isParent) {
/* Set the leaf node's iconSkin Set to :ico2 */
treeNode.iconSkin = "ico2";
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