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Referenceerror: primordials is not defined error resolution

2022-07-06 02:34:00 Xizhou-

1. Problem scenario :

Took over an old project , There is no documentation ,npm install Open the door , An error is as follows :

Extract key :

ReferenceError: primordials is not defined

  After network search and troubleshooting , be supposed to gulp And node Caused by version conflict .

First installation gulp, View version

see node edition

npm install gulp -g
gulp -v
node -v

 2. Problem solving

I tried many methods online , Neither. , Last , Reduce node Version is 11.15.0, Problem solving

use nvm management node edition , Switch to a node Version is 11.15.0

nvm install 11.15.0
nvm use 11.15.0

  Finally delete node_modules, again npm install

ChangChun , Finally saw the dawn of victory


