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[community personas] exclusive interview with Ma Longwei: the wheel is not easy to use, so make it yourself!

2022-07-06 02:12:00 RT thread IOT operating system

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Hi~RT-Thread Community developers :
【 Community chronicles 】 yes RT-Thread New columns launched by the community , Personage will focus on every pair of RT-Thread Small partners who have made contributions to the community , Regularly from RT-Thread Select an active developer from the community partners for an exclusive interview , Share with developers RT-Thread The story and fate of learning and learning methods and experiences . Thank you again for your contributions to the community , You are right. RT-Thread We have kept in mind the support and contribution of the community , I also hope that more partners can join RT-Thread The ecological construction of in ~

** Introduction to developers in this issue :** Malongwei , Forum account Cfly,RT-Thread Community experts ,2022 year RT-Thread Global Technology Conference lecturer ,Agile Family bucket software package author , get 2019 And 2021 year RT-Thread Community outstanding contribution award

His forum homepage :https://club.rt-thread.org/u/2c298f197058c516.html

As RT-Thread One of the most active developers in the community , How does Ma Longwei interact with RT-Thread Become attached to the ? How to become RT-Thread Community outstanding contributors ? Let's take a look at his exclusive interview ~

Q: Please briefly introduce yourself first ( Technical background 、 Work experience 、 Learning experience )
I have graduated from work 3 Years. , Mainly in the development of embedded underlying technology . front 2 In the field of Internet of things , Now we are turning to the industrial automation industry . The work mainly involves the transplantation of operating system and middleware 、 Drive debugging, etc .

Q: How did you communicate with RT-Thread Become attached to the ? What makes you right about RT-Thread Always have enthusiasm ?
When I was interning in the first company, the leader mentioned it and I went to know , Find it and uCOS、FreeRTOS It's completely different to use ,“ Small and beautiful ” The idea of runs through the whole , especially Env and The device frame made me feel very strange , At that time, BiShe also had a lot of time at the beginning and wanted to use it . Brother wildfire's 《RT-Thread Kernel Implementation and application development practice guide 》 This book was of great help to my study at that time .
At first, when it was Mengxin, a group was added ( Which one forgot ), The people inside are very enthusiastic , Communities and groups are also very active , With the help of group friends, I also slowly grew up . Until now, RT-Thread Our community is still very active and open , I also met many friends to discuss technology and life . Because such a group of interesting and enthusiastic people , My learning and growth path is not alone .

Q: As RT-Thread The winner of the community Outstanding Contribution Award , Can you share your community contribution experience or experience ?
The first contribution is the first submission when completing the design Libmodbus software package , Follow the official package submission tutorial step by step , It is not a success to merge the branches of their own warehouses into the official , Mainly for some git The operation of is not very familiar .
After work, use it in depth RT-Thread, I always feel that some components or software packages are not used to , Just think I want to make my own wheels . From the simplest Led Start to key 、 Network debugging 、Ftp The server , Their own wheels are gradually increasing , As soon as people have family buckets, I'll name them Agile All right . Every once in a while, abstract some of your ideas as new family members .

Q: You developed Agile Series of software packages are highly praised by developers , Are there any unforgettable memories in the development process ?
file ! file ! Or documents ! No matter how easy a thing is to use, but you don't have a manual or a heavenly book, it's difficult to promote it , Maybe I will think about what I write when I go to see it one day ?
At the beginning, writing documents was quite casual , A few hundred words in a hurry , No matter what the flood is . In the back Doxygen Later, I found that the original document can still be written like this , At this time, I made another Flag, I want to put Agile Whole family barrel document rewriting , Next is a painful period of time , First of all Agile Modbus, I can still remember those nights and weekends when I stayed up late to write documents , The feeling of choking out one word reminds me of when I wrote my composition at school . Documentation alone is not enough , A complete example is needed to make developers easy to use , Then there was another painful day . That's it Agile Modbus Present the current version .
When documents are generated by tools, I feel that the previous efforts are worth it .

Q: You are using RT-Thread When developing a project , What is the most difficult point ?
It should be the equipment frame and POSIX Well , The device framework is a novelty , and RT-Thread It provides a lot of device frameworks that you can use foolishly , But how to achieve their own bottom drive access device management , This requires you to agree with its idea , Endure a period of discomfort . meanwhile POSIX The docking of is also a great difficulty ,select The principle of implementation and how to connect need a deep understanding of the device framework .

**Q: In embedded development , How do you improve your development skills ? **
image RT-Thread Contributing code is a good way to improve your skills . At the same time, when you have good ideas in the components or software packages you use , Take time to study someone else's code , Learning ideas . Some open source projects of others can also be used to learn . When I suddenly think of a good idea, I will implement it and share it with you .

Q: What are your favorite development tools ? What will be used in daily work ?
Favorite tool Env、Git and VS Code Well .VS Code Many plug-ins in are very useful , And cooperate with Env The code written after the tool generates the configuration file is very smooth .

Q: Work / What problems or challenges did you encounter during your study , How did you solve it ?
I will try my best to solve the problems in my work , Don't stick to one method , When stuck, discuss divergent thinking with colleagues or friends , Speak out , I found that there were many problems that I described. Suddenly, the light appeared .

Q: For wanting to learn RT-Thread The developer of the , What do you suggest / I want to share my experience with them ?
It is inevitable that learning is boring , But understand thoroughly RT-Thread The design idea can be more handy in use , I suggest buying an official book and spending some time learning to be familiar with its mechanism . At the same time, it can be simple demo Start to realize , Try it module by module to see the phenomenon . When you encounter problems, you can ask questions on the Forum , There are many enthusiastic gods in the Forum .

Q: What do you think RT-Thread What is the community doing better ? What else needs to be improved ?
High community activity , The response to developers is very timely and there are many online and offline activities . I hope to make a special recommendation for some easy-to-use components and software packages , Make it easier for more developers to choose .

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