At the sentry sentinel In mechanism , Can solve redis High availability problem , When master After failure, it can automatically change slave Upgrade to master, So as to guarantee redis The normal use of the service , But it can't be solved redis The bottleneck of single machine write , Stand alone redis Write performance is limited by the memory size of a single machine 、 Concurrent number 、 Network card speed and other factors .

Redis Cluster The characteristics are as follows :

  1. all Redis Node usage (PING Mechanism ) interconnection
  2. Whether a node in the cluster fails , More than half of the nodes in the whole cluster fail to monitor , It's a real failure
  3. Client does not need proxy You can connect directly to redis, The application needs to be configured with all redis The server IP
  4. redis cluster Put all the redis node Average maps to 0-16383 Slots (slot) On , Read and write to the specified redis node Operation on top , So how many redis node amount to redis How many times has concurrency been extended , Every redis node To undertake 16384/N Slots
  5. Redis cluster Pre allocation 16384 individual (slot) Slot position , When need is in redis Write a key -value When , Will use CRC16(key) mod 16384 The value after , It was decided that key Which slot of the value is written to determine which one to write Redis Node , So as to effectively solve the single machine bottleneck .

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