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[original] what is the core of programmer team management?

2022-07-07 09:48:00 qq_ forty-three million four hundred and seventy-nine thousand

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The core of team management is trust ? The system ? communicate ? The goal is ? Culture ? And the famous TOPIC Model ?

The author thinks , There is only one core of management , That's it : fair .

1、 What is fairness ?

Fairness is , People who do more and better should get more pay and faster promotion , Those who do less and worse should be marginalized or even eliminated .

A team with high fairness , It indicates that excellent people are more likely to be recognized by the team ; And a team with low fairness , It indicates that even excellent people may not be recognized by the team .

in short , Fairness indicates the matching degree of labor and distribution , It also indicates the matching probability of future labor and distribution .

2、 Fairness is the foundation of team development

A team without fairness cannot be developed .

A team , No matter how brilliant your performance is , No matter how much you cultivate your feelings like family , No matter how loyal you think the team members are , Etc., etc. . As long as your team members suffer unfair treatment , People will disperse , Then any so-called trust 、 The system 、 communicate 、 The goal is 、 Culture will appear pale .

for instance , If your team has successfully completed a large project , The company took out an extra large sum of money to give everyone bonuses , You were happy , But later I found that my new colleague with mediocre ability took more vases than you , And he was also praised by the leaders . Will you be happy ?

This kind of unfair encounter occurs every time , A grievance will accumulate in the team , The natural metabolic cycle of this resentment may be long . If unfair encounters occur frequently ( Low fairness ), Resentment will accumulate in the team , Until the last straw that crushed the camel .

therefore , The author thinks , No matter how bright, loyal and harmonious a team looks , If this team is a team with low fairness , Then the team may fall apart at any time 、 hang by a thread .

3、 Fairness is the core of managers' work

The author thinks , All management work of managers should focus on continuously improving the team Fairness This core unfolds .

First , The work content of managers is divided into Business work and Management work , Managers at different levels in different industries , The proportion of working hours in these two aspects is different , But it can be divided into these two aspects . here , The author only talks about the part of management .

secondly , We need to understand , The ultimate goal of management is to create a healthy and upward 、 Sustainable development 、 Gather talents and go to mediocrity 、 Efficient operation 、 Be creative 、 Capable of attacking organizations with combat effectiveness , It has nothing to do with team performance .

here , We must put Separation of business responsibility and management responsibility . What does that mean ? That is to say , Whether a team's performance is good or not is the credit of the manager , conversely , A team with poor performance or even bankruptcy cannot simply say that the manager is not good . therefore , We evaluate whether a manager is excellent , It only depends on whether it has created an excellent organization , We should not look at the performance of this organization . An excellent manager should perform well in any team , But there is no guarantee that it will help any team succeed . If you don't understand this, don't recognize friends , You can stop reading , This article may be of no use to you .

And evaluate how well a manager performs his management responsibilities , We should first grasp the main contradiction , The main contradiction is to see how fair the team is . If you ignore the main contradiction and evaluate other factors , For example, popularity 、 leadership 、 charm 、 Prestige, etc , That's putting the cart before the horse . Only on the basis of good team fairness , Other evaluation factors can be regarded as icing on the cake , If the team is not fair , All other factors can only be regarded as illusory .

therefore , As a manager , When you spend time on Management , You should know what the focus of your work should be , What should the work focus on .

4、 How to achieve team fairness

There is no absolute fairness in the world , But this does not affect our pursuit of fairness .

How to pursue fairness , First of all, we need to see what our simplest expectations for fairness are .

  1. We hope that those who do more should get more distribution rights than those who do less ;
  2. We hope that those who do well should get more distribution rights than those who do poorly ;
  3. We hope that people with strong ability should get more distribution rights ;
  4. We hope that people who work harder should get more distribution rights ;
  5. We hope that people who contribute more to the team should get more distribution rights ;
  6. We hope that those who work conscientiously and responsibly should get more distribution rights than those who muddle through ;
  7. We hope that those who make outstanding contributions should get more distribution rights ;
  8. We hope that those who make innovative achievements in their work should get more distribution rights ;
  9. more 、 other …

The above is what the author thought of our expectations for fairness . This is definitely not comprehensive , But we don't need to achieve all aspects of fairness , We just need to grasp the main contradiction .

What is the main contradiction ? That is, of course, : workload 、 Work quality 、 Difficulty of work 、 Input time 、 Contribution value etc. .

Designed by Tang Yu Pavilion 7 Heavy figures can be said to cover most of the fairness expectations . this 7 The two numbers are : Standard output ( workload )、 Difficulty value 、 Deduct points for quality 、 Input time 、 Contribution value 、 Score from top to bottom 、 Score from bottom to top .

such as , We hope that those who do more should get more distribution rights , This can accurately describe who has done more through standard output figures , How much more .

such as , We hope that those who do well should get more distribution rights , This can accurately describe whose work quality is high through the deduction number , How much higher .

such as , We hope that people with strong ability should get more distribution rights , This can accurately describe who is the shoulder in the team through the difficulty number .

such as , We hope that people who work harder should get more distribution rights , This can accurately describe who works harder by investing time figures , How hard it is .

such as , We hope that people who contribute more to the team should get more distribution rights , This can accurately describe whose contribution is high through the contribution value number , How much higher .

therefore , The goal of achieving fairness becomes how to accurately evaluate these figures . As long as these columns of figures are accurately evaluated , We can be in various scenes , Get a high level of fairness .

that , How to accurately evaluate these figures ? At first glance , You may find it difficult to evaluate every number here , Even without a clue . But it's not , It can be said that any manager who understands business can learn in a short time .

Next , Please read on 《 Tang Yu Pavilion 7 Attach importance to the digital evaluation system of talents , Bring a disruptive team management experience


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