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Mobile heterogeneous computing technology GPU OpenCL programming (Advanced)

2022-07-05 09:45:00 Baidu geek said


Reading guide : This article will explain OpenCL Some in-depth knowledge of , At the same time, it combines with the mainstream of the mobile terminal GPU Qualcomm, one of the manufacturers Adreno chip design , Explain the mobile terminal OpenCL Some general means of programming optimization . The full text 5201 word , Estimated reading time 14 minute .

One 、 Preface

stay 《 Mobile heterogeneous computing technology -GPU OpenCL Programming ( The basic chapter )》 in , The mobile terminal is introduced GPU Calculation status and OpenCL Basic concepts of programming . This article will further elaborate OpenCL Some in-depth knowledge of , At the same time, it combines with the mainstream of the mobile terminal GPU Qualcomm, one of the manufacturers Adreno chip design , Explain the mobile terminal OpenCL Some general means of programming optimization .
remarks : qualcomm GPU Outside the series , Huawei Kirin 、 The chips such as MediaTek Tianji adopt ARM Designed by the company Mali series GPU, Due to space limitations, this article will not be described separately .

Two 、 Basic concepts


OpenCL By Khronos The organization develops and maintains an open 、 Free standard , Cross platform parallel programming for heterogeneous systems . This kind of design can help developers to use modern heterogeneous systems to play a powerful parallel computing power , At the same time, it is cross platform to some extent .

OpenCL qualcomm

Qualcomm was the first to fully support mobile terminals OpenCL One of the chip manufacturers with computing power , And it has occupied a certain market share in the domestic and international markets .

3、 ... and 、OpenCL structure


An abstract OpenCL application , It usually includes the following parts :

  1. CPU Host: As a whole OpenCL Application management 、 Dispatcher , Control the whole OpenCL The implementation process of .

  2. OpenCL Devices: Concrete OpenCL Hardware device , such as GPU、DSP、FPGA wait .

  3. OpenCL Kernels: Undertaking the task of execution OpenCL Kernel code , Will be OpenCL Host Compile , And execute on the corresponding hardware .

Mobile devices OpenCL

According to current experience ,Android Mobile devices in the camp ,OpenCL Usually use GPU As the hardware acceleration end . Qualcomm's suggestion is to select the mobile terminal GPU As OpenCL Acceleration equipment for ( notes : In fact, in most cases, there is no choice , You can only get one GPU Of device).

Four 、OpenCL Compatibility

Program portability

OpenCL It provides good program compatibility , A set of OpenCL Code for , It can work normally on different devices . Of course , A small part is based on hardware expansion capability , Depends on current hardware support .

Performance portability

Different from program compatibility ,OpenCL The performance portability of is usually poor . As an advanced computing standard ,OpenCL The implementation of the hardware part depends on the manufacturer , Each manufacturer has its own advantages and disadvantages . therefore , For different hardware platforms , Such as Qualcomm Adreno perhaps Arm Mali, The performance of the same code is different . Even the same manufacturer , As the hardware iterates , The corresponding drive will also have corresponding fine adjustment , To take full advantage of the full capabilities of the new generation of hardware . It is necessary to optimize for different devices or hardware . Of course this is a ROI( Return on investment ) problem .

Backward compatibility

OpenCL Is designed to ensure backward compatibility as much as possible . If you want to use outdated capabilities , Just import a specific header file . It is worth noting that :OpenCL Is not completely backward compatible , These extensions are usually provided by hardware manufacturers in combination with hardware features , Therefore, it is necessary to consider the expansion compatibility between different hardware when applying .

5、 ... and 、 qualcomm Adreno OpenCL framework


High pass is shown in the figure Adreno GPU OpenCL(Adreno A5x GPUS) The superstructure ,OpenCL Several key hardware modules are involved in the implementation process .

Shader (or streaming) processor (SP) ( Shaders 、 Stream processors )

  • Adreno GPU Core module , Contains numerous hardware modules , Such as arithmetic logic unit 、 Load storage unit 、 Control flow unit 、 Register file, etc .

  • Run the shape shader ( Such as vertex shader 、 Chip shader 、 Calculate shaders, etc ), Run calculation load , Such as OpenCL Kernel, etc .

  • Every SP Corresponds to one or more OpenCL Operation unit of .

  • Adreno GPU It may contain one or more SP, It depends on the grade of the chip , The figure above shows a single SP The situation of .

  • SP Load and read Buffer Type or with __read_write Of the tag Image Type data object , You can use L2 cache .

  • SP Load read-only Image Data object of type , You can use L1 Cache or texture processor .

Texture Processer (TP) ( Texture processor )

  • According to the scheduling of the kernel to carry out texture operations , Such as texture reading 、 Filtration, etc. .

  • TP and L1 Cache combination , Reduce from L2 The probability of cache loss when reading data from the cache .

Unified L2 Cache (UCHE) ( Unified L2 cache )

  • Respond to SP about Buffer Type read and load , as well as L1 about Image Type of data loading operation .

6、 ... and 、 How to write high performance OpenCL Code

Performance compatibility

As mentioned above OpenCL Performance compatibility , Because the characteristics of different hardware are different , So after tuning on a chip OpenCL The performance of the code on another chip may not be optimal . You need to refer to the corresponding hardware documentation for specific optimization . For different chips , Targeted optimization is necessary .

Means Overview

OpenCL Program optimization can generally be divided into the following three categories :

  • Program 、 Algorithm level optimization

  • API Level optimization

  • OpenCL Kernel optimization

Program algorithm and API The hierarchical optimization method is more general , Here we mainly expand OpenCL Kernel optimization means .

OpenCL The optimization problem of is essentially a problem of how to make use of kernel bandwidth and computing power . That is, reasonable use of global memory 、 Local memory 、 register 、 Multi level cache, etc , And rational use of logical operation units 、 Texture units and so on .

Whether the procedure is applicable OpenCL

Developers need to determine whether the program is suitable for use OpenCL To write , It can be judged from the following aspects :

  • Whether there is a large data input

  • Whether the program itself is computationally intensive

  • Whether the program is compatible with parallel computing

  • There are relatively few control flow operations in the program

take CPU Code changed to GPU Code time performance Tips

After clarifying the above key points , Developers can begin to CPU The code of is transformed into OpenCL Code for , To achieve an optimal performance , Attention should be paid to the following aspects :

  • In some cases , Will be multiple CPU Merge operations into one OpenCL You can get performance gains from the kernel . This method is usually used to reduce GPU And main memory .

  • In some cases , Will be a complex CPU The program is divided into several simple OpenCL kernel , You can get better program parallelism , To achieve global performance optimization .

  • Developers need to consider redesigning the overall data architecture , It is convenient to reduce the cost of data transmission .

These situations should be considered in combination with the actual situation , It is also the difficulty of high-performance heterogeneous programming .

Parallelization CPU and GPU The workflow of the

Make full use of the computing performance of the chip , The task should be reasonably planned , stay GPU While performing some calculations ,CPU Can also undertake part of the work at the same time . Generally, it can be summarized as the following points :

  • send CPU To carry out CPU The part that is good at execution , Such as branch control logic , And some serial operations .

  • Try to avoid GPU Go idle , wait for CPU The situation of assigning further tasks .

  • CPU and GPU The cost of data transfer between is extremely high , To reduce this cost , Some can be adapted to CPU The tasks carried out are put into GPU Conduct .

7、 ... and 、 Performance analysis

performance Profile

Can combine Profile Means to analyze program performance . because OpenCL Programs are divided into host CPU The scheduling logic of , as well as GPU Execution logic on hardware . Developers can choose from CPU Scheduling process and GPU Implement two levels of performance Profile. Usually CPU Profile It is used to measure the end-to-end performance of the whole process ,GPU Profile To measure OpenCL Kernel performance .

CPU Profile

You can use standard c++ programmatically , For example, through gettimeofday And so on. api Go ahead CPU Time statistics between processes .
Some sample code is listed in this article , detailed demo May refer to OpenCL Profile(https://github.com/xiebaiyuan/opencl_cook/tree/master/profile).

#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
void main() {
    struct timeval start, end;
    // get the start time
    gettimeofday(&start, NULL); 
    // execute function of interest
        . . .
    // get the end time
    gettimeofday(&end, NULL); 
    // Print the total execution time
    double elapsed_time = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000. +       \
                (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000.;
    printf("cpu all cost %f ms \n", elapsed_time);

GPU Profile

OpenCL Provide for the right to GPU Kernel Profile Of API, Get separately OpenCL Time node of each phase of the task , It is convenient for developers to optimize performance .

// opencl init codes 
// cl gpu time profile
cl_event timing_event;
cl_ulong t_queued, t_submit, t_start, t_end;
// add event when clEnqueueNDRangeKernel
int status = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(runtime.queue, runtime.kernel, 1, nullptr, &ARRAY_SIZE,
nullptr, 0, nullptr, &timing_event);
check_status(status, "clEnqueueNDRangeKernel failed");
clWaitForEvents(1, &timing_event);
clGetEventProfilingInfo(timing_event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED,
sizeof(cl_ulong), &t_queued, nullptr);
clGetEventProfilingInfo(timing_event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT,
sizeof(cl_ulong), &t_submit, nullptr);
clGetEventProfilingInfo(timing_event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START,
sizeof(cl_ulong), &t_start, nullptr);
clGetEventProfilingInfo(timing_event, CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END,
sizeof(cl_ulong), &t_end, nullptr);
printf("t_queued at %llu  \n"
"t_start at %llu  \n"
"t_submit at %llu  \n"
"t_end at %llu  \n"
"kernel execute cost %f ns \n"
"", t_queued, t_start, t_submit, t_end, (t_end - t_start) * 1e-0);

Through the above api You can get OpenCL Kernel From entering the queue , Submit 、 Start 、 Each time point of the end , And you can calculate Kernel Operation duration :

t_queued at 683318895157  
t_start at 683318906619  
t_submit at 683318897475  
t_end at 683318907168  
kernel execute cost 549.000000 ns
‍ Performance bottleneck 

It is very important to identify and locate the performance bottleneck of the whole program , No performance bottlenecks were found , Even if the performance of other links is optimized , Nor can the performance of the entire application be improved .

Bottleneck positioning

about OpenCL kernel , Bottlenecks are usually memory bottlenecks and computing bottlenecks One of the two .
Here are two simple ways , You can verify by modifying the code a little :

  • Add extra computational logic , How not to affect performance , That should not be a computing bottleneck .

  • conversely , Add more data loading logic , How not to affect performance , That should not be a data bottleneck .

Solve performance bottlenecks

After successfully locating the performance bottleneck , There are a series of means to solve the problem :

  • If it is a computing bottleneck , Try some ways to reduce the computational complexity 、 A way to reduce the number of calculations , Or use OpenCL Provided fase relax math perhaps native math etc. . It can be used when the accuracy is not high fp16 replace fp32 Calculate .

  • If it is a memory bottleneck , You can try to optimize the memory access policy , Such as using vectorized memory loading and storage , Use local memory or texture memory, etc . Use shorter data types where possible , Can effectively reduce memory bandwidth .

8、 ... and 、 summary

In this article, Qualcomm Adreno GPU give an example , More in-depth exposition of OpenCL Design idea , At the same time OpenCL Some general methodologies for high-performance programming . Because the space is limited, more details are not fully developed , Small partners interested in this direction can continue to pay attention to **「 Baidu Geek say 」** official account .

Nine 、 reference

[1] OpenCL-Guide








Recommended reading :

On a large scale C++ Compile performance optimization system OMAX Introduce

The evolution of Baidu intelligent applet patrol scheduling scheme

Mobile heterogeneous computing technology -GPU OpenCL Programming ( The basic chapter )

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