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Thermometer based on STM32 single chip microcomputer (with face detection)
2022-07-05 09:19:00 【Hua Weiyun】
be based on STM32 Temperature measuring instrument of single chip microcomputer ( With face detection )
Due to the need of medical development , In many cases , The general thermometer can't meet the requirements of fast and accurate temperature measurement , for example : Station 、 metro 、 Human body temperature measurement is carried out in places with large population density such as airports .
The current design of this thermometer consists of temperature measuring Hardware + The upper computer software is combined , Mainly used in subway 、 Station entrance and other places , It can accurately recognize the face for temperature measurement , If someone's temperature exceeds the standard, it will give a voice prompt and save the current face photo .
1、 Hardware selection and design ideas
(1). Device end
The main control single-chip microcomputer adopts STM32F103C8T6, The human body temperature measurement function adopts the non-contact infrared temperature measurement module .
(2). Design idea of upper computer
The upper computer adopts Qt5 Design ,Qt5 It's a set of bases C++ Language cross platform software library , Very powerful performance , At present, many mainstream desktop software uses QT Development . such as : Under Jinshan office -WPS, Byte hopping flag of - Cut and reflect , Blizzard Entertainment company - Many kinds of Game login wait .Qt It is also widely used in the field of Internet of vehicles , such as , harvard , tesla , The entire system of the central control screen of many cars, such as BYD, uses Qt Design .
In the temperature measurement project , The upper computer and STM32 Serial port protocol is used for communication between , The upper computer can open the default camera of the laptop , Face detection ; When a face is detected , control STM32 Measure the real-time temperature of the current human body , Then the temperature is transmitted to the upper computer for display ; When the temperature is normal , A green prompt is displayed on the upper computer “ The temperature is normal ”, And there is a voice broadcast , The sound of voice broadcast is generated by the sound card of the notebook . If the temperature is too high , The upper computer displays a red prompt “ Abnormal temperature , Please re measure ”, And there are voice broadcast prompts . When the temperature is too high , Will automatically save the current face photo , The photos are stored in the current software directory “face” Directory , The naming rule for files is “38.8_2022-01-05-22-12-34.jpg”, among 38.8 Indicates the temperature value , Followed by the date ( Mm / DD / yyyy HHM / S ).
(3) The running effect of upper computer
The upper computer needs to be connected STM32 The temperature data can only be obtained after the equipment , Click the open camera button on the software , Turn on camera , When a face is detected , The current measured temperature... Will be displayed below . If there is no connection STM32 equipment , A normal fixed temperature value will be displayed by default . Red characters on the right side of the interface , Indicates the time taken to process one frame of image , The better the computer performance , The faster the detection .
(4) How to run after getting the executable file ?
Decompress the package first , Get into “ Upper computer of thermometer - Executable file ” Catalog , take “haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml” copy to C Packing list .
Then double click. “FaceTemperatureCheck.exe” Run the program .
Device not connected , You can also turn on the camera to detect faces , But the temperature value is a fixed normal temperature range .
Two 、 Host computer design
2.1 Installation and compilation environment
If you need to compile and run the source code yourself , You need to install Qt5 development environment .
Download address :https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/5.12/5.12.0/
After downloading , First disconnect the computer network ( Otherwise, you will be prompted to enter QT Account number ), Then double click the installation package to install .
Installation can be done by selecting only one MinGW 32 Bit compilers are enough , See the screenshot below for details , choice “MinGW 7.3.0 32-bit” after , Just click next , Then wait for the installation to complete .
2.2 The overall effect of software code
After opening the project ( The suffix of engineering documents is xxx.pro), Click the green triangle button in the lower left corner to compile and run the program .
2.3 UI Design interface
2.4 Face detection core code
// Face detection code bool ImageHandle::opencv_face(QImage qImage) { bool check_flag=0; QTime time; time.start(); static CvMemStorage* storage = nullptr; static CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade = nullptr; // Model file path QString face_model_file =QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/"+FACE_MODEL_FILE; // Load classifier : Frontal face detection cascade =(CvHaarClassifierCascade*)cvLoad(face_model_file.toUtf8().data(),0,0,0); if(!cascade) { qDebug()<<" Classifier loading error .\n"; return check_flag; } // Create memory space storage =cvCreateMemStorage(0); // Load the image to be detected IplImage* img =QImageToIplImage(&qImage); if(img ==nullptr ) { qDebug()<<" Picture loading error .\n"; return check_flag; } double scale=1.2; // Create image header address , And allocate storage space IplImage* gray =cvCreateImage(cvSize(img->width,img->height),8,1); // Create image header address , And allocate storage space IplImage* small_img=cvCreateImage(cvSize(cvRound(img->width/scale),cvRound(img->height/scale)),8,1); cvCvtColor(img,gray, CV_BGR2GRAY); cvResize(gray, small_img, CV_INTER_LINEAR); cvEqualizeHist(small_img,small_img);// Histogram equalization /* * Specify the corresponding face feature detection classifier , You can detect all the faces in the picture , And return the detected face through a rectangle . * All in all 8 Parameters , Function description : Parameters 1: Represents the input image , Try to use grayscale images to speed up the detection . Parameters 2: Express Haar Feature classifier , It can be used cvLoad() Function to load... From disk xml File as Haar Feature classifier . Parameters 3: The memory cache area used to store the detected candidate targets . Parameters 4: In two successive scans , The scale factor of the search window . The default is 1.1 That is to say, the search window expands in turn each time 10% Parameters 5: Represents the minimum number of adjacent rectangles forming the detection target ( The default is 3 individual ). If the sum of the number of small rectangles constituting the detection target is less than min_neighbors - 1 Will be excluded . If min_neighbors by 0, Then the function returns all checked candidate rectangles without any operation , This setting value is generally used in the user-defined combination program of test results . Parameters 6: Either use the default , Or use CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, If set to CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING, So the function will use Canny Edge detection to exclude areas with too many or too few edges , Therefore, these areas are usually not the area where the face is located . Parameters 7: Indicates the minimum value of the detection window , Generally, it can be set as the default . Parameters 8: Indicates the maximum value of the detection window , Generally, it can be set as the default . Function return value : Function will return CvSeq object , This object contains a series of CvRect Represents the detected face rectangle . */ CvSeq* objects =cvHaarDetectObjects(small_img, cascade, storage, 1.1, 3, 0/*CV_HAAR_DO_CANNY_PRUNING*/, cvSize(50,50)/* Size determines how much time it takes to detect */); qDebug()<<" Number of faces :"<<objects->total; // Traverse to find the object and the surrounding painting box QPainter painter(&qImage);// structure QPainter Drawing objects QPen pen; pen.setColor(Qt::blue);// Brush color pen.setWidth(5);// The width of the brush painter.setPen(pen);// Set brush CvRect *max=nullptr; for(int i=0;i<(objects->total);++i) { // Get the coordinate position, width and height information of the face CvRect* r=(CvRect*)cvGetSeqElem(objects,i); if(max==nullptr)max=r; else { if(r->width>max->width||r->height>max->height) { max=r; } } } // If you find the biggest target face if(max!=nullptr) { check_flag=true; // Draw a rectangle around the face area painter.drawRect(max->x*scale,max->y*scale,max->width*scale,max->height*scale); } cvReleaseImage(&gray); // Free picture memory cvReleaseImage(&small_img); // Free picture memory cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade(&cascade);// Free memory --> classifier cvReleaseMemStorage(&objects->storage);// Free memory --> Detect all the faces in the picture // Release picture cvReleaseImage(&img); qint32 time_ms=0; time_ms=time.elapsed(); // Time consuming emit ss_log_text(QString("%1").arg(time_ms)); // Save results m_image=qImage.copy(); return check_flag; } |
2.5 The configuration file ( Modify the parameters - Very important )
Parameter description :
If there are multiple cameras on the computer , You can modify the camera number in the configuration file , The specific quantity will be automatically queried when the program starts , Print the code to the terminal .
If you compile and run the source code for the first time , After running ,
(1) You need to add the software source code in the directory “haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml” File copy to C Packing list , Or other non Chinese directories , The specific path can be modified in the configuration file , The default is C Packing list .
(2) You need to add the software source code in the directory “OpenCV-MinGW-Build-OpenCV-3.4.7\x86\mingw\bin” Copy all files in the directory to , The generated program execution file is in the same level directory .
Only in this way can the program run normally .
Threshold range of alarm temperature , You can also change , There are descriptions in the configuration file .
2.6 Voice prompt file and background image
Voice prompt file , The background image is loaded through the resource file .
The source file is stored in , Source code “FaceTemperatureCheck\res” Under the table of contents .
You can also replace yourself , Recompile the program to take effect .
2.7 Voice broadcast and image display processing code
// The result of image processing void Widget::slot_HandleImage(boolflag,QImage image) { bool temp_state=0; // Face detected if(flag) { // Judge whether the temperature is normal if(current_temp<MAX_TEMP && current_temp>MIN_TEMP) { temp_state=true; // The display temperature is normal ui->label_temp->setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 255, 127);font: 20pt \"Arial\";"); ui->label_temp->setText(QString("%1℃").arg(current_temp)); } else// Voice Announcements , Abnormal temperature { temp_state=false; // Display abnormal temperature ui->label_temp->setStyleSheet("color: rgb(255, 0, 0);font: 20pt \"Arial\";"); ui->label_temp->setText(QString("%1℃").arg(current_temp)); } // Get current ms Time longlong currentTime =QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch(); // Determine whether the time interval has arrived if(currentTime-old_currentTime>AUDIO_RATE_MS) { // Change the current time old_currentTime=currentTime; // The temperature is normal if(temp_state) { // Voice Announcements , The temperature is normal QSound::play(":/res/ok.wav"); } // Abnormal temperature else { // Voice Announcements , Abnormal temperature QSound::play(":/res/error.wav"); // Photo retention QString dir_str =QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()+"/face"; // Check that the directory exists , If not, create a new QDir dir; if(!dir.exists(dir_str)) { bool res =dir.mkpath(dir_str); qDebug()<<" New directory status :"<< res; } // Save the pictures when the directory exists QDir dir2; if(dir2.exists(dir_str)) { // Splice name QDateTime dateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime()); // Time effect : 2020-03-05 16:25::04 Monday QString qStr=QString("%1/%2_").arg(dir_str).arg(current_temp); qStr+=dateTime.toString("yyyy-MM-dd-hh-mm-ss-ddd"); image.save(qStr+".jpg"); } } } } else // Do not display temperature { ui->label_temp->setStyleSheet("color: rgb(0, 255, 127);font: 20pt \"Arial\";"); ui->label_temp->setText("----"); } // The result screen of the processing image ui->widget_player->slotGetOneFrame(image); } |
2.8 STM32 Temperature receiving and processing code
If a complete project is required , You can download it here :https://download.csdn.net/download/xiaolong1126626497/85892490
// Refresh the serial port void Widget::on_pushButton_flush_uart_clicked() { QList<QSerialPortInfo> UartInfoList=QSerialPortInfo::availablePorts();// Get the available serial port information ui->comboBox_ComSelect->clear(); if(UartInfoList.count()>0) { for(int i=0;i<UartInfoList.count();i++) { if(UartInfoList.at(i).isBusy())// If the current serial port COM If you are busy, you will return to the truth , Otherwise return false { QString info=UartInfoList.at(i).portName(); info+="( Occupy )"; ui->comboBox_ComSelect->addItem(info);// Add new entry options } else { ui->comboBox_ComSelect->addItem(UartInfoList.at(i).portName());// Add new entry options } } } else { ui->comboBox_ComSelect->addItem(" No available COM mouth ");// Add new entry options } } // Connect the temperature measuring equipment void Widget::on_pushButton_OpenUart_clicked() { if(ui->pushButton_OpenUart->text()==" Connect the temperature measuring equipment ") // Open the serial port { ui->pushButton_OpenUart->setText(" disconnect "); /* Configure serial port information */ UART_Config->setPortName(ui->comboBox_ComSelect->currentText()); //COM The name of if(!(UART_Config->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite))) // Open attribute permissions { QMessageBox::warning(this,tr(" Status hint "), tr(" Device connection failed !\n Please choose the right COM mouth "), QMessageBox::Ok); ui->pushButton_OpenUart->setText(" Connect the temperature measuring equipment "); return; } } else// Turn off the serial port { ui->pushButton_OpenUart->setText(" Connect the temperature measuring equipment "); /* Turn off the serial port -*/ UART_Config->clear(QSerialPort::AllDirections); UART_Config->close(); } } // Read the signal void Widget::ReadUasrtData() { /* Returns the number of readable bytes */ if(UART_Config->bytesAvailable()<=0) { return; } /* Define byte array */ QByteArray rx_data; /* Read all data in the serial port buffer */ rx_data=UART_Config->readAll(); // Conversion temperature current_temp=rx_data.toDouble(); } |
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