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Oracle combines multiple rows of data into one row of data
2022-07-05 09:41:00 【Acacia seed~】
When I was paddling, I saw someone ask this question , Write a handy sql Make a note of .
primary sql data ( Multiple lines )
select null as v1_name, 1 as v1, ' name 2' as v2_name, 2 as v2
from dual
union all
select ' name 3' as v1_name, 3 as v1, ' name 4' as v2_name, 4 as v2
from dual
After the merger
select (wm_concat(a.v1_name)) as v1_name,
(wm_concat(a.v1)) as v1,
(wm_concat(a.v2_name)) as v2_name,
(wm_concat(a.v2)) as v2
from (select null as v1_name, 1 as v1, ' name 2' as v2_name, 2 as v2
from dual
union all
select ' name 3' as v1_name, 3 as v1, ' name 4' as v2_name, 4 as v2
from dual) a
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