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Why I strongly recommend custom development of small programs, these benefits you need to understand

2020-11-09 12:53:00 Osc-u ha5lqlkf

I was really excited when the app came out , No need for users to download app, Directly based on wechat 、 Tiktok or Alipay can open the platform , It's not just text, pictures and videos , Can participate in a lot of interactions , For example, to build an independent audio-visual platform 、 E-commerce platform and order payment platform , And automation is the test platform and so on !

Why should enterprises make small programs ?

So it's really exciting to see this feature , If you can build an industrial app , Then you really make money , So I found a lot of free small program development platform on the Internet , And some paid applet templates ( But it turns out that it's not what I want !) Because I don't know how to develop myself , So on the first impression, I thought of looking for the applet template .

The benefits of custom applets

It's like buying a house for decoration , If you don't understand , You can only see model houses or some finished commercial houses , But there are other aspects to choose from , Although model houses or commercial houses may be cheaper , But you don't know what's behind it , Did you cut corners in the decoration process , Some designs don't have to be what you're happy with , Especially if it is a business office or business form , Generally need to carry on the personalized custom decoration , To create in line with the laws of marketing , For user friendly decoration style , Or buy the finished product , Or the trouble of not pursuing design , You may face the dangerous situation that it is difficult for customers to come to the door !

and According to the characteristics of the product 、 It is very necessary to create personalized decoration scheme with different user attributes , Offline stores have a marketing strategy called five senses and six senses , Five senses refer to : A sense of respect 、 Gao guigan 、 A sense of security 、 Comfort 、 A sense of pleasure .  Six senses means : Vision 、 auditory 、 Tactile sensation 、 The sense of smell 、 Gustatory sense 、 perception ( Subconscious ); If this effect is not achieved in the environment, there will be a risk that customers will go to their competitors !

Small program design UI Uniqueness

In fact, the same is true of applets , From the name of the applet to logo The design of the , Then to open the small program into the eyes of UI Interface , The functions that can be realized through the small program reflect the success or failure of this small program , For example, your environment is displayed through four or five photos , And your competitor's store environment is displayed in the app VR Panoramic shots show , Even the panoramic map display can see many users' interaction with bullet screen , You think that visual effect is good ? You think that will drive customers to spend more .

and A lot of templated applet platforms show value at best , Graphic and video display , At most, a comment and payment function has been added ! But it's clear that the demand is still in WAP Based on the website , And if you want more interaction , More cool effects . And special functional requirements , It must be customized development , Because customized development can be done through industry analysis 、 User analysis , Create the right one for your industry 、 The platform users like , And the most important thing is that this platform also has more rich functions ! Then cooperate with specialized small program development and operation enterprise's operation guidance , Spend an hour or two a week maintaining the platform , The benefits for you are immeasurable ! And if you choose the path of templating , Maybe it's in the pit , It may cost you money , Even took a lot of detours , It's not working yet , It's not worth it ! So it is very necessary to realize customization with marketing value !

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