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Translation of the paper "written mathematical expression recognition with bidirectionally trained transformer"
2022-07-02 07:36:00 【wxplol】
List of articles
Thesis link :https://arxiv.org/abs/2105.02412
Code address :https://github.com/Green-Wood/BTTR
One 、Abstract
This paper is based on transformer Instead of the decoder based on RNN The decoder of , Make the whole model architecture more concise . Besides , A new training strategy is also introduced to make full use of transformer Potential in bi-directional language modeling .
Two 、Introduction
The existing methods have the problem of lack of coverage to varying degrees . This problem is mainly expressed in two forms : Over parsing and insufficient parsing . Over parsing means HME Some areas in the image are redundantly translated many times , Insufficient parsing means that some areas are still untranslated .
Most editors - Decoding models are based on RNN Model of , They are difficult to model the relationship between two symbols that are far away . Previous studies have noted this long-term dependence caused by the disappearance of gradients . The question is HMER The task is more exposed . Compared with traditional natural language processing ,Latex It is a markup language designed by human beings , Therefore, it has clearer 、 Clearer syntactic structure , for example ,“{” and “}” Must appear in pairs . In processing long Latex In sequence , be based on RNN It's hard to capture two distant “{” and “}” The relationship between symbols , This leads to the foundation of Latex Syntax specification recognition error .
The traditional autoregressive model uses left to right in the reasoning stage (L2R) Direction predicts symbols one by one . This method may produce unbalanced output , The prefix is usually more accurate than the suffix . In order to overcome this problem , The existing research adopts two independent decoders , Train from left to right and from right to left respectively . However , This usually leads to more parameters and longer training time . therefore , A direct attempt is to use a single decoder for bi-directional language modeling .
In this paper , We will transformer The decoder is applied to HMER Tasks , By using location coding , It alleviates the lack of coverage in . Besides , A new bi-directional training strategy is also proposed to obtain the bi-directional training converter (BTTR) Model . This strategy makes a single transformer The decoder can execute at the same time L2R and R2L decode . We further proved our BTTR The model is better than that based on RNN Model of .
3、 ... and 、 Related Work
3.1、HMER Methods
The methods of handwritten character formula recognition can be divided into two categories : Based on grammar and based on editing - decode .
- Based on grammar
These methods usually include symbol segmentation 、 Symbol recognition and structure analysis . Researchers have proposed a variety of predefined grammars to solve HMER Mission , Such as random context free grammar 、 Relational grammar and sub sentence grammar . These syntax rules are not data driven , It was designed by hand , They cannot benefit from large data sets .
- Based on - decode
stay HMER Tasks ,Zhang Wait until the lack of coverage is observed , Put forward WAP Model to solve HMER Mission . In the follow-up study ,DenseWAP use DenseNet Encoder replaces WAP Medium VGG Encoder , And improved performance . Besides DenseWAP-TD By replacing the string decoder with a tree decoder , It enhances the ability of the model to deal with complex formulas .Wu Others use stroke information , And will HMER Formulate as a graph to graph (G2G) Modeling tasks . This codec based model is used in many CROHME Excellent results were achieved in the competition .
transformer It is a neural network structure completely based on attention mechanism . Its internal self attention mechanism makes transformer Compared with RNN Two breakthroughs have been made . First ,transformer No need to be like RNN That depends on the state of the previous step . Parallelization enables transformer Save a lot of time during training . secondly , Tags in the same sequence directly establish a one-to-one connection through the self attention mechanism . This mechanism fundamentally solves RNN The problem of gradient disappearance , Make the transformer ratio RNN It is more suitable for long sequences . In recent years , In various tasks of computer vision and natural language processing ,RNN Replaced by transformer .
3.3、Right-to-Left Language Modeling
A little
Four 、Methodology

4.1、CNN Encoder
In the encoder section , Use DenseNet As HME Image feature extractor .
4.2、 Location code
because transformer The model itself has no sense of position for each input vector , So we use two types of location coding to process this information . In detail , We use image position coding and word position coding to represent image feature position and word vector position respectively .
Word vector position coding (Word Positional Encoding)
For a given location p o s pos pos And dimensions d d d, Then the word vector position code is defined as :
p p o s , d W [ 2 i ] = s i n ( p o s / 100 0 2 i / d ) p p o s , d W [ 2 i + 1 ] = c o s ( p o s / 100 0 2 i / d ) p^{W}_{pos,d}[2i]=sin(pos/1000^{2i/d}) \\ p^{W}_{pos,d}[2i+1]=cos(pos/1000^{2i/d}) ppos,dW[2i]=sin(pos/10002i/d)ppos,dW[2i+1]=cos(pos/10002i/d)
Image position coding (Image Positional Encoding)
Two dimensional normalized position coding is used to represent the position features of the image . We first calculate the sine position code p p o s , d / 2 W p^{W}_{pos,d/2} ppos,d/2W, And then connect them together . Given a two-dimensional position coordinate (x、y), And the same dimension as the word position coding d, Encode the image position vector p x 、 y 、 d I p^{I}_{x、y、d} px、y、dI Expressed as :
x ˉ = x H , y ˉ = y W P x , y , d I = [ p x ˉ , d / 2 W ; p y ˉ , d / 2 W ] \bar x=\frac{x}{H},\bar y=\frac{y}{W} \\ P^{I}_{x,y,d}=[p^{W}_{\bar x,d/2};p^{W}_{\bar y,d/2}] xˉ=Hx,yˉ=WyPx,y,dI=[pxˉ,d/2W;pyˉ,d/2W]
4.3、transformer Encoder
Every basic transformer The layer module consists of four basic parts .
Scaled dot product attention (Scaled Dot-Product Attention)
This attention mechanism is essentially based on the similarity between queries and keys , Use the query from key - Get the value from the value pair .
A t t e n t i o n ( Q , K , V ) = s o f t m a x ( Q K T d k ) V Attention(Q,K,V)=softmax(\frac{QK^{T}}{\sqrt{d_{k}}})V Attention(Q,K,V)=softmax(dkQKT)V
Reference link :
Why? dot-product attention Need to be scaled?
Long attention (Multi-Head Attention)
Through the multi head mechanism , The scaled dot product attention module can focus on multiple feature maps representing subspaces .
H i = A t t e n t i o n ( Q W i Q , K W i K , V W i V ) M u l t i H e a d ( Q , K , V ) = [ H 1 ; . . . ; H h ] W o H_{i}=Attention(QW^{Q}_{i},KW^{K}_{i},VW^{V}_{i})\\ MultiHead(Q,K,V)=[H_{1};...;H_{h}]W^{o} Hi=Attention(QWiQ,KWiK,VWiV)MultiHead(Q,K,V)=[H1;...;Hh]Wo
Multi headed attention with mask (Masked Multi-Head Attention)
In the decoder part , Due to autoregressive properties , Predict the next symbol based on the input image and the previously generated symbol . In the training phase , Use a lower triangular mask matrix , So that the self attention module can limit the attention area of each time step . Due to the multi head attention mechanism of the mask , The whole training process only needs one forward calculation .
Position feedforward network (Position-wise Feed-Forward Network)
Position feedforward network (FNN) It consists of three operations : A linear transformation 、 One ReLU Activation function and another linear transformation . After many heads' attention , The information between different steps has been fully exchanged .FFN So that each step can integrate its own internal information .
F F N ( x ) = m a x ( 0 , x W 1 + b 1 ) W 2 + b 2 FFN(x)=max(0,xW_{1}+b_{1})W_{2}+b_{2} FFN(x)=max(0,xW1+b1)W2+b2
4.4、 Two way training strategy
First , Two special symbols are introduced into the dictionary “ < S O S > <SOS> <SOS>” and “ < E O S > <EOS> <EOS>” To represent the beginning and end of the sequence . For the goal Latex Sequence y = { y 1 , . . . y T } y=\{y_{1},...y_{T}\} y={ y1,...yT}, We will sequence the target :
From left to right (L2R) Expressed as : y ⃗ = { < S O S > , y 1 , … , y T , < E O S > } \vec y=\{<SOS>,y_{1},…,y_{T},<EOS>\} y={ <SOS>,y1,…,yT,<EOS>},
From right to left (R2L) Expressed as : y ← = { < E O S > , y T , … , y 1 , < S O S > } \overleftarrow y=\{<EOS>,y_{T},…,y_{1},<SOS>\} y={ <EOS>,yT,…,y1,<SOS>}
With images x And model parameters θ On condition that , The traditional autoregressive model needs to calculate the probability distribution :
p ( y ⃗ j ∣ y ⃗ < j , x , θ ) p(\vec y_{j}|\vec y_{<j},x,θ) p(yj∣y<j,x,θ)
j Is the index in the target sequence .
In this paper , because transformer The model itself doesn't really care about the order of input symbols , So we can use a single transformer Decoder for bi-directional language modeling .
p ( y ← j ∣ y ← < j , x , θ ) p(\overleftarrow y_{j}|\overleftarrow y_{<j},x,θ) p(yj∣y<j,x,θ)
In order to achieve this goal , A simple and effective two-way training strategy is proposed , For each training sample , We will Latex Sequence generates two target sequences L2R and R2L, And calculate the training loss of the same batch . Compared with one-way language modeling , Our method trains a model , Perform bi-directional language modeling without sacrificing the simplicity of the model .
5、 ... and 、 Implementation Details
5.1、 The Internet (Networks)
In the encoder section , In order to make a fair comparison with the best method at present , We used and DenseWAP The model is the same DenseNet Feature extractor . say concretely , In the backbone network bottleneck layer , And add a transition layer between them , To reduce the number of feature maps . At every bottleneck in , We set the growth rate to k=24, The depth of each block is set to D=16, The compression superparameter of the transition layer is set to θ=0.5.
In the decoder part , We used the standard transformer Model . We will embedded Dimension and model dimension are set to d=256, The number of heads of the multi head note module is set to H=8,FFN The dimension of the middle layer is set to d=1024,transformer The number of layers is set to N=3.dropout Set to 0.3 To prevent over fitting .
5.2、 Training (Training)
Our training goal is to maximize the probability of predicting real tags , So we use the standard cross entropy loss function to calculate the loss between the real value and the prediction probability at each coding position . Given a training sample { x ( z ) 、 y ( z ) } z = 1 Z \{x^{(z)}、y^{(z)}\}^{Z}_{z=1} { x(z)、y(z)}z=1Z, The optimized objective function is as follows :
L ⃗ j ( z ) ( θ ) = − l o g p ( y ⃗ j ( z ) ∣ y ⃗ < j ( z ) , x ( z ) , θ ) L ← j ( z ) ( θ ) = − l o g p ( y ← j ( z ) ∣ y ← < j ( z ) , x ( z ) , θ ) L ( θ ) = 1 2 Z L ∑ z = 1 Z ∑ z = 1 , j = 1 L ( L ⃗ j ( z ) ( θ ) + L ← j ( z ) ( θ ) ) \vec L^{(z)}_{j}(\theta)=-logp(\vec y^{(z)}_{j}|\vec y^{(z)}_{<j},x^{(z)},\theta) \\ \overleftarrow L^{(z)}_{j}(\theta)=-logp(\overleftarrow y^{(z)}_{j}|\overleftarrow y^{(z)}_{<j},x^{(z)},\theta) \\ L(\theta)=\frac{1}{2ZL}\sum^{Z}_{z=1}\sum^{L}_{z=1,j=1}(\vec L^{(z)}_{j}(\theta)+\overleftarrow L^{(z)}_{j}(\theta)) Lj(z)(θ)=−logp(yj(z)∣y<j(z),x(z),θ)Lj(z)(θ)=−logp(yj(z)∣y<j(z),x(z),θ)L(θ)=2ZL1z=1∑Zz=1,j=1∑L(Lj(z)(θ)+Lj(z)(θ))
The model uses Adadelta The algorithm is trained from scratch , The weight decays to 10−4,ρ=0.9, ϵ \epsilon ϵ=10−6. Use PyTorch Framework to implement . The model is in four NVIDIA 1080Ti gpu Training on , have 11×4GB Memory .
5.3、 Forward reasoning ( Inferencing)
The following calculation formula can be used to get Latex Sequence :
y ^ = a r g m a x p ( y ∣ x , θ ) \hat y=argmaxp(y|x,\theta) y^=argmaxp(y∣x,θ)
x Input image for ,θ For model parameters .
Unlike the training stage , Use the lower triangular mask matrix to generate predictions for all time steps at the same time . Because we have no real label , So we can only predict symbols one by one , until “End” Symbol or reach the predefined maximum length .
obviously , We can't search all possible sequences , Therefore, a heuristic cluster search is proposed (beam search) To balance the cost of calculation and the quality of decision . Besides , With our decoder, bi-directional language modeling can be carried out , Use approximate federated search to improve performance . Its basic idea includes three steps :(1) First , stay L2R and R2L Using two-way training in the direction transformer Beam search , Get two before k The best prediction .(2) then , We will L2R Suppose the reverse is R2L Direction , take R2L The assumption turns into L2R Direction , And use these assumptions as real labels , Calculate the loss value in the training stage .(3) Last , Add these losses to their original hypothetical scores , Get the final score , Then it is used to find the best candidate . In practice , We set the beam size to k=10, Maximum length is 200, The length penalty is α=1.0.
6、 ... and 、Experiments

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