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Common response status codes

2022-07-07 14:00:00 LC181119

http Protocol status code classification

1xx:100-101 message
2xx:200-206 success
3xx:300-307 Redirect
4xx:400-415 Error information , Client error
5xx:500-505 Error information , Server-side error

http Protocol commonly used status code

200: success , Request data through the response message of entity-body Partial sending ;OK
301: Requested URL The resource pointed to has been deleted ; But in the response message, through the header Location Indicates the resource present                 In its new location ;Moved Permanently
302: response message Location Indicate the temporary new location of the resource Moved Temporarily
304: The client made a conditional request , But the resources on the server have not changed , By responding to this response state               Code notification client ;Not Modified
307:    Browser internal redirection
401: You need to enter an account number and password for authentication to access resources ;Unauthorized
403: Request denied ;Forbidden
404: The server could not find the resource requested by the client ;Not Found
500: Server internal error ;Internal Server Error
502: The proxy server received a pseudo response from the back end server , If unable to connect to the gateway ;Bad Gateway
503: Service not available , Temporary server maintenance or overload , The server was unable to process the request
504: gateway timeout

