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Supply chain supply and demand estimation - [time series]
2022-07-07 13:42:00 【Stormzudi】
Supply and demand estimation time series
Match Links :https://tianchi.aliyun.com/competition/entrance/531934/information
Coding Code :https://github.com/Stormzudi/Recommender-System-with-TF_Pytorch/tree/main/rec_examples/Works
The target of time series prediction is the future usage of virtual resources , Virtual resource inventory data is inventory decision 、 The time series predicts the inventory level of each inventory unit of the previous day , Inventory unit geographic topology data 、 Product topology data is the topology location information of each inventory unit , Inventory unit weight information represents the weight of each inventory unit in decision-making , A heavily weighted inventory unit , If the more effective the decision is , The contribution to the evaluation indicators will be greater ; conversely , Reducing the proportion of evaluation scores will also be greater .
This competition will focus on solving the problem in the dimension of replenishment unit ( Minimum inventory management unit ), Given the historical demand data of the past period 、 Current inventory data 、 Replenishment duration and relevant information of replenishment unit ( Product dimension and geographical latitude ), By the contestants **“ Timing prediction ”、“ Operational research optimization ” And other technologies to give the corresponding inventory management decision **, Under the condition of ensuring that the inventory probability meets the demand without supply interruption , Reduce inventory rate , Achieve the purpose of reducing inventory cost .
Data is introduced
The training set contains the following : Historical data of virtual resource usage (demand_train.csv)、 Virtual resource inventory data (inventory_info.csv)、 Geographic topology data (geography_tuopu.csv)、 Product level data (product_tuopu.csv)、 Weight information of inventory unit (unit_weight.csv).
1. Feature Engineering
- 1.1 Date processing ( Make up the number of days )
- 1.2 Handle geography_level、product_level Multi level features
- 1.3 Use unit Yes qty sliding window , Add history 14 God 、7 Sky sliding window features
- 1.4 Use geo, prod Add past 14 God 、7 Sky sliding window features
1.1 Date processing
first_dt = pd.to_datetime("20180604")
last_dt = pd.to_datetime("20210301") # It is used to restrict the use of historical data rather than future data
start_dt = pd.to_datetime("20210301") # Used to define the target of the forecast test Starting time of
end_dt = pd.to_datetime("20210607") # Deadline for forecasting demand
demand_train_A["ts"] = demand_train_A["ts"].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x))
demand_train_A.drop(['Unnamed: 0'],axis=1,inplace=True)
demand_test_A["ts"] = demand_test_A["ts"].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x))
demand_test_A.drop(['Unnamed: 0'],axis=1,inplace=True)
dataset = pd.concat([demand_train_A, demand_test_A])
Delete incorrect sample data
# Delete qty Samples with negative values in , The sample value of this part is incorrect , Will affect the final standardization results
dataset = dataset[~(dataset.qty < 0)]
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 345316 entries, 0 to 61935 Data columns (total 7 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 unit 345316 non-null object 1 ts 345316 non-null datetime64[ns] 2 qty 345316 non-null float64 3 geography_level 345316 non-null object 4 geography 345316 non-null object 5 product_level 345316 non-null object 6 product 345316 non-null object dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), object(5) memory usage: 21.1+ MB
Check whether the days of all samples are the same
# unit count
9b8f48bacb1a63612f3a210ccc6286cc 1100 6ed4341ad9d2902873f3d9272f5f4df1 1100 4d3ca213b639541c5ba4cf8a69b1e1ed 1100 06531cd4188630ce2497cd9983aacf5e 1100 326cb18b045e5baefa90bbc2e8d52a32 1100 ... 7d9cbb373fddba4ce2cddcec96bccbeb 148 8ccf1c02bb050cb3fc4f13789cdfe235 147 e9abc1de6bd24d10ebe608959d0e5bac 141 5dbe225a546a680640eb5f7902b42cdd 141 12f892a6de3f9cf4411fb9db4fdd6691 138 Name: unit, Length: 632, dtype: int64
Every unit Make up the number of days
all_date = (dataset.ts.max()-dataset.ts.min()).days + 1
print(" Number of days for sample statistics :", all_date) # Unit Of Days
# all Unit Complete everything all_date Days of data
cols = dataset.columns
trainalldate = pd.DataFrame()
for unit in dataset.unit.drop_duplicates():
tmppd = pd.DataFrame(index=pd.date_range(first_dt, periods=all_date))
tmppd['unit'] = unit
tmppd = tmppd.reset_index()
tmppd.columns = ['ts','unit']
tmppd = pd.merge(left = tmppd,right = dataset[dataset.unit == unit],how = 'left',on = ['ts','unit']
trainalldate = pd.concat([trainalldate, tmppd])
Number of days for sample statistics : 1100
9b8f48bacb1a63612f3a210ccc6286cc 1100 fbb83aefc6f5d6f6bc22ae3ee757d327 1100 c667afe1760f1e611bbf1429a4d324c4 1100 159cb1b7310e185dedda75e02d75344c 1100 c33ea1a813aed8ea5c19733d0729843d 1100 ... 380ad6e9d053693ab13f4da6940169ee 1100 d265d3620336f88bb6b49ac2e38c60ae 1100 e0bb0f05aa6823bddee312429820c1dc 1100 9a27f2c80de3ad06d7b57f5ec302c19e 1100 12f892a6de3f9cf4411fb9db4fdd6691 1100
Data presentation :
- Daily sales are complete unit: 9b8f48bacb1a63612f3a210ccc6286cc
# Complete data
sns.lineplot(y =trainalldate[trainalldate.unit == '9b8f48bacb1a63612f3a210ccc6286cc'].qty,
x =trainalldate[trainalldate.unit == '9b8f48bacb1a63612f3a210ccc6286cc'].ts)
- There are days to complete unit: 7d9cbb373fddba4ce2cddcec96bccbeb
# Incomplete data
sns.lineplot(y =trainalldate[trainalldate.unit == '7d9cbb373fddba4ce2cddcec96bccbeb'].qty,
x =trainalldate[trainalldate.unit == '7d9cbb373fddba4ce2cddcec96bccbeb'].ts)
add to year, month, day Date characteristics
trainalldate['year'] = trainalldate['ts'].dt.year
trainalldate['month'] = trainalldate['ts'].dt.month
trainalldate['day'] = trainalldate['ts'].dt.day
trainalldate['week'] = trainalldate['ts'].dt.weekday
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 695200 entries, 0 to 1099 Data columns (total 11 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ts 695200 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 unit 695200 non-null object 2 qty 345316 non-null float64 3 geography_level 345316 non-null object 4 geography 345316 non-null object 5 product_level 345316 non-null object 6 product 345316 non-null object 7 year 695200 non-null int64 8 month 695200 non-null int64 9 day 695200 non-null int64 10 week 695200 non-null int64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(1), int64(4), object(5) memory usage: 63.6+ MB
1.2 Handle geography_level、product_level Multi level features
trainalldate = trainalldate.drop(['geography_level','product_level'],axis = 1)
trainalldate = pd.merge(trainalldate, geo_topo, how='left', left_on = 'geography', right_on = 'geography_level_3')
trainalldate = pd.merge(trainalldate, product_topo, how='left', left_on = 'product', right_on = 'product_level_2')
trainalldate = trainalldate.drop(['geography','product'],axis = 1)
Conduct label encoder, Implement character type -> Numerical type
# labelEncoder
encoder = ['geography_level_1','geography_level_2','geography_level_3','product_level_1','product_level_2']
# add feature
# unit_all = ['unit_geo', 'unit_pro', 'geo_pro']
unit_all = [ 'unit_pro', 'geo_pro']
# trainalldate["unit_geo"] = trainalldate.apply(lambda x: f"{x['unit']}_{x['geography_level_3']}", axis=1)
trainalldate["unit_pro"] = trainalldate.apply(lambda x: f"{
x['product_level_2']}", axis=1)
trainalldate["geo_pro"] = trainalldate.apply(lambda x: f"{
x['product_level_2']}", axis=1)
lbl = LabelEncoder()
for feat in encoder+unit_all:
trainalldate[feat] = lbl.transform(trainalldate[feat])
Add Training weight characteristics : weight
# add the weight of each units
trainalldate = pd.merge(trainalldate, weight_A, left_on = 'unit', right_on = 'unit')
trainalldate = trainalldate.drop(['Unnamed: 0'],axis = 1)
For the prediction target qty Conduct label encoder code
# unit to unit_id
enc_unit = lbl.fit(trainalldate['unit'])
trainalldate['unit'] = enc_unit.transform(trainalldate['unit'])
# unit id -> Anti coding
# enc_unit.inverse_transform(trainalldate['unit'])
Storage .pkl file
# save to pkl
# trainalldate.to_csv('../output/trainalldate.csv', index=False)
import pickle
with open("../output/trainalldate.pkl", 'wb') as fo:
pickle.dump(trainalldate, fo)
1.3 Use unit Yes qty sliding window , Add history 14 God 、7 Sky sliding window features
ref: https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/101284491
with open("../output/trainalldate.pkl", 'rb') as fo: # Read pkl File data
trainalldate = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes')
trainalldate["ts"] = trainalldate["ts"].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x)) # Convert to time format
- history 14 God 7 Sliding window
- History No k Day specific value ( The third day of history , The second day of history , yesterday )
def qtyGetKvalue(data, k):
''' k: the last k-ist value of data '''
data = data.sort_values(
by=['ts'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)
data = data.iloc[len(data) - k, -1] if len(data) >= k else np.NaN
return data
def qtyNewFeature(df, ts = np.nan):
newdataset = pd.DataFrame()
timeline = pd.date_range(df.ts.min(), df.ts.max())
for t in timeline:
# today
ts = df[df.ts == t]
# last 14 day information ...
rdd = df[(df.ts >= t - datetime.timedelta(14)) & (df.ts < t)]
last14max_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].max().to_dict()
last14min_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].min().to_dict()
last14std_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].std().to_dict()
last14mean_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
last14median_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].median().to_dict()
last14sum_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].sum().to_dict()
ts['last14max'] = ts['unit'].map(last14max_dict)
ts['last14min'] = ts['unit'].map(last14min_dict)
ts['last14std'] = ts['unit'].map(last14std_dict)
ts['last14mean'] = ts['unit'].map(last14mean_dict)
ts['last14median'] = ts['unit'].map(last14median_dict)
ts['last14sum'] = ts['unit'].map(last14sum_dict)
# last 7 day information ..
rdd = df[(df.ts >= t - datetime.timedelta(7)) & (df.ts < t)]
last7max_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].max().to_dict()
last7min_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].min().to_dict()
last7std_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].std().to_dict()
last7mean_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
last7median_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].median().to_dict()
last7sum_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].sum().to_dict()
ts['last7max'] = ts['unit'].map(last7max_dict)
ts['last7min'] = ts['unit'].map(last7min_dict)
ts['last7std'] = ts['unit'].map(last7std_dict)
ts['last7mean'] = ts['unit'].map(last7mean_dict)
ts['last7median'] = ts['unit'].map(last7median_dict)
ts['last7sum'] = ts['unit'].map(last7sum_dict)
# last 3 day information ...
rdd = df[(df.ts >= t - datetime.timedelta(3)) & (df.ts < t)]
last3max_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].max().to_dict()
last3min_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].min().to_dict()
last3std_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].std().to_dict()
last3mean_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
last3median_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].median().to_dict()
last3sum_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].sum().to_dict()
last3value_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['ts', 'qty'].apply(qtyGetKvalue, k=3).to_dict()
ts['last3max'] = ts['unit'].map(last3max_dict)
ts['last3min'] = ts['unit'].map(last3min_dict)
ts['last3std'] = ts['unit'].map(last3std_dict)
ts['last3mean'] = ts['unit'].map(last3mean_dict)
ts['last3median'] = ts['unit'].map(last3median_dict)
ts['last3sum'] = ts['unit'].map(last3sum_dict)
ts['last3value'] = ts['unit'].map(last3value_dict)
# last 1、2 day information ..
rdd = df[(df.ts >= t - datetime.timedelta(1)) & (df.ts < t)]
last1value_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].sum().to_dict()
ts['last1value'] = ts['unit'].map(last1value_dict)
rdd = df[(df.ts >= t - datetime.timedelta(2)) & (df.ts < t)]
last2mean_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
last2sum_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['qty'].sum().to_dict()
last2value_dict = rdd.groupby('unit')['ts', 'qty'].apply(qtyGetKvalue, k=2).to_dict()
ts['last2mean'] = ts['unit'].map(last2mean_dict)
ts['last2sum'] = ts['unit'].map(last2sum_dict)
ts['last2value'] = ts['unit'].map(last2value_dict)
newdataset = pd.concat([newdataset, ts])
if t.month == 1 and t.day == 1:
return newdataset
traindataset = qtyNewFeature(trainalldate)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 695200 entries, 0 to 695199 Data columns (total 38 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ts 695200 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 unit 695200 non-null int64 2 qty 345316 non-null float64 3 year 695200 non-null int64 4 month 695200 non-null int64 5 day 695200 non-null int64 6 week 695200 non-null int64 7 geography_level_1 695200 non-null int64 8 geography_level_2 695200 non-null int64 9 geography_level_3 695200 non-null int64 10 product_level_1 695200 non-null int64 11 product_level_2 695200 non-null int64 12 unit_pro 695200 non-null int64 13 geo_pro 695200 non-null int64 14 weight 695200 non-null float64 15 last14max 344717 non-null float64 16 last14min 344717 non-null float64 17 last14std 344085 non-null float64 18 last14mean 344717 non-null float64 19 last14median 344717 non-null float64 20 last14sum 694568 non-null float64 21 last7max 344712 non-null float64 22 last7min 344712 non-null float64 23 last7std 344068 non-null float64 24 last7mean 344712 non-null float64 25 last7median 344712 non-null float64 26 last7sum 694568 non-null float64 27 last3max 344695 non-null float64 28 last3min 344695 non-null float64 29 last3std 344051 non-null float64 30 last3mean 344695 non-null float64 31 last3median 344695 non-null float64 32 last3sum 694568 non-null float64 33 last3value 344684 non-null object 34 last1value 694568 non-null float64 35 last2mean 344690 non-null float64 36 last2sum 694568 non-null float64 37 last2value 344684 non-null object dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(23), int64(12), object(2) memory usage: 206.9+ MB
1.4 Use geo, prod Add past 14 God 、7 Sky sliding window features
def geoproNewFeature(df):
newdataset = pd.DataFrame()
timeline = pd.date_range(df.ts.min(), df.ts.max())
for t in timeline:
ts = df[df.ts == t]
rdd = df[(df.ts >= t - datetime.timedelta(14)) & (df.ts < t)]
# grouby for calculate mean&median
geo1mean14_dict = rdd.groupby('geography_level_1')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
geo2mean14_dict = rdd.groupby('geography_level_2')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
geo3mean14_dict = rdd.groupby('geography_level_3')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
pro1mean14_dict = rdd.groupby('product_level_1')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
pro2mean14_dict = rdd.groupby('product_level_2')['qty'].mean().to_dict()
geo1median14_dict = rdd.groupby('geography_level_1')['qty'].median().to_dict()
geo2median14_dict = rdd.groupby('geography_level_2')['qty'].median().to_dict()
geo3median14_dict = rdd.groupby('geography_level_3')['qty'].median().to_dict()
pro1median14_dict = rdd.groupby('product_level_1')['qty'].median().to_dict()
pro2median14_dict = rdd.groupby('product_level_2')['qty'].median().to_dict()
# map to df
ts['geo1mean14'] = ts['geography_level_1'].map(geo1mean14_dict)
ts['geo2mean14'] = ts['geography_level_2'].map(geo2mean14_dict)
ts['geo3mean14'] = ts['geography_level_3'].map(geo3mean14_dict)
ts['pro1mean14'] = ts['product_level_1'].map(pro1mean14_dict)
ts['pro2mean14'] = ts['product_level_2'].map(pro2mean14_dict)
ts['geo1median14'] = ts['geography_level_1'].map(geo1median14_dict)
ts['geo2median14'] = ts['geography_level_2'].map(geo2median14_dict)
ts['geo3median14'] = ts['geography_level_3'].map(geo3median14_dict)
ts['pro1median14'] = ts['product_level_1'].map(pro1median14_dict)
ts['pro2median14'] = ts['product_level_2'].map(pro2median14_dict)
add to geo and prod Under the Sliding window features :
traindatasetall = geoproNewFeature(traindataset)
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> Int64Index: 695200 entries, 0 to 695199 Data columns (total 48 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 ts 695200 non-null datetime64[ns] 1 unit 695200 non-null int64 2 qty 345316 non-null float64 3 year 695200 non-null int64 4 month 695200 non-null int64 5 day 695200 non-null int64 6 week 695200 non-null int64 7 geography_level_1 695200 non-null int64 8 geography_level_2 695200 non-null int64 9 geography_level_3 695200 non-null int64 10 product_level_1 695200 non-null int64 11 product_level_2 695200 non-null int64 12 unit_pro 695200 non-null int64 13 geo_pro 695200 non-null int64 14 weight 695200 non-null float64 15 last14max 344717 non-null float64 16 last14min 344717 non-null float64 17 last14std 344085 non-null float64 18 last14mean 344717 non-null float64 19 last14median 344717 non-null float64 20 last14sum 694568 non-null float64 21 last7max 344712 non-null float64 22 last7min 344712 non-null float64 23 last7std 344068 non-null float64 24 last7mean 344712 non-null float64 25 last7median 344712 non-null float64 26 last7sum 694568 non-null float64 27 last3max 344695 non-null float64 28 last3min 344695 non-null float64 29 last3std 344051 non-null float64 30 last3mean 344695 non-null float64 31 last3median 344695 non-null float64 32 last3sum 694568 non-null float64 33 last3value 344684 non-null object 34 last1value 694568 non-null float64 35 last2mean 344690 non-null float64 36 last2sum 694568 non-null float64 37 last2value 344684 non-null object 38 geo1mean14 345294 non-null float64 39 geo2mean14 345267 non-null float64 40 geo3mean14 345198 non-null float64 41 pro1mean14 344949 non-null float64 42 pro2mean14 344946 non-null float64 43 geo1median14 345294 non-null float64 44 geo2median14 345267 non-null float64 45 geo3median14 345198 non-null float64 46 pro1median14 344949 non-null float64 47 pro2median14 344946 non-null float64 dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(33), int64(12), object(2) memory usage: 259.9+ MB
2. Data analysis
- 2.1 Date and inventory sales qty The relationship between
- 2.2 weight Analysis between characteristics and other indicators
- 2.3 geography and product And inventory sales qty The relationship between
2.1 Date and inventory sales qty The relationship between
- 1. Which month has the best inventory sales , As the date changes , What is the change trend of average inventory sales ?
- 2. Which day of the month has the best inventory sales ?
# Statistics 2020-1-1 to 2021-1-1 Sales between days
l = pd.to_datetime("20200101")
r = pd.to_datetime("20210101")
rdd = trainalldate[(trainalldate.ts >= l) & (trainalldate.ts < r)]
month 1 7192.430061 2 7314.206949 3 7604.787311 4 7816.873783 5 7654.873306 6 7414.775432 7 7338.711291 8 7143.824906 9 6443.558908 10 6322.372180 11 6342.427577 12 6338.860666 Name: qty, dtype: float64
In a year 4 Each month unit Of Best sales .
week 0 6998.214075 1 6987.379158 2 6992.602257 3 6990.622916 4 7007.556214 5 7002.836863 6 6995.769412 Name: qty, dtype: float64
# the high day is 8
# count the 8 of all year
daysYear = pd.Series(pd.date_range(start=l, end=r))
weeks = list(map(lambda x:x.day_name(), filter(lambda x:x.day == 8, daysYear)))
print(list(filter(lambda x:x.day == 8, daysYear)))
import collections
a = collections.Counter(weeks)
2.2 weight Characteristics analysis
# weight num and unit
weight 0.001 139700 0.002 62700 0.003 52800 0.004 31900 0.005 31900 ... 0.325 1100 0.379 1100 0.384 1100 0.404 1100 0.943 1100 Name: unit, Length: 131, dtype: int64
All in all 131 Different species weight, Most of them weight == 0.001
# Statistical difference weight Next ,qty Average inventory usage
2.3 geography and product And inventory sales qty The relationship between
3. model training
- 1 Xgboost
- 2.LightGBM
- 3.autox
- 4.JDCross
- ref
3.1 xgboost
# load traindataset
with open("../output/traindataset.pkl", 'rb') as fo: # Read pkl File data
traindataset = pickle.load(fo, encoding='bytes')
traindataset["ts"] = traindataset["ts"].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x))
# features
sparse_features = ['unit', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'week', 'geography_level_1', 'geography_level_2', 'geography_level_3',
'product_level_1', 'product_level_2', 'unit_pro', 'geo_pro']
dense_features = ['weight',
'last14max', 'last14min', 'last14std', 'last14mean', 'last14median',
'last14sum', 'last7max', 'last7min', 'last7std', 'last7mean',
'last7median', 'last7sum', 'last3max', 'last3min', 'last3std',
'last3mean', 'last3median', 'last3sum', 'last3value', 'last1value', 'last2mean',
'last2sum', 'last2value', 'geo1mean14', 'geo2mean14', 'geo3mean14', 'pro1mean14',
'pro2mean14', 'geo1median14', 'geo2median14', 'geo3median14',
'pro1median14', 'pro2median14']
target = ['qty']
# traindataset[:100].loc[~traindataset[:100]['geo1mean14'].isnull()]
# traindataset[np.isnan(traindataset['qty'].values)]
# traindataset['qty'][np.isinf(traindataset['qty'])] = 0.0
# Replace null , And select greater than 0 The data of
traindataset = traindataset.dropna(subset=["qty"])
traindataset = traindataset[traindataset["qty"] >= 0]
(345316, 48)
Judge whether it exists Null and inf outliers .
qty The original value is too large , Conduct log conversion .
# qty To convert
plt.figure(figsize=(18, 10))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=2, ncols=1)
traindataset['qty'].hist(bins=100, ax=axes[0])
traindataset['qty'] = np.log(traindataset['qty'] + 1) #
traindataset['qty'].hist(bins=100, ax=axes[1])
## 3.1 xgboost
traindataset = traindataset.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
train = traindataset[traindataset.ts <= pd.to_datetime("20210301")]
test = traindataset[traindataset.ts > pd.to_datetime("20210301")]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train[sparse_features + dense_features], test[sparse_features + dense_features], train[target], test[target]
print('The shape of X_train:{}'.format(X_train.shape))
print('The shape of X_test:{}'.format(X_test.shape))
The shape of X_train:(274740, 46)
The shape of X_test:(68685, 46)
params = {
'learning_rate': 0.25,
'n_estimators': 30,
'subsample': 0.8,
'colsample_bytree': 0.6,
'max_depth': 12,
'min_child_weight': 1,
'reg_alpha': 0,
'gamma': 0
# dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(X, label=y, feature_names=x)
bst = xgb.XGBRegressor(learning_rate=params['learning_rate'], n_estimators=params['n_estimators'],
booster='gbtree', objective='reg:linear', n_jobs=-1, subsample=params['subsample'],
colsample_bytree=params['colsample_bytree'], random_state=0,
max_depth=params['max_depth'], gamma=params['gamma'],
min_child_weight=params['min_child_weight'], reg_alpha=params['reg_alpha'])
bst.fit(X_train.values, y_train.values)
[15:50:29] WARNING: ../src/objective/regression_obj.cu:203: reg:linear is now deprecated in favor of reg:squarederror.
XGBRegressor(base_score=0.5, booster='gbtree', callbacks=None, colsample_bylevel=1, colsample_bynode=1, colsample_bytree=0.6, early_stopping_rounds=None, enable_categorical=False, eval_metric=None, gamma=0, gpu_id=-1, grow_policy='depthwise', importance_type=None, interaction_constraints='', learning_rate=0.25, max_bin=256, max_cat_to_onehot=4, max_delta_step=0, max_depth=12, max_leaves=0, min_child_weight=1, missing=nan, monotone_constraints='()', n_estimators=30, n_jobs=-1, num_parallel_tree=1, objective='reg:linear', predictor='auto', random_state=0, reg_alpha=0, ...)
View the prediction effect
pre = bst.predict(X_test.values)
# def mape(y_true, y_pred):
# return np.mean(np.abs((y_pred - y_true) / y_true)) * 100
# mape = mape(np.expm1(y_test.reshape(-1)), np.expm1(pre))
# print("MAPE is: {}".format(mape))
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
mae_norm = mean_absolute_error(y_test.values, pre) # Normalized value
mae = mean_absolute_error(np.expm1(y_test.values), np.expm1(pre))
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(np.expm1(y_test.values), np.expm1(pre)))
mae: 0.0169853220505046 mae: 56.53049660927482 rmse: 232.05474656993192
The importance diagram of tree model output eigenvalues
def get_xgb_feat_importances(clf, train_features):
if isinstance(clf, xgb.XGBModel):
# clf has been created by calling
# xgb.XGBClassifier.fit() or xgb.XGBRegressor().fit()
fscore = clf.get_booster().get_fscore()
# clf has been created by calling xgb.train.
# Thus, clf is an instance of xgb.Booster.
fscore = clf.get_fscore()
feat_importances = []
for feat, value in zip(fscore.keys(), train_features):
'Feature': value, 'Importance': fscore[feat]})
# for ft, score in fscore.items():
# feat_importances.append({'Feature': ft, 'Importance': score})
feat_importances = pd.DataFrame(feat_importances)
feat_importances = feat_importances.sort_values(
by='Importance', ascending=False).reset_index(drop=True)
# Divide the importances by the sum of all importances
# to get relative importances. By using relative importances
# the sum of all importances will equal to 1, i.e.,
# np.sum(feat_importances['importance']) == 1
feat_importances['Importance'] /= feat_importances['Importance'].sum()
# Print the most important features and their importances
return dict(zip(fscore.keys(), train_features)), feat_importances
f, res = get_xgb_feat_importances(bst, sparse_features + dense_features)
plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
plt.barh(range(len(res)), res['Importance'][::-1], tick_label=res['Feature'][::-1])
View the prediction effect
# plot the model result
data = X_test.copy()
data['qty'] = np.expm1(y_test)
data['pre_qty'] = np.expm1(pre)
def date_trend(data):
val = data.sort_values(
by=['year', 'month', 'day'], ascending=True).reset_index(drop=True)
val["date"] = val.apply(lambda x: f"{
int(x['day'])}", axis=1)
val["date"] = val["date"].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x))
if val.unit.values[0] in [497, 81, 9, 285, 554, 315]:
plt.figure(figsize=(15, 6))
l1 = plt.plot(val.date, val['qty'], 'o', label='raw_data')
l2 = plt.plot(val.date, val['pre_qty'], 'ro', label="pre_data")
# plt.plot(val.date, val['qty'], 'o', val.date, val['pre_qty'], 'ro')
3.2 Lightgbm
import lightgbm as lgb
from lightgbm import plot_importance
# Build a training set
dtrain = lgb.Dataset(X_train,y_train)
dtest = lgb.Dataset(X_test,y_test)
params = {
'booster': 'gbtree',
'objective': 'regression',
'num_leaves': 31,
'subsample': 0.8,
'bagging_freq': 1,
'feature_fraction ': 0.8,
'slient': 1,
'learning_rate ': 0.1,
'seed': 0
num_rounds = 500
# xgboost model training
lgbmodel = lgb.train(params,dtrain, num_rounds, valid_sets=[dtrain, dtest],
verbose_eval=100, early_stopping_rounds=100)
# Predict the test set
pre_lgb = lgbmodel.predict(X_test)
Evaluate the effect of the model
# def mape(y_true, y_pred):
# return np.mean(np.abs((y_pred - y_true) / y_true)) * 100
# mape = mape(np.expm1(y_test.reshape(-1)), np.expm1(pre))
# print("MAPE is: {}".format(mape))
from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error, mean_squared_error
mae_norm = mean_absolute_error(y_test.values, pre_lgb) # Normalized value
mae = mean_absolute_error(np.expm1(y_test.values), np.expm1(pre_lgb))
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(np.expm1(y_test.values), np.expm1(pre_lgb)))
mae: 0.018923955297323495 mae: 81.15812502488455 rmse: 307.6095513832293
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