当前位置:网站首页>IBM has laid off 40 + year-old employees in a large area. Mastering these ten search skills will improve your work efficiency ten times

IBM has laid off 40 + year-old employees in a large area. Mastering these ten search skills will improve your work efficiency ten times

2022-07-05 19:22:00 InfoQ


twitter : Second, the school is , But got the byte beat Offer! How did I do it , I wrote an article to share my experience with you , I hope it can be of some help to you ! Before I made a wish in Niuke , Then came offer I forgot to send it , Now make it up . Three interviews were completed in one day , The letter of intent was received a week after the interview .

My general direction  
《Android Summary of learning notes + Latest mobile architecture video + Big Android interview questions + Project actual combat source code handout 》 Free open source Hui Xin search official account 【 Advanced programming 】
  yes : Tiktok / Volcano tiktok / live broadcast . Let's get back to business : In fact, I haven't been asked many questions in total , The main reason is that there are many questions in the internship , Therefore, it is suggested that what you do in practice must be able to say the purpose and meaning , Clarify the technical realization , And related technology extensions
One 、 About Handler Interview questions
1、Handler Looper Message  What is the relationship ?2、Messagequeue  What is the data structure of ? Why use this number   According to the structure ?3、 How to create  Handler?4、Handler post  Methods the principle ?5、Android  The principle of message mechanism and source code analysis 6、Android Handler  Message mechanism 7、Android  Message mechanism ........

Two 、 About Activity Interview questions
1、 Startup mode and usage scenarios ?2、onNewIntent() and  onConfigurationChanged()3、onSaveInstanceState() and  onRestoreInstanceState()4、Activity  How did it start .......

3、 ... and 、 About Fragment Interview questions
1、Fragment  Life cycle and  Activity  contrast 2、Fragment  How to communicate with each other 3、Fragment  Of  startActivityForResult4、Fragment  Overlapping problems 5、Fragment  overlap ,  How to communicate ........

Four 、 About Service Interview questions
1、 Process keeping alive 2、Service  Running thread of ( Life cycle methods are all in the main thread )3、Service  How to start and how to stop 4、ServiceConnection  Which thread does the callback method run in ?5、startService  and  bingService  difference 6、Android  The general routine of keeping the process alive .......

5、 ... and 、 About Android  Layout optimization interview questions
1、 When to use  ViewStub、include、merge?2、 What are their principles ?3、 Layout optimization artifact  include 、merge、ViewStub  Label details 4、Android  Layout optimization  ViewStub、include、merge  Use   And source code analysis .......

6、 ... and 、 About BroadcastReceiver Interview questions
1、 Registration method , priority 2、 The radio type , difference 3、 Use scenarios of broadcasting , principle 4、 The underlying implementation principle of Android broadcasting .....

7、 ... and 、 About AsyncTask Interview questions
1、AsyncTask  Is it serial or parallel ?2、AsyncTask  As the Android version changes .......
8、 ... and 、 About Android  The event distribution mechanism interviews those questions
1、onTouch  and  onTouchEvent  difference , Call to order 2、dispatchTouchEvent , onTouchEvent , onInterceptTouchEvent  Method sequence and usage scenarios 3、 Slide conflict , How to solve 4、Android ViewGroup  Event distribution mechanism ........

Nine 、 About Android View  Draw a process to interview those questions
1、 sketch  View  Drawing process 2、onMeasure, onlayout, ondraw  What should be paid attention to in the method 3、 How to customize  View4、view  Redraw mechanism .......
Ten 、 About Android ANR Interview questions
1、 Why does it happen  ANR?2、 How to locate  ANR?3、 How to avoid  ANR?4、 What is?  ANR.......

11、 ... and 、 About Android  Memory interview questions
1、 When will memory leak ?2、 How to prevent memory leaks ?

At the end of the article

When you're going to change jobs , Should put the “ After a successful job hopping , What can I learn ? What's good for my future development ” Put it first . These are the things that really guide you . Try your best to “ make ”, Do your work well , It's better to finish a project or get a promotion before you go . Job hopping is not the goal , It's the means to achieve the ultimate career goal

Finally, I wish you a promotion and a raise , I got my favorite in the interview Offer

