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Visual analysis of data related to crawling cat's eye essays "sadness flows upstream into a river" | the most moving film of Guo Jingming's five years
2022-07-06 15:20:00 【Jane said Python】
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One 、 My feelings
know 《 Sorrow flows back into a river 》 It's still on qq Space saw the younger brother send a talk , Suddenly I think of the book of chasing the fourth grade in junior high school , See every night 10 Some more , I saw the gun version yesterday 《 Sorrow flows back into a river 》, The whole story is almost the same as the novel , The only difference is that Yi Yao in the original book committed suicide by jumping off a building , In the movie, Lu Yao is in the public " Tongue gun lip sword "、 Under the eyes of schadenfreude , With unwilling and resentment, he jumped into the river and committed suicide , In the end … I don't know how to play , The whole play lasted about an hour and 40 minutes, and there was no urine in the whole process , I saw the gun version twice yesterday …( I'm going to find someone to watch it again ), It's also the first time , That makes me want to write this article full of Technology + Emotional articles .
Take the cat's eye movie 《 Sorrow flows back into a river 》 Short commentary , Tell you with data 17 God's movie , You deserve to see , It's worth watching twice .
Two 、 Technology makes things happen ( Climb up )
1. Cat's eye movie short comment interface
We visit this directly , stay web You can only see the hottest 10 Short commentary , How can I get all the essays ?
(1) Visit the link above , Press down F12, Then click the icon on the picture , Put browsing mode ( Responsive design patterns , Firefox shortcut Ctrl+Shift+M) Change to mobile mode , Refresh the page .
(2) Switch to Google browser ,F12 Perform the above operation under , Pull down the short comment after loading , The page continues to load , Find the containing offset and startTime
Loading bar , Discover its Response
It contains the data we want , by json
Format .
2. Get short comments
(1) Simple analysis
Through the analysis above
Request URL: http://m.maoyan.com/mmdb/comments/movie/1217236.json?v=yes&offset=0&startTime=0%2021%3A09%3A31
Request Method: GET
Fell several times , I found the following rules :
frequency | offset | startTime |
for the first time | 0 | 0 |
The second time | 15 | 2018-10-06 |
third time | 30 | 2018-10-06 |
The first n Time | 15 | 2018-10-05 |
The first n+1 Time | 30 | 2018-10-05 |
You can guess roughly :offset
Indicates that the interface displays the starting position of comments , Every page 15 strip , such as :15, Is displayed 15-30 In the middle 15 comments ; startTime
Indicates the time of the current comment , Fixed format (2018-10-06).
In addition, the last interface %2021%3A09%3A31
It is the same. .
(2) Code acquisition
''' data : 2018.10.06 author : The minimalist XksA goal : Crawling cat's eye 《 Sorrow flows back into a river 》 Film review , Word cloud Visualization '''
# Cat's eye movie introduction url
# http://maoyan.com/films/1217236
import requests
from fake_useragent import UserAgent
import json
headers = {
"User-Agent": UserAgent(verify_ssl=False).random,
# Cat's eye movie short comment interface
offset = 0
# The movie is 2018.9.21 It's on
startTime = '2018-09-21'
comment_api = 'http://m.maoyan.com/mmdb/comments/movie/1217236.json?_v_=yes&offset={0}&startTime={1}%2021%3A09%3A31'.format(offset,startTime)
# send out get request
response_comment = requests.get(comment_api,headers = headers)
json_comment = response_comment.text
json_comment = json.loads(json_comment)
Return the data :
(3) A brief introduction to the data
name | meaning |
cityName | Commentator's city |
content | Comment content |
gender | Gender of commentator |
nickName | Reviewer's nickname |
userLevel | Reviewer cat's eye rating |
score | score ( A full score of five stars ) |
(4) Data Extraction
# Get data and store
def get_data(self,json_comment):
json_response = json_comment["cmts"] # list
list_info = []
for data in json_response:
cityName = data["cityName"]
content = data["content"]
if "gender" in data:
gender = data["gender"]
gender = 0
nickName = data["nickName"]
userLevel = data["userLevel"]
score = data["score"]
list_one = [self.time,nickName,gender,cityName,userLevel,score,content]
3. Store the data
# Storage file
def file_do(list_info):
# Get file size
file_size = os.path.getsize(r'G:\maoyan\maoyan.csv')
if file_size == 0:
# Header
name = [' Comment date ', ' Reviewer's nickname ', ' Gender ', ' city ',' Cat's eye rating ',' score ',' Comment content ']
# establish DataFrame object
file_test = pd.DataFrame(columns=name, data=list_info)
# Data writing
file_test.to_csv(r'G:\maoyan\maoyan.csv', encoding='gbk', index=False)
with open(r'G:\maoyan\maoyan.csv', 'a+', newline='') as file_test:
# Append to file
writer = csv.writer(file_test)
# write file
4. Encapsulates the code
Click to read the original text to get the encapsulated crawling cat's eye movie data code .
There is almost no anti climbing of cat's eye essays , It broke twice in the middle , Change data , Just run it again , Unsealed ip.
5. Running result display
3、 ... and 、 Technology makes things happen ( Data Analysis Visualization )
1. Extract the data
- Code :
def read_csv():
content = ''
# Read file contents
with open(r'G:\maoyan\maoyan.csv', 'r', encoding='utf_8_sig', newline='') as file_test:
# Reading documents
reader = csv.reader(file_test)
i = 0
for row in reader:
if i != 0:
content = content + row[6]
# print(row)
i = i + 1
print(' Altogether :' + str(i - 1) + ' Data ')
return content
- Running results :
Altogether :15195 Data
2. Visualization of gender distribution of commentators
- Code :
# Visualization of gender distribution of commentators
def sex_distribution(gender):
# print(gender)
from pyecharts import Pie
list_num = []
list_num.append(gender.count('0')) # Unknown
list_num.append(gender.count('1')) # male
list_num.append(gender.count('2')) # Woman
attr = [" other "," male "," Woman "]
pie = Pie(" Gender pie ")
pie.add("", attr, list_num, is_label_show=True)
- Running results :
From the data point of view , Most commentators did not indicate gender in their personal information column when registering cats , And men and women , The raters are mainly girls , Also understand , This is originally a comparative literature 、 Minority youth , Girls may prefer , Boys may prefer action movies .
3. Visualization of the distribution of commentators' cities
- Code :
# Visualization of the distribution of commentators' cities
def city_distribution(cityName):
city_list = list(set(cityName))
city_dict = {
city_list[i]:0 for i in range(len(city_list))}
for i in range(len(city_list)):
city_dict[city_list[i]] = cityName.count(city_list[i])
# According to the quantity ( Dictionary key values ) Sort
sort_dict = sorted(city_dict.items(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True)
city_name = []
city_num = []
for i in range(len(sort_dict)):
import random
from pyecharts import Bar
bar = Bar(" Commentator city distribution ")
bar.add("", city_name, city_num, is_label_show=True, is_datazoom_show=True)
# Map visualization
def render_city(cities):
Click to read the original text to view the complete code of this function
- Running results :
It can be seen from it that , Most movie watchers and raters are located in the southeast of China , City distribution , Shenzhen 、 Chengdu 、 Beijing 、 wuhan 、 Shanghai occupies the top five , Because there are many prefecture level cities in the icon , So the data is not centralized ( The largest is only a few hundred ), We can still see that , These people are mostly distributed in the first and second tier cities , Have the ability to consume , Also willing to spend on holidays , rich , It's just good .
4. Visual analysis of the total number of daily comments
- Code :
# Visual analysis of the total number of daily comments
def time_num_visualization(time):
from pyecharts import Line
time_list = list(set(time))
time_dict = {
time_list[i]: 0 for i in range(len(time_list))}
time_num = []
for i in range(len(time_list)):
time_dict[time_list[i]] = time.count(time_list[i])
# According to the quantity ( Dictionary key values ) Sort
sort_dict = sorted(time_dict.items(), key=lambda d: d[0], reverse=False)
time_name = []
time_num = []
for i in range(len(sort_dict)):
line = Line(" Comment number date line chart ")
" date - comments ",
- Running results :
Due to incomplete data display , Can't see the change in the number of comments very well , But we can basically see that the number of comments every day is 1005, I guess cat's eye limits the number of comments per day , Or I am restricted when I get , from 9.21 Start to 10.6 Of 16 In the day , The number of new comments per day has reached the maximum , It can be said that its heat is not reduced .
5. Reviewer cat's eye rating 、 Scoring Visualization
- Code :
# Reviewer cat's eye rating 、 Scoring Visualization
def level_score_visualization(userLevel,score):
from pyecharts import Pie
userLevel_list = list(set(userLevel))
userLevel_num = []
for i in range(len(userLevel_list)):
score_list = list(set(score))
score_num = []
for i in range(len(score_list)):
pie01 = Pie(" Hierarchical pie chart ", title_pos='center', width=900)
" Grade ",
radius=[40, 75],
pie02 = Pie(" Score the rose pie ", title_pos='center', width=900)
" score ",
center=[50, 50],
radius=[30, 75],
- Running results :
From the data visualization results, we can see , Among the commentators 47.08% For cat eye secondary users ,31.5% For cat eye level 3 users , Users at level 4 and above account for 11.82%,0 Grade or 1 level ( It can be recognized as a newly registered user ) Occupy 9.6%, It can be seen that the number of people who score is very small , Basically, they are old users of cat's eye , Ratings and comments will not have any objective color .
Judging from the score , Full score of five stars , Score on 3 Stars and above account for 93.8%, Score on 4 Stars and above account for 87.7%, Score on 5 Star ( Full marks ) Occupy 62.82%, It can be seen that everyone is unanimous in their praise of the film .
6. Visual analysis of commentators' comments
- Code :
# Define a functional expression for word segmentation
def jiebaclearText(text):
Click to read the original text to view the complete code of this function
# Generate word cloud
def make_wordcloud(text1):
text1 = text1.replace(" Sorrow flows back into a river ", "")
bg = plt.imread(d + r"/static/znn1.jpg")
# Generate
wc = WordCloud(# FFFAE3
background_color="white", # Set the background to white , Default is black
width=890, # Set the width of the picture
height=600, # Set the height of the picture
# margin=10, # Set the edge of the picture
max_font_size=150, # Maximum font size displayed
random_state=50, # Return one... For each word PIL Color
font_path=d+'/static/simkai.ttf' # Chinese processing , Use the font provided by the system
# Set the font for the picture
my_font = fm.FontProperties(fname=d+'/static/simkai.ttf')
# Picture background
bg_color = ImageColorGenerator(bg)
# Start drawing
# Remove the axis for the cloud image
# Draw a cloud picture , Show
# Save the cloud
- Figure
- Running results :
On the whole , It's a conscience play , good-looking , It's very nice , Very pretty. , It's super beautiful , Look and cry. , moving , It's worth seeing. … almost 100% The high praise , topic prominence , School violence , Sinister face , It's none of your business. The exposure of the rotten mentality of hanging high , Exhibition , It highlights the impetuous society now , Impetuous atmosphere .
Four 、 What I want to say
First , stay My feelings
I have almost written what I want to say in , It is highly recommended that you go to the cinema to have a look ,《 Sorrow flows back into a river 》 In addition to responding to campus violence , Contemporary 、 high 、 College students' , Even adults are impetuous , Also intentionally or unintentionally reflects the value of friendship in that era , There's even something like 《 I'm not a druggist 》 It also highlights the short details of medical drugs , At least Lu Yao went to find that A male doctor in a small clinic , The male doctor said ” once 100,10 Next time, your pain can be completely relieved “, I still remember Lu Yao's confused eyes , And Lu Yao's mother , It's not a dirty business , It's ordinary for those " decadent " People just press massage , There are many plots , Lu Yao's mother said ” Every time I do business, I deliberately put away your underwear for fear that those garbage will know you “, When Lu Yao was in a hurry to change money, he found the registration fee saved by his mother , From one yuan to 100 Of , So thick , Lu Yao's mother knew that Lu Yao contracted the disease because of his own , Slap yourself in the face , Qi Ming's mother saw Lu Yao's mother holding Lu Yao's surprised eyes … That's too much , Finally, Lu Yao said that ” The murderer who killed Gu senxiang , I don't know who it is , But my killer , You know who it is “, Turn around and run to the sea , I don't know whether it's liberation or stupidity , Only blame us for being timid , We do what others do .
The world has never lacked warmth , But everyone is too , Really? , Too much want to get warm , Small groups , build ’ Gang of four ‘,” Gift giving “… I don't think it's just children playing , Many adults are also making trouble ” play “.
Whether you are a child , junior school student , Senior high school student , College students' , adults , Working , Officials … Or what , Please care for the vulnerable groups around you , Please remember to set a good example for your descendants , Please remember not to “ Plunder because of need ”, I Believe , Although the evil in the world cannot be completely eliminated , however , We can find goodness and beauty as much as possible .
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