当前位置:网站首页>In addition to the objective reasons for overtime, what else is worth thinking about?

In addition to the objective reasons for overtime, what else is worth thinking about?

2022-07-07 09:54:00 knight_ hf

It's 10:30 p.m , You can sit on the bed and write something , It's hard to .
I'm busy this week , Wednesday 、 On Thursday, I worked for two consecutive days until 3 a.m . The next few days are basically full load .
Heavy workload is an objective reason for work tension , There are other reasons —— Why does our product appear to be in a hurry after it goes online ?
Because it may involve trade secrets , It is inconvenient to describe the specific functions and processes of the product here , So here are only three points to do some thinking :
problem 1:
Problem description :
Why some Bug Be able to pass the product personnel 、 Developer 、 Testers are not found until they go online , But after going online, users soon found ?
Problem of comb :
People who do research and development may have experience , Often some very simple Bug But being able to pass through the hands of so many people is so “ propitious ”
launched , This kind of problem often occurs , It is not ruled out that it is caused by human irresponsibility , But a group of people hold an irresponsible attitude at the same time and eventually lead to problems
The probability should be small .
Our product this time is not a new product , It is because of the development of the company's business upgrading and system reconfiguration . Therefore, part of the code logic can be reused directly .
Take our one this time Bug Come on , The launch time of the project is relatively tight , But the more time is tight , In fact, we should focus on understanding users
Which function point did you pay most attention to when using this product , We should pay more attention to these function points . But in development , We are interested in all functions
Are treated equally , During the development process, we mostly analyze the original business logic by interpreting the code , But greatly ignored to communicate with users . The fact proved that ,
After our product goes online , Another problem that can best improve the efficiency of users' work has emerged Bug, In order to solve this Bug Resulting dirty data , We
It took three people to work together for half a day to clean up these dirty data .
Conclusion :
When the project launch cycle is very tight , We must be very familiar with the whole product business , At the same time, we should clearly understand what needs to be treated , What can be
Follow up improvement , Which users can tolerate even if there are some problems . Temporarily divided into : Important and influential 、 Important but small in scope 、 Three types can be tolerated .

problem 2:
Problem description :
What users really need ?
Problem of comb :
For what users really need , You can take questions 1 Continue with the example of , such as , Before we communicate with users , Why didn't we think of users
That's how it works ? What core needs can be solved by this operation ? Let's go Bug This function of is a batch processing function . obviously , Users use this function
Is to improve work efficiency . The basic function of batch processing is still to process data , But it is relative to single processing , Significantly improve efficiency . When processing data correctly
Under the premise, it can also improve work efficiency , Surely everyone likes . After knowing the real needs of users , We can define what is important and influential , thus
Priority assigned . The division of priority cannot completely follow the users , For users , He must hope that all your functions can be solved quickly and well .
Conclusion :
Every function , In addition to the basic functions we need to consider , Whether it can help users implicitly , For example, meet some psychological needs of users .
These hidden needs are often what users want most .

3)B Does the design of end products really have to be complex ? Is it possible to be like some good C The end products are so simple and elegant ?
This is a big problem , I have been thinking , However, no good conclusion has been reached . So this point is not particularly expanded for the time being , Welcome to be interested
Friends come to collide . Let's briefly talk about my personal point of view :
1)B Because of its relatively complex business , After the system is designed and developed, users often need some training before they can use it . Relatively complex use
It not only affects the user's operating experience , It also increases the probability of R & D errors . So how can we reduce the complexity of product design ? Truly understand users' demands , can
Find a simple solution .
2) Because the offline business is complex, the working hours are long 、 Low efficiency , At this time, users often hope that the wired system can help them improve their work efficiency . But users are unwilling to change ,
When I raise the demand, I just want to take offline “ Heavy and redundant ” The process moves online , So the system goes online , Finally, I found that I had to do something offline once again, and I had to do it online again .
So when designing products , Personally think that , How to optimize the process , And it is a good one to be able to influence online and offline and finally optimize the whole workflow B End products .
As many excellent C End products , Change people's offline work 、 habits and customs .B End workflow , just as C End of personal work 、 Living habits also need to be transformed by the Internet .

The above are some personal humble opinions , Write it down as a record of your thoughts .
Good night , own .

2016-04-10 On the evening of


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