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[unity3d] GUI control

2022-07-06 02:46:00 little_ fat_ sheep

1 Preface

        Unity 3D Provides GUI、NGUI、UGUI And other graphic systems , To enhance the interaction between players and the game .GUI Code needs to be in OnGUI Function can be called to draw , The layout is divided into manual layout (GUI) And automatic layout (GUILayout).

  • Manual layout : Need to pass on Rect Parameter to specify the screen drawing area , adopt GUI Call control
  • Automatic layout : There is no need to pass in Rect Parameters , Automatically layout in the screen , adopt GUILayout Call control

        Be careful : The screen coordinate system takes the upper left corner as the origin .

        GUI It mainly contains the following controls :

  • Label: Draw text and pictures
  • Box: Draw a graphic box
  • Button: Draw button , Respond to click events
  • RepeatButton: Draw a button to handle the continuous press event
  • TextField: Draw a single line text input box
  • PasswordField: Draw a secret input box
  • TextArea: Draw a multiline text input box
  • Toggle: Draw a switch
  • Toolbar: Draw toolbar
  • SelectionGrid: Draw a set of grid buttons
  • HorizontalSlider: Draw a horizontal slider
  • VerticalSlider: Draw a vertical slider
  • HorizontalScrollbar: Draw a horizontal scroll bar
  • VerticalScrollbar: Draw a vertical scroll bar
  • Window: Draw a window , Can be used to place controls

2 GUI Control

        1)Label: Draw text and pictures

//  Draw text 
public static void Label(Rect position, string text, GUIStyle style)
//  Drawing pictures 
public static void Label(Rect position, Texture image, GUIStyle style)
//  application 
GUI.Label(new Rect (10, 10, 100, 20), "Hello World!");
GUI.Label(new Rect (100, 100, texture.width, texture.height), texture);

        2)Box: Draw a graphic box

//  Draw text with borders 
public static void Box(Rect position, string text, GUIStyle style)
//  Draw a picture with borders 
public static void Box(Rect position, Texture image, GUIStyle style)

        3)Button: Draw button , Respond to click events

//  Draw a button with text , Click lift to return true
public static bool Button(Rect position, string text, GUIStyle style)
//  Draw buttons with pictures , Click lift to return true
public static bool Button(Rect position, Texture image, GUIStyle style)

        4)RepeatButton: Draw a button to handle the continuous press event

//  Draw a button with text , Continue to return when pressed true
public static bool RepeatButton(Rect position, string text, GUIStyle style)
//  Draw buttons with pictures , Continue to return when pressed true
public static bool RepeatButton(Rect position, Texture image, GUIStyle style)

        5)TextField: Draw a single line text input box

//  Draw a single line text box 
public static string TextField(Rect position, string text, int maxLength, GUIStyle style)
//  application 
private string str = "Hello World!";
private void OnGUI() {
    str = GUI.TextField(new Rect (10, 10, 100, 20), str);

        6)PasswordField: Draw a secret input box

//  Draw password box ,maskChar For the displayed symbol , Usually it is "*" Number 
public static string PasswordField(Rect position, string password, char maskChar, int maxLength, GUIStyle style)

        7)TextArea: Draw a multiline text input box

//  Draw a multiline text input box 
public static string TextArea(Rect position, string text, int maxLength, GUIStyle style)

        8)Toggle: Draw a switch

//  Draw switch with text 
public static bool Toggle(Rect position, bool value, string text, GUIStyle style)
//  Draw a switch with pictures 
public static bool Toggle(Rect position, bool value, Texture image, GUIStyle style)

        9)Toolbar: Draw toolbar

//  Draw text toolbar 
public static int Toolbar(Rect position, int selected, string[] texts, GUIStyle style)
//  Draw picture toolbar 
public static int Toolbar(Rect position, int selected, Texture[] images, GUIStyle style)
//  application 
int selected = GUI.Toolbar(new Rect (10, 10, 300, 50), 1, new string[]{"first", "second", "third", "four"});

        10)SelectionGrid: Draw a set of grid buttons

//  Draw text grid button , xCount Is the number of horizontal buttons 
public static int SelectionGrid(Rect position, int selected, string[] texts, int xCount, GUIStyle style)
//  Draw picture grid button , xCount Is the number of horizontal buttons 
public static int SelectionGrid(Rect position, int selected, Texture[] images, int xCount, GUIStyle style)
//  application 
int selected = GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect (10, 10, 100, 50), 1, new string[]{"first", "second", "third", "four"}, 2);

        11)HorizontalSlider: Draw a horizontal slider

//  Draw a horizontal slider , value:  The slider shows the value , leftValue:  Left value of slider , rightValue:  Slider right value 
public static float HorizontalSlider(Rect position, float value, float leftValue, float rightValue, GUIStyle slider, GUIStyle thumb)
//  application 
float process = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect (10, 10, 100, 50), 9f, 5f, 10f);

        12)VerticalSlider: Draw a vertical slider

//  Draw a vertical slider , value:  The slider shows the value , leftValue:  Left value of slider , rightValue:  Slider right value 
public static float VerticalSlider(Rect position, float value, float leftValue, float rightValue, GUIStyle slider, GUIStyle thumb)
//  application 
float process = GUI.VerticalSlider(new Rect (10, 10, 50, 100), 9f, 5f, 10f);

        13)HorizontalScrollbar: Draw a horizontal scroll bar

//  Draw a horizontal scroll bar , value:  The slider shows the value , size:  Piston size , leftValue:  Left value of slider , rightValue:  Slider right value 
public static float HorizontalScrollbar(Rect position, float value, float size, float leftValue, float rightValue, GUIStyle style)
//  application 
float process = GUI.HorizontalScrollbar(new Rect (10, 10, 100, 50), 7f, 3f, 5f, 10f);

        14)VerticalScrollbar: Draw a vertical scroll bar

//  Draw a vertical scroll bar , value:  The slider shows the value , size:  Piston size , leftValue:  Left value of slider , rightValue:  Slider right value 
public static float VerticalScrollbar(Rect position, float value, float size, float leftValue, float rightValue, GUIStyle style)
//  application 
float process = GUI.VerticalScrollbar(new Rect (10, 10, 100, 50), 7f, 3f, 5f, 10f);

        15)Window: Draw a window , Can be used to place controls

//  Drawing window 
public static Rect Window(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, Texture image, GUIStyle style)
public static Rect Window(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, string text)
public static Rect Window(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, Texture image)
public static Rect Window(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, GUIContent content)
public static Rect Window(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, string text, GUIStyle style)
public static Rect Window(int id, Rect clientRect, WindowFunction func, GUIContent title, GUIStyle style)

3 GUILayout Control

        GUILayout There are also 1) ~ 15) Control in , But there is no need to pass in Rect attribute , Here are some examples of controls :

GUILayout.Label("Hello world");
GUILayout.Button(" Hello! ");

4 GUISkin

          stay Assets Window right , choice 【Create → GUI Skin】, establish GUISkin resources , customized GUI Properties of control .

          Define and use in code GUISkin as follows :

public GUISkin skin;

private void Awake() {
    GUI.skin = skin;

          The edited GUISkin Drag and drop the resource file into the following red box , To achieve custom GUI Control display effect .


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