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What are PV and UV? pv、uv

2022-07-07 15:01:00 imkaifan

PV: Page visits , namely PageView, Every user's visit to the website is recorded , Multiple user visits to the same page , Total visits .
UV: Number of independent access users : namely UniqueVisitor, A computer client visiting the website is a visitor . Here is a detailed introduction :

1、PV( Traffic volume ): namely Page View, Specifically, it refers to the page views or clicks of the website ;

2、UV( Independent visitor ): namely Unique Visitor, Visit your website on a computer client for a visitor . according to IP Address to distinguish the number of visitors , Repeat the visit over a period of time , It's a UV;UV value = sales / Number of visitors . It means how much sales each visitor brings ;UV The greater the value , The more products meet the needs of consumers , Only certain promotion investment will bring corresponding UV;

