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Prosperity is exhausted, things are right and people are wrong: where should personal webmasters go

2022-07-04 22:30:00 InfoQ

Recently, a webmaster friend told me , He finally gave up the Internet , I'm ready to change my career to other fields . I can't help sighing , Personal webmaster really can't survive , Once I was also a personal webmaster . Ten years of Internet career , The identity of personal webmaster was once a kind of pride , Now the personal webmaster has gradually withdrawn from the stage of the Internet , Then comes the author of we media 、UP Lord 、 Anchor, etc . Have to admit , Websites have been gradually abandoned by people , Tiktok 、 Well quickly 、 You know 、 Baidu number and many other we media platforms , Traffic and users have been sucked away .

The era of search engine is drifting away , The personal webmaster has been prosperous

The rise of personal webmaster is inseparable from search engine , Baidu 、 Google 、 Search engines such as soso are also suffering a heavy blow , Because the core profit model of these search engine platforms is bidding advertising , And tiktok 、 Kwai and other information flow platforms are popular , More and more enterprises choose these platforms , Gradually give up the search engine , The reason is that the traffic of these platforms is very large . Search engine traffic is declining , I don't know when , Young people are used to Tiktok 、 You know 、 Search for keywords on platforms such as xiaohongshu , Find the information they want , No longer use search engines to retrieve results .

Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi , After all, a new generation changes the old

However , For the search engine platform , And don't worry too much , Because the Internet world is always “ A new generation for an old one ”. Once the blog era replaced the forum era , Then Weibo replaced blog , Now there is only one microblog . So maybe a few years later , We media platform has been replaced by new things . As a personal webmaster , We can only try to adapt to this change , Individual webmasters don't have to stick to the past , The website is the same as we media platform , Are just the carrier of information .

Embracing new media may be the way out , What advantages do individual webmasters have

Personal webmaster must embrace new media , In this respect, we also have our own advantages :
firstly , Personal webmaster is familiar with internet routines and thinking , The operation of we media platform also requires Internet thinking .
second , Personal webmaster knows some search engine technology , Tiktok 、 You know 、 Little red book and other platforms , Users' search behavior still exists , These platforms also have their own algorithms , We can use search engine technology to optimize content , To get better ranking and exposure .

To make a long story short , Websites have been gradually replaced by new media , Users and viewers have also become accustomed to obtaining information through the we media platform . Many individual webmasters have no choice but to give up , Learning and operating We Media , In fact, it is not different from operating websites .
author : stone IT visual angle   
