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Flexible report v1.0 (simple version)

2022-07-06 17:26:00 Heart blue 168

Flexible report v1.0 User help manual

Date of writing :2010 year 8 month 10 Japan


Software development background :

    As a coder , In daily work , The work of writing code is always indispensable . In the process of coding several projects , We have sorted out several class libraries that were not formed before , Now it has basically taken shape , This not only standardizes the code of the whole project , It also greatly saves the writing of repeated code , Thus, the development time of the project is saved , Improve the quality of the project , Strengthen the readability of the project source code .

  Every project basically has related report development , Although the Excel The class library generated by operation is now basically shaped . But the flexible Chinese style report will inevitably make programmers feel headache , As long as user needs change , The code that generates the report also needs to be changed accordingly . This is also a headache for ordinary units . Therefore, the purpose of developing this software is to deal with the flexible reports of users , Through this software, the report that needs to be changed is moderately modified , Without modifying the code or modifying the code less, we can meet the needs of users .

software interface :

    As shown in the figure below :


Software manual :

(1) Start the system

   Run FReportApp.exe Start the software .

   The menu bar description is shown in the following figure :




   The toolbar description is shown in the following figure :

(2) New projects

   stay [ file ] Under the menu item, there is [ New projects ] Menu items or use the new project tool in the toolbar open 『 New projects 』 Dialog box , Enter the name of the project in the dialog box , Service naming (Oracle The service naming name in the configuration in the client ), user name , After the password, click the Create button to create a new report item . As shown in the figure below :

(3) New report

   Select the project node , Right-click menu , Click on [ New report ], As shown in the figure below :

(4) New data table

   Select the report node , Right-click menu , Click on [ New data table ], As shown in the figure below :

(5) Create data table data

   Open the data table window , stay SQL Enter the... Of the extracted data in the statement text box SQL sentence , And then click [ perform SQL] Press the button to view the returned results ( notes :SQL The parameters in the statement are expressed in [] Cover up , Such as [namepara]), Click on [ To obtain parameters ] After the button , The parameters will be displayed in the parameter list , Here, enter parameters in the value column .

   example :select ' China National Petroleum Corporation ' as dw from dual where 1=[name]

   The parameter list and display results are shown in the following figure :

   notes : Here, the row column conversion function of the data table is supported , As shown in the figure below :

(6) Report template design

   1.[ ditto ]-[ end ] combination


   The results are shown in the following figure :


   2.[ The cycle is the same as above ] The way


   The results are shown in the following figure :


(6) stay Excel Set the template in

   Because this software is right Excel Limited operation , So this software is provided in Microsoft Office Excel In the middle of Excel Template editing , Such as inserting charts , Macro operation and other series of operations .

   Operation method : Activate the Excel Templates , Use the [ stay Excel Editor in chief ] Tools , start-up Excel Edit . As shown in the figure below :


   notes : Use in Microsoft Office Excel Edit in Excel Templates , Only after you finish editing and close Excel After procedure , To switch to the operation interface of this software .



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