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Linear programming matlab

2022-07-06 02:50:00 Foreign rookie


One 、 Basic concepts

Two 、 Mathematical form expression of concept

3、 ... and 、 determine w and b

1. Read or input data

2. normalization 、 Standardization

2.1 mean value

2.2 normalization

2.3 Standardization

3. solve w and b

1. Solve the equation directly

2. Least square method (least square method) solve :

4. Evaluating regression models

Four 、regress Linear regression command

1. Adjust the function to solve the equation

2. Plot the original and predicted values

3. Draw residual diagram :

5、 ... and 、matlab color table

6、 ... and 、matlab palette

1、 Common colors RGB value

2、 Functions that generate standard palettes

One 、 Basic concepts

linear (linear):

It refers to the proportion between quantity and quantity 、 In a straight line , Represent regular and smooth motion in space and time , The first derivative is constant

nonlinear (non-linear):

It means not in proportion 、 A non-linear relationship , Represents irregular movement and mutation , The first derivative is not constant .

A linear example :

data : Salary and age (2 Features )

The goal is : Predict how much the bank will lend me ( label )

consider : Both salary and age will affect the final result of bank loans , How much influence do they have respectively ?( Parameters )

Popular explanation

x1,x2 It's our two characteristics ( Age 、 Wages ),y It's how much money the bank will eventually lend us

Find the most suitable line ( Imagine a high dimension ) To best fit our data points

Here comes the mathematical form

Two 、 Mathematical form expression of concept

Given data set

Matrix form of data :

  Linear model (linear model) Try to learn a function to predict through the linear combination of attribute combination , namely

use Vector form It's written in :   

Linear regression (linear regression) Try to learn a linear model to predict the real value output mark as accurately as possible

3、 ... and 、 determine w and b

For discrete attributes

If between attributes There is “ order ” Relationship , It can be converted into continuous values by continuity .

If between attributes non-existent “ order ” Relationship , It's translated into k Dimension vector .

1. Read or input data

matlab No need to import libraries , Direct reference function csvread Read csv Data files

Let's first look at csv Data import

%  Reference function  csvread  Read csv Data files 

data = csvread(' route ',1,0) # From the second line , The first 0 Column read data 

  After reading the data, the sum is X, What is the Y

# matlab from 1 Start counting , As it is 
X = data[:,1:4]  # 1 To 4 List all the data, that is, the actual 1 To 4 Column 
Y = data[:, 6]  #  The first 6 List all the data, that is, the actual number 6 Column 

  Next Let's see what we build matrix How to read data



return :


   Speaking of matrices , By the way

Knowledge about creating matrices

(1) ones() function : All are 1 Matrix ,ones(n): produce n*n The whole of dimension 1 matrix ,ones(m,n): produce m*n The whole of dimension 1 matrix ;
(2) zeros() function : All are 0 Matrix ;
(3) rand() function : Produced in (0,1) Interval uniformly distributed random matrix ;
(4) eye() function : Generate unit matrix ;
(5) randn() function : The average production is 0, The variance of 1 Standard normal distribution random matrix .

2. normalization 、 Standardization

2.1 mean value

# MATLAB Direct reference mean() Function is good 
X_mean = mean(X)
Y_mean = mean(Y)

1. mean: Calculate the vector mean .mean(x,1) Column vector mean ,mean(x,2) Row vector mean .  mean2(x) Matrix mean .

2. std: Calculate the mean square deviation of the vector ,std(x,0,1) Column vector mean square deviation ,std(x,0,2) Mean square deviation of row vector . std2(x) Matrix mean square deviation

3. var: Calculate vector variance ,var(x)

4. sse: The sum of the squares of the errors ,sse(x). The more close to 0, It shows that the better the fitting , The more successful the data prediction .

5. mse: Sum of squares of mean square deviation ,mse(x)=sse(x)/N. It means the same thing sse

6. R-square: Determine the coefficient . The coefficient of determination represents the quality of a fitting through the change of data . From the above expression, we can know “ Determine the coefficient ” The normal value range of is [0 1], The closer the 1, Show that the variables of the equation are y The better the ability to explain , This model fits the data well .

To be sure w and b, First, we should decide whether to normalize or standardize the data according to the situation

2.2 normalization

% normalization 

for X=X
    MappedX = (X-min(X))/(max(X)-min(X))
% Use functions mapminmax
% default map The scope is [-1, 1], So if you need to [0, 1], Then provide parameters in such a format :

MappedData = mapminmax(OriginalData, 0, 1);
%  Normalize by line only , If it's a matrix , Then each row is normalized , If you need to normalize the entire matrix 

FlattenedData = OriginalData(:)'; %  Expand the matrix into a column , Then transpose to one line .
MappedFlattened = mapminmax(FlattenedData, 0, 1); %  normalization .

%  Restore to the original matrix form . There is no need to transpose back here , because reshape It happens to be reordering by column 
MappedData = reshape(MappedFlattened, size(OriginalData)); 

2.3 Standardization

% z-score  Standardization 
%  The new data =( The original data - mean value )/ Standard deviation 
%  After standardization ,X The value range of the element in is a real number .


3. solve w and b

1. Solve the equation directly

N = length(Y);

A = X'*X-(N*X_mean'*X_mean);
C=X'*Y - (N*X_mean'*Y_mean);
B = (A^-1*C).'

2. Least square method (least square method) solve :

Put the data set D To express as a m*(d+1) Matrix of size X, Each line corresponds to an example , Change career d The elements correspond to the... Of the example d Attribute values , It is better to set an element to 1, namely

A=[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9];
B = ones(3,1) % Generate 3 That's ok 1 Column 1 matrix 
% B=[1;1;1];  % Three lines in all , use “;” Separate 
A_column=[A B];
display(A_column);% Output results 

When X^TX Is a full rank matrix (full-rank matrix) Or walking matrix (positive definite matrix) when , Make


w = (X'*X)^-1*X'*Y % The coefficient of the variable 
w0 = Y_mean - X_mean*w % constant 

  among (X^TX)^-l It's a matrix (X^TX) The inverse matrix . Make xi = (xi ,l) , Then the final multiple linear regression model is

YY = X*w+w0 %Y The estimate of 

4. Evaluating regression models

% Sum of squares of deviations 
S = var(Y);
fprintf(' Sum of squares of deviations S=:%d\n',S)
% Sum of regression squares 
U = var(YY);
fprintf(' Sum of regression squares U=:%d\n',U)
% The sum of the remaining squares 
fprintf(' The sum of the remaining squares Q=:%d\n',Q)
% Complex determinate coefficient 
R2 = U/S;
fprintf(' Complex determinate coefficient R2=:%d\n',R2)
% Negative correlation coefficient 
R = sqrt(U/S);
fprintf(' Complex correlation coefficient R=:%d\n',R)
% Regression mean square 
% n= X_mean  The number of 
UU = U/n;
fprintf(' Regression mean square =:%d\n',UU)
% Residual mean square 
% N= Y The number of 
QQ = Q/(N-n-1);
fprintf(' Residual mean square =:%d\n',QQ)
% Residual standard deviation 
s = sqrt(QQ);
fprintf(' Residual standard deviation s=:%d\n',s)
% Equation significance test value 
F = UU/QQ;
fprintf(' Variance significance test value F=:%d\n',F)

Four 、regress Linear regression command

For univariate and multivariate linear regression , It's essentially the least squares method . stay Matlab 2014a in , Input help regress , Will pop up and regress Information about

Invocation format

  • B = regress(Y,X)
  • [B,BINT] = regress(Y,X)
  • [B,BINT,R] = regress(Y,X)
  • [B,BINT,R,RINT] = regress(Y,X)
  • B,BINT,R,RINT,STATS] = regress(Y,X)
  • [...] = regress(Y,X,ALPHA)

Parameter interpretation

  • B: Regression coefficient , It's a vector (“the vector B of regression coefficients in the  linear model Y = X*B”).
  • BINT: Interval estimates of regression coefficients (“a matrix BINT of 95% confidence intervals for B”).
  • R: residual ( “a vector R of residuals”).
  • RINT: confidence interval (“a matrix RINT of intervals that can be used to diagnose outliers”).
  • STATS: Statistics used to test the regression model . Yes 4 A numerical : Determination factor R^2,F Statistics Observations , Tested p Value , Estimation of error variance .
  • ALPHA: Significance level ( Default value if missing 0.05).

1. Adjust the function to solve the equation

%  Equation solving function uses 
[b,bint,r,rint,stats] = regress(Y,X);

2. Plot the original and predicted values

x = 1:1:N;
plot(x,Y,'-*b',x,YY,'-or'); % linear , Color , Mark 

% hold on; % It means to continue painting on the same picture 
% title('x'); % Named title 
% axis([0 1 0 10]) %  Set the coordinate axis in the specified interval 
% xlabel('t'); % name x Axis 
% ylabel('x'); % name y Axis 
% grid on % Show axis gridlines 
% legend('Y','YY'); %* Annotate ,2 What do the lines represent *

3. Draw residual diagram :

figure % create a window 
rcoolot(r,rint) % Draw a residual diagram 

5、 ... and 、matlab color table








Solid line ( Default )


The plus sign




Double line


The hollow circle




Dotted line






Point line


Solid round




The cross sign








The diamond




Top triangle




Lower triangle


Right triangle


Left triangle


Five-pointed star



square Square
pentagram Pentagonal
hexagram hexagon

6、 ... and 、matlab palette

1、 Common colors RGB value


    Color   R   G   B      Color    R   G  B


      black     0   0  1      Magenta    1  0   1

      white     1   1  1      Bluish green    0  1   1

      red     1   0  0      Sky blue 0.67 0   1

      green     0   1  0      Orange    1 0.50

      blue     0   0  1      Crimson   0.5 0  0

      yellow     1   1  0      ash    0.5 0.50.5      


️ Be careful :MATLAB Color intensity of palette [0,1],0 Represents the darkest ,1 Represents the brightest .

2、 Functions that generate standard palettes


    Function name      palette


     Hsv      Color saturation , Start in red , And end in red

     Hot      black - Red - yellow - white

     Cool     Cyan and magenta

     Pink      The color of pink

     Gray      Linear grayscale

     Bone     Grayscale with blue

     Jet      Hsv A deformation of , Start with blue , End in blue

     Copper    Linear copper color

     Prim      prism , Alternating red 、 Orange 、 yellow 、 Green and sky blue

     Flag      Alternating red 、 white 、 Blue and black


By default , Call the above function to generate a 64×3 My palette , The user can also specify the palette size .


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