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Example project: simple hexapod Walker
2022-07-05 15:43:00 【acktomas】
The sample project : Simple six legged Walker
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- 1. introduction
- 2. Materials and tools
- 3. The construction of the
- 4. Hexapod gait sequencing
- 5. Use scripts to avoid obstacles
- 6. Suggested modifications and improvements
- 7. Conclusion and community
1. introduction
Hexapod movement is a simple , Powerful walking system , It is very popular in the animal kingdom and robot lovers . Robot hexapods range from simple single motor toys to toys with 18 Advanced platform of servers or more . This tutorial shows you how to build a very simple autonomous hexapod robot using three servers .2“ The high Hexapod can walk forward and backward , And can turn left and right . Two forward-looking distance sensors provide obstacle avoidance . The brain of a Hexapod is Pololu Micro Maestro, This is a 6 Servo controller , You can read the input in the stored script and play the motion sequence .
Complete documentation about micro Masters , see also 《 Micro master User guide 》.
2. Materials and tools
Parts for building hexapods . notes : The new version of battery is used Maestro Attached connector , Instead of the special connector shown .
Parts list :
Number | Part number | part | note |
1 | 1351 | Bororu micro master part kit | Get the suite version , So that you can weld your own wires , To get the most compact robot . |
3 | 1053 | Submicro actuator 3.7g Universal | These universal steering gears offer the lowest possible cost and weight , But you can replace other steering gear , for example Power HD Submicro actuator HD-1440A, To customize the design . |
2 | 1134 | Borneo carrier and sharp GP2Y0D810Z0F Digital distance sensor 10 centimeter | This is a tiny distance sensor , Have a long enough range , It can save your hexapod from trouble . |
1 | 2251 | The battery pack : 4.8 V, 200 mah | The battery pack will be around 5 V Provide enough power , Power the Hexapod for five to ten minutes . |
3 | – | “ Giant ” paper clip | Used to form the legs of a hexapod . When expanding , These should be 6 Inches long . |
The tools needed :
- Soldering iron and solder
- Hot glue gun
- Wire stripper
- Long nose forceps
- Diagonal cutter
- Some wires for connecting parts
Most of these components can be found in Pololu Website “ Tools ” section . Hot glue guns can be bought in most craft shops , Just a few dollars .
3. The construction of the
step 1: Connect the male connector as a battery connector .
find Maestro Attached 1×10 Pieces of 0.1 Inch male . Break one 1×2 Pieces of , And weld it to BAT and GND On the pin , As shown in the figure . Please note that , The connector is not polarized , Therefore, it must be noted that black The cable is connected to the ground , And put red The wire is connected to BAT Insert the battery .
The connector shown in the figure is from an old version of the battery . The new one will look different , But black and red wires should still be connected to Maestro Same pin on .
Weld the power connector to the mini Maestro.
step 2: Set up Maestro Self reliance .
After disconnecting the battery , Put a wire ( Red ) Connect from the positive pole of the male connector to VIN. Be careful not to short circuit or damage any components on the motherboard . Now? , After inserting the battery , Your Maestro It should be powered on and flashing yellow slowly LED, Indicates that it is waiting to detect the baud rate of serial communication . You will not use serial communication for this project , Therefore, you need to disable baud rate detection in the next step .
The connector shown in the figure is from an old version of the battery . Because you will use the male pin holder that completely covers the hole on the circuit board , Therefore, please weld to the bare part of the pin of the needle base .
miniature Maestro Self powered and battery connectors on .
step 3: verification Maestro And whether the server is working properly .
step 4: The main body is constructed by bonding the steering gear together .
Use a diagonal tool to remove the mounting tabs from all three servers . This project does not require tabs , And may interfere with the movement of the server .
Next , Connect the server with a few drops of hot glue , As shown below . You don't need too much glue to fix them firmly ! Try to align corners accurately , To form a flat surface for mounting other parts .
Try aligning the corners .
Clamp the servo cable , Leave at least 2“( If you have insufficient welding experience , More ). Strip a small amount of wire from the end of each cable .
Cut and peel off the servo lead , Leave about 2“ Line .
step 5: Weld the server and sensor to the micro Maestro On .
This step requires patience and care . Second, hands can be very useful .
Tin the leads of the server with solder , So that they can be connected initially without additional solder . Take a look at the pictures below for reference , take Maestro Put it on the back of your body , And put the middle wire on Maestro In front of , And put it into the channel 1 In my hole . Hold wires in these holes , take Maestro Pull away from the main body , Then touch the soldering iron to each connection , To melt a small amount of solder on the wire and fix them in place . You should now be able to add more solder to each connection , Until the hole is filled and the wire is firmly fixed . Check carefully for loose wires , This may cause a short circuit .
continue , Weld the right rudder to the passage 0, Weld the left steering gear to the channel 2, So that the steering gear is arranged in the same relative position as the port .
Connect the steering gear to the micro Maestro On the port 0、1 and 2.
Digital ranging sensor with fine-tuning carrier .
Use the rotation tool 、 Grinding wheel 、 Cut the sensor board with a diagonal cutter or a jeweler's saw , Remove parts containing unnecessary mounting holes , Make it as small as possible .( Make sure not to cut any traces . Then weld them to the cable , In order to connect them to Maestro. The following example uses 4 Line ribbon cable , Share the power and ground connections of the two sensors . Ribbon cables keep components relatively clean , But you can use any available wire . Look forward in the description , See where the sensor is going , And make sure you have a long enough cable . Consider how to make the wire close to the body , Stay away from legs and servers .
Weld the sensor to the four pin cable .
Weld the sensor power and ground to Maestro Upper +5V And ground , And connect the output of the left and right sensors to the channel 3 and 4. Please note that , We use +5V Not battery voltage , therefore Maestro The channel will never see a higher voltage - Another advantage is that the sensor will be in USB It works under power , Without inserting the battery .
Weld the sensor cable to Maestro On .
Now? , You have complete electrical components . Insert the battery , The sensor should be active , Whenever... Is detected 10 Objects within cm , It turns on red LED. Use Maestro Control Center , You should be able to see the input value from 255( When there is no object ) Change to 40 about ( When an object is detected ) The change of . If LED Always on , You may forget in step 3 Set the port to input .
The first 6 Step : Build the legs .
Unfold the paper clip into a straight line . Pliers will produce ugly dents in metal , So try using your fingers and the edge of the table to do this .
Straighten the paper clip as much as possible .
The wire should be six inches long . To make front and back legs , Please fold two of them into 1.5 Inch part , The angle between the two parts is 90°, As shown below :
The forelegs and hind legs of hexapods . The length of the end segment should be 1.5”.
Fold the third piece into M shape , The length of the part is 1.25“,1.75”,1.75“ and 1.25”, As shown below :
The middle leg of a hexapod . The length of the end segment should be 1.25”.
Heat stick the outrigger to the servo horn . Use right angles in the middle leg , Use cross shaped or round corners on the front and rear legs .
Stick the legs of the Hexapod onto the servo horn .
After connecting the battery power , Keep the steering gear in its neutral position , Put the horn on the steering gear , Keep your legs as close to neutral as possible , As shown in the figure . Fix them in place with the included screws , Hold the outrigger while tightening it , So as not to apply torque to the fragile servo gear . take Maestro Bonded to the back of the steering gear , Flush with the bottom .
Connect the outrigger and Maestro Connect to the server .
** important :** Do not apply torque to the legs by hand , Try to stop them from moving or drive them in the opposite direction . The servo gear is easily broken , So they should only move under their own power . Use Maestro The Control Center tests different positions , Instead of forcing the use of servers .
step 7: Connect the battery and sensor .
Stick the battery to the front of the Hexapod , Flush with the bottom , In order to have as much clearance as possible . Make sure the middle leg has enough space to turn left and right , Without touching the battery . Stick the sensor to the top of the battery , Tilt left and right .
Assembled hexapod , Front view .
Please note that , Wiring does interfere with the movement of the middle leg . You may want to route your route in different ways . Use small drops of hot glue to fix the wires in place as needed .
Assembled hexapod , Top view .
The first 8 Step : finishing touches .
Use Maestro The control center looks for the neutral position ( The outriggers are arranged symmetrically as far as possible ) And its safety minimum and maximum . Set the neutral position to “ go to ” value , And set up Minimum Values and Maximum , So that the Hexapod will never destroy itself . Adjust the angle of the wire , Make all six feet contact the ground in a neutral position , Maybe by bending the front and rear legs to 90° above .
Assembled hexapod , Side view .
The last optional thing you may want to do is add a little hot glue to each foot , In this way, the metal is unlikely to scratch your workbench . Your Hexapod is now ready for programming !
4. Hexapod gait sequencing
Now you have built your hexapod , It's time to let it walk . The method of walking forward with legs is called gait , Animals or robots with many degrees of freedom have a variety of available gait - Humans can walk , Running , Jump or jump ; Horses can walk , Trot , Kanter , Or gallop , wait . Your Hexapod is so simple , So that it has only one possible gait of moving forward , be called Tripod gait .
In the tripod gait , Your hexapod always has three feet in contact with the ground : One side of the front and rear legs and the other side of the middle leg . The angle of the middle steering gear determines which side is up , Which side goes down . It moves forward by pushing these feet back onto the ground , And the other foot moves forward in the air . then , The Hexapod shifts its weight to the other three feet , And move forward in the same way . Constantly move its weight by using the middle leg , Then move the raised foot forward , It goes forward .
Move forward with the master control center
You can use Maestro The sequencer function in the control center can easily assemble motion sequences . Documents about sequencer , see also 《 miniature Maestro User guide 》 The first 4.c section .
Use Maestro Control Center “ state ” The controls on the tab move the Hexapod to each of these four positions , After each position, press “ Save frame ” Button , To save the sequence .
| frame 0 Right front and back , The left middle leg touches the ground |
| :-----------------------------------: | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| frame 1 The downward leg moves backwards , Move your front legs forward | [ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-yOEnxfLk-1657001558632)(https://a.pololu-files.com/picture/0J2124.220.jpg?dfd0a2ed1171f439c8611155e0d1365c)] | [ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-68QjpFXa-1657001558632)(https://a.pololu-files.com/picture/0J2120.200.jpg?78703a6c63ead246330318731d6abbe8)] |
| frame 2 Transfer the weight to another tripod | [ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-K5tnQUm7-1657001558633)(https://a.pololu-files.com/picture/0J2125.220.jpg?bc0742dee89f1c0a71a8340e4f1baddd)] | [ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-ai9QoNKa-1657001558633)(https://a.pololu-files.com/picture/0J2121.200.jpg?e2a54bbc73492672c1e6d1fa80040cd7)] |
| frame 3 Move your legs backward , Move your front legs forward | [ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-Aj5xtgUe-1657001558633)(https://a.pololu-files.com/picture/0J2122.220.jpg?4401a4d78dcd5bbd45be504f095e6fa2)] | [ Failed to transfer the external chain picture , The origin station may have anti-theft chain mechanism , It is suggested to save the pictures and upload them directly (img-nTn1BCjy-1657001558634)(https://a.pololu-files.com/picture/0J2118.200.jpg?d5cc6550d080ad7d3da449ea54b5a912)] |
stay Maestro In the screenshot of the control center , You can see that the server is always at its minimum or maximum , You should configure it to a safe value that will not cause the server to strain . Your number may be slightly different from the number shown here . If you assemble servers in different configurations or connect them to different ports , Well, of course. , Each frame will have different settings .
stay “ Sequence ” On the tab , You should now have saved four frames . choice “ Loop Playback ” And play the sequence to see your six legged walk . Rename the sequence to “ Forward ”, Then go on .
Move forward autonomously
single click “ Copy the sequence to the script ” Button , Convert your sequence to be saved in Maestro Script on . If you are in “ Script ” On the tab, select “ Run the script at startup ” Options and apply settings , Then your hexapod will automatically start walking . You can now associate it with USB disconnect , And allow it to walk by itself .
Reconnect the USB And click “ Stop script ” Or disable “ Run the script at startup ” Option to stop walking .
Backward and turning gait
On the status tab , From 0 Frame restart , But traverse a series of motions in reverse to walk backwards : The first 0 frame 、 The first 3 frame 、 The first 2 frame , And then there's the 1 frame . Save this sequence as “ backward ”, And test whether it moves backward hexapod .
Turning is different . To create a turn sequence , You need to move all your front and rear legs forward or backward together , Instead of moving both sides in the opposite direction . Try it , And save the other two sequences :“ Right ” and “ Left ”, Verify that they turn the Hexapod left and right .
You can now program hexapods to avoid obstacles .
5. Use scripts to avoid obstacles
Micro Maestro With internal scripting language , You can store sequences , Reading sensor , And link all the content together to form intelligent behavior , Make your hexapod truly autonomous . Complete documentation on scripting languages , see also 《 Mini Master User Guide 》 Of the 6 section .
After setting all basic gait , Please erase the script , And then click “ Sequence ” On the tab “ Copy all sequences to the script ” Button . This button adds a set of sub trips , You can use these sub rounds to access various gait from the script .
then , You can call these subroutines from the script . for example
Will cause the Hexapod to step forward repeatedly , Then left , Turn again and again . You may need to consider sensor readings , have access to GET_POSITION Command to access these readings . The following is a very simple program example , The program uses sensor readings to try to avoid objects - Customize it to get the behavior you want !
6. Suggested modifications and improvements
Here are some ideas for improving or modifying the Hexapod design :
- More complex script behavior – Help your hexapod get rid of the jam more reliably .
- More powerful sensor readings . The sample code reads the sensor only once after each sequence - You can do better , And detect obstacles faster ?
- Replace servo system - The whole design can be enlarged .
- power switch , So you don't have to unplug the battery again and again .
- Boost regulation , Through more compact ( lithium ?) The battery achieves consistent power .
- For line tracking or table edge detection QTR sensor .
- Light sensor for seeking light or avoiding darkness .
7. Conclusion and community
Micro Maestro It can act as the brain of a simple hexapod robot .Maestro Three of the six channels of are used for servers , So there are three channels available for sensors , For example, distance sensor , Hexagons can use them to react to the environment .Maestro The scripting function of allows simple behavior and motion sequences to be programmed into the device , Make the Hexapod autonomous .
Have you managed to build a hexapod or something like that ? Please join us Robot Forum , Raise questions , Provide feedback or share your project . We would like to hear your experience , We are glad to see any improvements or changes you have made !
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