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Importing tables from sqoop
2022-07-02 10:31:00 【Lucky lucky】
#------ hdfs -> mysql ------
create table sqp_order(
create_date date,
user_name varchar(20),
total_volume decimal(10,2)
sqoop export \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table sqp_order \
-m 1 \
--export-dir /kb12/hive/orderinfo \
--fields-terminated-by '\t'
# If problems are found in the imported table NOTFINDCALSS
[root@singlelucky ~]# find / -name 'sqp_order.class'
[root@singlelucky ~]# cd /tmp/sqoop-root/compile/
[root@singlelucky compile]# ls
04c79abd0daca46e7a2a116716d2eb1f e24fd4ec30c24475569ee1569d0873a7
[root@singlelucky compile]# vim /etc/profile.d/myenv.sh
[root@singlelucky compile]# cd 04c79abd0daca46e7a2a116716d2eb1f
[root@singlelucky 04c79abd0daca46e7a2a116716d2eb1f]# ls
sqp_order.class sqp_order.jar sqp_order.java
# stay jdk in CLASSPATH Additional sqp_order.jar
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/sqp_order.jar
#------ mysql -> hdfs ------
#– Full import
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table sqp_order \
-m 1 \
--delete-target-dir \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_all \
--fields-terminated-by '\t'
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
# Column cut
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table sqp_order \
--columns user_name,total_volume \
-m 1 \
--delete-target-dir \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_colcut \
--fields-terminated-by '\t' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
# Row and column clipping + Multiple reducer
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table sqp_order \
--columns user_name,total_volume \
--where "total_volume>=200" \
-m 2 \
--split-by user_name \
--delete-target-dir \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_rowcut \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--query "select user_name,total_volume from sqp_order where total_volume>=300 and \$CONDITIONS" \
-m 2 \
--split-by user_name \
--delete-target-dir \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_mgt2 \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
# Incremental import append|merge
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--query "select * from studentinfo where \$CONDITIONS" \
-m 1 \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_incr_append \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n' \
--check-column stuId \
--incremental append \
--last-value 0
insert into studentinfo values
(49,' CAI 1',32,' male ','14568758132',25201,6),
(50,' coke 1',28,' male ','15314381033',23489,7),
(51,' Pang 1',23,' male ','13892411574',25578,2),
(52,' Wu 1',27,' male ','13063638045',22617,4),
(53,' Meng 1',32,' male ','13483741056',26284,2);
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--query "select * from studentinfo where \$CONDITIONS" \
-m 1 \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_incr_append \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n' \
--check-column stuId \
--incremental append \
--last-value 48
# Incremental import lastmodified
create table sqp_incr_time(
incrName varchar(20),
incrTime timestamp
insert into sqp_incr_time(incrName) values('henry'),('pola'),('ariel'),('john'),('mike'),('jerry'),('mary');
insert into sqp_incr_time(incrName,incrTime) values
('jack','2021-06-29 13:21:40.0'),
('rose','2021-06-29 14:21:40.0'),
('xiaoming','2021-06-29 15:21:40.0'),
('anglea','2021-06-29 16:21:40.0'),
('licheng','2021-06-29 17:21:40.0');
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--query "select * from sqp_incr_time where \$CONDITIONS" \
-m 1 \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_incr_lastmodified \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n' \
--check-column incrTime \
--incremental lastmodified \
--merge-key incrTime \
--last-value '2021-06-29 13:21:40.0'
--last-value '0000-00-00 00:00:00'
# Partition form partition import
# Turn on dynamic partitioning : Write the data in one table to multiple partitions of another partition table at one time
create table sqp_partition(
id int,
name varchar(20),
dotime datetime
insert into sqp_partition(id,name,dotime) values
(1,'henry','2021-06-01 12:13:14'),
(2,'pola','2021-06-01 12:55:32'),
(3,'ariel','2021-06-01 13:02:55'),
(4,'rose','2021-06-01 13:22:46'),
(5,'jack','2021-06-01 14:15:12');
insert into sqp_partition(id,name,dotime) values
(6,'henry','2021-06-29 12:13:14'),
(7,'pola','2021-06-29 12:55:32'),
(8,'ariel','2021-06-29 13:02:55'),
(9,'rose','2021-06-29 13:22:46'),
(10,'jack','2021-06-29 14:15:12');
create table sqp_partition(
id int,
name string,
dotime timestamp
partitioned by (dodate date)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile;
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table sqp_partition \
--where "cast(dotime as date)='2021-06-01'" \
-m 1 \
--delete-target-dir \
--target-dir /user/hive/warehouse/kb12.db/sqp_partition/dodate=2021-06-01 \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
alter table sqp_partition add partition(dodate='2021-06-01');
#xshell Script
DATE=`date -d '-1 day' +%F`
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table sqp_partition \
--where "cast(dotime as date)='$DATE'" \
-m 1 \
--delete-target-dir \
--target-dir /user/hive/warehouse/kb12.db/sqp_partition/dodate=$DATE \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
hive -e "alter table test.sqp_partition add partition(dodate='$DATE')"
[root@singlelucky sqoop_job]# vim sq_m2hv_par.sh
[root@singlelucky sqoop_job]# chmod u+x sq_m2hv_par.sh
[root@singlelucky sqoop_job]# ./sq_m2hv_par.sh
#sqoop job
#vim sqoop-site.xml Open the following comment
<description>If true, allow saved passwords in the metastore.
# see job list
sqoop job --list
# Delete job
sqoop job --delete jobname
# see Job Definition
sqoop job --show jobname
# establish job
sqoop job \
--create job_m2hv_par \
-- import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://singlelucky:3306/test \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--query "select * from sqp_incr_time where \$CONDITIONS" \
-m 1 \
--target-dir /kb12/sqoop/m2h_incr_lastmodified \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n' \
--check-column incrTime \
--incremental lastmodified \
--append \
--last-value '2021-06-29 13:21:40.0'
# perform job
sqoop job --exec job_m2hv_par
#------ mysql -> hive --------
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql:// \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table user_info \
-m 1 \
--hive-import \
--hive-table kb12.user_info \
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql:// \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table studentinfo \
--where 'stuId>=50'
-m 1 \
--hive-import \
--hive-table kb12.studentinfo
# Try partition import
create table sqp_user_par(
user_id int,
user_name string,
user_account string,
user_pass string,
user_phone string,
user_gender string,
user_pid string,
user_province string,
user_city string,
user_district string,
user_address string,
user_balance decimal(10,2)
partitioned by (id_rang string)
row format delimited
fields terminated by ','
lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile;
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql:// \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table user_info \
--where "user_id between 1 and 19" \
-m 1 \
--hive-import \
--hive-table kb12.sqp_user_par \
--hive-partition-key id_rang \
--hive-partition-value '1-19' \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql:// \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table user_info \
--where "user_id between $B and $E" \
-m 1 \
--hive-import \
--hive-table kb12.sqp_user_par \
--hive-partition-key id_rang \
--hive-partition-value "$B-$E" \
--fields-terminated-by ',' \
--lines-terminated-by '\n'
#------ mysql -> hbase -------
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql:// \
--username root \
--password kb12kb12 \
--table studentinfo \
--where "stuid between 20 and 38" \
--hbase-table test:studentinfo \
--column-family base \
--hbase-create-table \
--hbase-row-key stuid
mysql+jdbc -> hbase-client ->hbase
java Code java2hbase
java -jar prolog-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar /root/data/flume/ logconf/logger.properties
java -jar java2hbase-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar mysqlToHbaseConfig/datasources.properties
nohup java -jar java2hbase-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar mysqlToHbaseConfig/datasources.properties>/dev/null 2>&1 &
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